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What is the cap for support growth between chapters?


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I'm not talking about on a map (where I believe it is 3 points). I mean support growth via My Castle. My guess is that it is also 3 points (or up to next level of conversation)? But does anyone have any data?

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Just tested this out, and it appears there is no cap. I raised F Corrin and Jakob from nothing up to S support right after getting Jakob in My Castle (Chapter 6) and got them married before starting Chapter 7.

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I assume (but have no hard evidence) that this also applies for growing supports between two non-Avatar characters (via the random events in My Castle)? Let me know if you have any data regarding this.

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I assume (but have no hard evidence) that this also applies for growing supports between two non-Avatar characters (via the random events in My Castle)? Let me know if you have any data regarding this.

I imagine you should be able to raise two units supports via the conversations as much as you want but I don't think there is an easy way to control them like MyRoom abuse. I'm pretty sure the conversations are random. You could possibly use MyCastle battles as well.

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Just tested this out, and it appears there is no cap. I raised F Corrin and Jakob from nothing up to S support right after getting Jakob in My Castle (Chapter 6) and got them married before starting Chapter 7.

The legitimate way to use My Castle by building support points is to wait several days. You can't just do DLC maps or edit some hexes to get My Castle conversations which is probably what you did given that you said you tested it out after only 2 days! It takes days to test it out, so obviously you did something wrong. It would at least take 2 weeks to marry Corrin and Jakob if you had an average of one conversation a day.

A couple months ago, I waited a week (I did not visit anyone or do any DLC maps) to get Hinoka and Corrin from B to A support. I was curious about the mechanics as well. I was on Chapter 13 or something. I got Hinoka from C to B in one conversation in the 13 base. It takes 4 more points for A. I managed to get them around a conversation a day on average, so seven conversations after they got B support. Their level did not increase despite my getting more conversations than needed. Then I did a DLC map, and it worked.

As far as I know, doing DLC maps and visiting other people's castles and battling them would be against the rules of Fates LTCs.

Yeah, there is no cap. I grind to max them all out asap because I need all the edge I can get on lunatic.

Did you use DLC maps/visit other people's castles and battle them? That would explain why it seems there is no cap.

Edited by Horakthi
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Sorry I didn't see this until now because topics move off the front page so quickly on this sub.

The legitimate way to use My Castle by building support points is to wait several days. You can't just do DLC maps or edit some hexes to get My Castle conversations which is probably what you did given that you said you tested it out after only 2 days! It takes days to test it out, so obviously you did something wrong. It would at least take 2 weeks to marry Corrin and Jakob if you had an average of one conversation a day.

I just changed the clock time on my computer since I'm running this in Citra.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bumping this again because I suspect that the Avatar/Jakob (and maybe some other people's) support growth is unique in being able to ascend multiple levels in one chapter (without visiting any battles, etc.) When I was raising Jakob x Avatar, after gaining a support level I found that more hearts would appear when I started visiting him again in the castle.

However, when trying the same thing with Silas and Beruka later, I find that I still get a screen with a single filled heart, which leads me to believe that their support growth is not increased upon further visits. This also throws into question whether or not it is possible to raise the support levels between two-non Avatar units an unlimited amount between a single chapter (without using DLC maps/My Castle battles, of course).

I'll try looking into this further and let you guys know what happens.

Never mind, I was just being dumb, you can infinite grind supports with anyone in My Castle.

Edited by ruadath
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After spending the last 5 (or however many) hours constantly and painfully resetting the clock, I was able to raise Niles and Odin from no support (maybe 1 support point or something) up to B support without doing any maps in between, which suggests that there is no cap on support growth from the My Castle events, at least for "fast" supports. I'll have to wait until one of the "slow" supports to develop a bit further before I can declare that this works in general for all non-Avatar supports.

EDIT: I just developed Silas x Elise to B (from nothing), so therefore I suppose we can conclude that this method works for all non-avatar supports.

Edited by ruadath
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