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Fire Emblem - Realm of the Dead


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So I've been on these forums for a while, and hacks have probably been my favorite thing about it. Especially as someone whom wants to be a game designer in the future, hacks always amused me. So I decided to take a crack at making my own, starting with absolutely no knowledge what-so-ever. Anyway, onto hack details.

So first, I'll start with a basic plot summary, don't want to say to much as I don't want to spoil anything.

[spoiler] In the kingdom of Haven, it was a nice and normal day....until the monsters showed up. These monsters were walking corpses,'living dead' (ya, ya, I know, so unoriginal, well deal with it) if you will, and they started ravishing villages and destroying towns. But Haven was not enough for them, they started to move towards the allied nation of Mycen. So the king of Haven sent out a messenger to warn the kingdom of Mycen. and that is where the story will start. [/spoiler]

This part of the story however, is just the Lyn Mode, the real story takes play 10 years after this story, but we will get into that later. I still need to make all the levels for this Lyn Mode before I start with that, so I'll leave this brief start of the story here for now. Anyway, more details.

So I am hoping to have a first beta out by Wednesday night (as I have Tuesday and Wednesday off work so I can focus my full attention on the hack), so look forward to that. I'm not gonna post any screen shots or anything yet as I have no sprite work done yet so I want to get that done fist.

Speaking of sprite work. I could really use someone to do sprite for me if anyone wants to, and also probably someone to help map maybe, as my mapping skills kinda suck (especially drawing roads...)

Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that this hack is a thing, and that I hopefully will have a beta soon, so ya, that's about it I guess. Till next time!

Edited by StrykerZ
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  • 2 months later...

So It's been a couple months, and because of some unfortunate circumstnaces with my computer I haven't had a working one since mine broke down (Luckily my data was backed up) Now that I have one again I will continue to resume working on this mod. Expect screenshots soon and hopefully a patch within a week or 2 ish.

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