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Corrin Miiverse drawing


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Hey everyone. This is my first post here and I don't even know if this is where I'm supposed to put this lol.

Just wanted to share a drawing I did on Nintendo's social media (?) forum thing, Miiverse. It's basically where you can talk about games and make scribbles. Hope ya like it!

By the way, if you want to see it on the Miiverse website, go to my Miiverse page - https://miiverse.nintendo.net/posts/AYQHAAABAAAtVHhqp_AghQ

Thanks :)


Edited by Thegreenpixel
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Whoa, that's pretty cool! I've never understood how people are able to draw such finely-detailed drawings on the touchscreens of the 3DS or the Wii U Game Pad, but I'd imagine it's a lot easier if you're already versed in digital art.

Still, though, this is rad!

Edited by Topaz Light
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Whoa, that's pretty cool! I've never understood how people are able to draw such finely-detailed drawings on the touchscreens of the 3DS or the Wii U Game Pad, but I'd imagine it's a lot easier if you're already versed in digital art.

Still, though, this is rad!

Thanks Topaz!

Actually, this is basically my first attempt at digital art, not counting sprites. But if you think It's good I must be doing something right! :)

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