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new hack idea

ksajdi designs

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Hello guys!

I am planning to make a fire emblem hack..

what I kind of have is just a story for now....

I will write the story and if you decide to help me out

It will be awesome...the story begins with a mother running

and she has 2 young kids ( twins )...one of them she trusted to a mage warrior...a legend a hero that was known to be the strongest of man kind (a rumor says that he descended from heaven....and the other one she has it with her.....but she is being chased and a scene shows her drop and killed by somebody who is looking to perish the world.....the baby gets stolen by a shadow.....and than the story begins with the guy who was with the hero mage...he learned his techniques and learned the truth of his family being killed....than he sees the world and half of the world is perished....just darkness and nothing lives there except the enormous army of the king who wants to put an end to everything.....and the guy decide to fight....other kingdoms were coming together to make a stand...the guy becomes the leader of all the allied army.....and they fall......and they retreat...when they were about to get crushed the other guy comes from the darkness with a large shadow warriors and save his brother and all the others....than they decide to end it...and once again they face the king....both of the brothers had a medallion bracelet in their different arms...one in the left and the other right...and those get activate....

both brothers get combined into one and this is the last chapter where they put an and to it...and just disappear......so roughly this is gonna be the main story....now for every one who decided to help..they will have there own character and there own side story as long as its awesome and fits with the main story....thanks for reading so far

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I read your entire post. It is an awesome idea and I think I can contribute. I especially like the part about the brothers combining into a a single, super brother.


This is my character Bejita, you can use him if you want. Bejita is an ancient alien form the planet Bejita (he was named aft erthe planet) because he is the last of his planet so he built a pyramid to send a message to his comrades (pyramids are an alien symbol, look it up). His class is Prince (not like the singer, (Rest In Peace)) and it is like a mercanary but he can use magic too. He has a dark secret and knows that magic is actually just alien physic powers but humans call it magic because they havne't unlocked its whole potential yet. He travels around the planet looking for more pyramids because they might hold messages from his people. He evolves into an UltraPrince, which is like a hero but uses magic and can shoot lightning too. BEjita finds the hero mage and sees that he is a strong wizard so he joins him to learn his moves, but you can support with him too and learn his tragic story. He was actually the last of his planet and searching for his people (who were trapped in a pyramid like the ones I talked about earlier). He hopes he will find the secrets of how to bring his planet back in the pyramids but also searches for ultimint power. His people were actually an aincent civilization who unlocked the secret of magic, so he knows that magic is actually an alien physic power. Bejita seems bloodthirsty and evil but you find out he actually wants to save the humans from suffering the same fate as his people(this ties into the hero mage story because the king killed his people.). Bejita knows that the mad king will stop at nothing to destroy the universe after he is finished with this world, so he looks for pyraminds to unlock the secret to stop the evil king. You recruit him in a side quest where you find a pyramid and Bejita is looking for pyramids (a worldwide symbol for aliens, it means aliens are wherever there are lots of pyramids). He challange the main character to a contest of power and there are 50 aliens (but these aliens are from another planet) that followed Bejita and if you beat all of them he joins you. The main character asks why can aliens use magic and Bejina (Bejina is the brother of Bejita who is actually a soul trappde in a crystal because he died on Planet Bejita) exclaims that what you humans know as magic Is really the alien physical powers but, they dont' beleive him. Later you get another side quest where Bejina betrades you and you have to kill him. the crystal breaks into 100 pieces and Bejita swallows one of them so he will always remember his brother. This is a very sad part of the game and I think it will add a lot of pathos to your plot. After that you get an alien magic book which came out of the crystal (th ecrystal is shaped like a pyramid because of the aliens) and the book is called Final Flash, it is shaped like a pyramind too even though it is a book. It is very strong (it does 9000 damage to all enemys) and anyone can use it, but if anyone but Bejita uses it they will die afterward because the power is too much for their body to handle. It turns out that Plane tBejita was destoryed by the Final Flash when Bejina used it because he was jealous of Bejita's power. You eventually get a flashback to the destroying of Planet Bejita and Bejita says "I WILL FIND THE STRONGEST MAGE ON PLANET EARTH" (the main character)" AND KILL HIM!" the main characters explain to Bejita that they had nothing to do with it but Bejita has seeds of doubt inside him. You can save Bejita if you talk to him 10 times or you can just kill him. He has a special boss fight conversation with the final boss where he finds out that the king actually destroyed Planet Beijta and fooled Bejita into thinking it was Bejina. Bejita screams and his hair turns blue (I dont'know if this is possible with GBA graphics but I think someone can program it) and he swears revenge for Bejina. HE pukes up the piece of crystal he swallowed and tries to use it to stab him to death. After you beat the game Bejita dissapears without a trace, and everyone thinks he went to find more pyramids (to send a message to his people) but the main character thinks that he actually went back to the ruins of Planet Bejita to rebuild it. 3 years later the main charater is walking in a field and he find a piece of Bejina's crystal. He sees Bejina's face in it and Bejina says "we will come back one day." The main character knows in his heart that Bejina is teeling the truth so he throws the Final Flash book in the ocean so noone else can find it and use it for evil. He decides to build a pyramid and starts to nock down the castle and use the bricks to build a pyramind to find Bejita (the main character found out that pyramids are a symbol of aliens because Bejina told him how aliens communicate with pyramids around the universe). HE stabs Bejina's crystal (which is shaped like a sword) into the top brick of the pyramid and looks up at the sky and the sky is a blood red crimson colour as the sun sets. The screen says "TO BE CONTINUED.........................................." and this is when the sequel starts.

Edited by Alusq
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Bejita screams and his hair turns blue (I dont'know if this is possible with GBA graphics but I think someone can program it) and he swears revenge for Bejina.

I gotchu fam.

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