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What are the Optimal Marriages?


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I have made a list of what I believe to be the optimal marriages and classes for the 3rd routes of Fates. Feel free to give advice and tell me what's wrong regarding the classes and marriages listed.

Corrin(Hoshido/Nohr Noble) Velouria(Wolfssenger)= Kana (Nohr Noble)

Saizo(Master Ninja) Sakura(Falcon Knight)= Asugi (Master Ninja/Dread Fighter)

Subaki (Swordmaster) Hinoka(Falcon Knight)= Caeldori (Falcon Knight)

Hinata(Swordmaster) Hana(Swordmaster)= Hisame (Swordmaster)

Laslow (Hero) Selena (Hero)= Soleil (Paladin/Hero)

Xander (Paladin) Azura (Songstress)= Siegbert (Paladin)

Benny (General) Effie (General)= Ignatius (Berserker)

Leo (Dark Knight) Nyx (Sorcerer)= Forrest(Strategist)

Odin(Dark Knight) Elise (Strategist)= Ophelia(Dark Falcon)

Hayato(Basara) Orochi(Dark Falcon)= Rhajat(Witch)

Arthur(Berserker) Charlotte(Berserker)= Percy (Malig Knight/Berserker)

Keaton(Wolfssenger) Mozu(Great Lord)= Velouria(Wolfssenger)

Kaden(Ninetales) Rinkah(Blacksmith)= Selkie(Ninetales)

Niles(Sniper) Setsuna(Sniper)= Nina(Bow Knight/Kinshi Knight)

Jakob(Butler) Felicia(Maid)= Dwyer(Butler)

Ryoma(Swordmaster) Kagero(Master Ninja)= Shiro(Swordmaster/Spear Master)

Takumi(Sniper) Camilla(Berseker/Malig Knight)= Kiragi (Sniper)

Azama(Great Master) Beruka(Malig Knight)= Mitama(Priestess)
Kaze(Dread Fighter) Oboro(Basara)= Midori(Merchant)

Silas(Paladin) Peri(Paladin)= Sophie(Paladin)

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Below advice assumes skill-buying is not used.

1. Corrin pairings depend on boon/bane. What did you use?

2. It will be a good Asugi, but Leo and Forrest might want to get Tomefaire.

3. Subaki x Hinoka is a personal favorite of mine out of bias for the redhead royal Caeldori, but I do think that there are better pairings out there. Swordmaster x Falcon Knight isn't that great synergy; Hinoka would want more STR/DEF. Tusbaki does like shoring up his SPD, though.

4. Hinata x Hana does let Hana get Lancebreaker to offset her lance vulnerabilities, although I think this is more of a main-game type of pairing.

5. Laslow x Selena really isn't a very good pairing (its not particularly awful either…. its just bland and mediocre). I'm still guilty of running it anyways because I like them together.

6. I wouldn't do Xander x Azura myself…. he really wants a pair-up bot to help fix his speed…. although Warding Blow would be nice for dealing with his magic weaknesses.

7. I myself would go with Wary Fighters, Benny x Beruka.

8. I prefer Leo x Sakura, lets the whole family get Tomefaire, and Leo isn't very interested in Outlaw with Nyx.

9. I do Odin x Elise too; no complaints here.

10. Hayato x Orochi is a good pairing; huge magic for Rhajat, helps fix her awful skill (although at the cost of speed, as a trade-off). I myself normally use Nyx here.

11. I think Arthur x Charlotte is a bit of a waste…. Percy already gets Berserker from Fighter, and he'd be getting Troubadour from Charlotte (so would Arthur). Charlotte faires a bit better, as she'd get Great Knight's Luna access. I myself normally give Charlotte to Xander.

12. Not sure if I've seen a Keaton x Mozu pairing proposed before…. seems a bit odd, although Spendthrift + Life and Death could stack really high. Not what I'd have done myself.

13. I don't think Kaden x Rinkah is a good idea. Selkie already has pretty weak STR growth and this would hurt it even more, plus Selkie is weak at DEF and strong at RES; Rinkah is kind of the opposite.

14. Niles x Setsuna - this is a great idea; I do it myself and its awesome.

15. Jakob x Felicia is going to be a pretty weak pairing; Felicia's 10% STR personal growth and weak STR mods means she isn't really going to use Jakob's classes, and she hurts Dwyer's STR pretty badly and only has middling magic.

16. Ryoma x Kagero is pretty fine; Kagero helps improve the mobility of Ryoma, as one of his drawbacks as a Swordmaster is that he only gets 6 move (mounted units get 8). Bringing him to 7 helps with moving Rajinto around better while keeping Swordmaster. Nice STR for Shiro too, as he's naturally high in STR anyways.

17. Camilla has really high stat growths and strong mods that are beneficial to a wide spectrum of children, so a Camilla!Kiragi is going to be fine just because Camilla is his mom. I don't think Takumi gains that much from Camilla realistically and I'm not sure if Kiragi really wants her for anything but her good stats, but if you want to run a Berserker Camilla (A+ with Beruka, as Camilla doesn't have it on her own) then sure, Sniper for Certain Blow could really let her abuse Great Club.

18. Azama x Beruka seems pretty random and doesn't really seem to be leveraging much in the way of their strengths.

19. Kaze x Oboro - It will turn out okay; Oboro is a mom who basically makes most children decent, although her stats aren't as crazy good as Camilla's are. So Oboro will probably work out fine for Midori just because its Oboro, but I don't see her doing anything special for her either.

20. Silas x Peri should work out fine; Peri gets Mercenary/Hero/Bow Knight; Silas and Sophie get Dark Mage, which can still use swords when promoted to Dark Knight, which offers them Heartseeker for improved accuracy. Peri is fast like Sophie and will give her good STR growths from the maternal side.

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Thank for the advice! skill buying is being used btw


Hayato Nyx

Xander Charlotte

Leo Sakura

Benny Beruka

who i need to figure out





My boon is strength and bane is def

Do you agree with Shiro being a swordmaster?


The only reason I ran Kaden x Rinkah is because Rinkah got replicate

Edited by divine_yato
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laslow x selena is an ok pairing gives laslow that speed that he needs, and selena balances out any bad stats laslow gives soleil. soleil really likes a good, tanky and heavy hitting class. if not, marrying laslow to hana apparently makes a nice swordmaster soleil, but that's what i've heard.

kaden x hinoka is a nice mix that i've tried gives you a faster selkie that can avoid a lot, which is good because her hp is pretty low usually. selkie's a wildcard, really, since most people use velouria a lot instead of her.

jakob either wants a magic or strength based wife, honestly? dwyer is able to go either way, so either orochi or effie would be a good mom for him, depending on what you want for him.

shiro as a swordmaster isn't too good, as him being a spear master is better for him strength wise. shiro doesn't really need to be even faster than he is from kagero's spd. mozu!caeldori makes a way better swordmaster, btw.

Edited by iceblocked
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