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Pairings advice

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Hi guys.

There has been a problem with the Limited Editions for the Milan area, so I don't own my Fates copy just yet. Still, I'd like you people (who are most probably more expert than me at this) to rate my pairings.

These pairings won't be for a first playthrough, but for Lunatic.

I don't plan on getting every child in Conquest Lunatic anyway so:


Dread Fighter!Lord (+Str, -Def, Lancer talent) x Felicia (prolly either Hero or Bow Knight, pair-up bot)

Kaze (should I use him?) x Azura

Silas x Selena

Xander x Mozu/Charlotte (I will certainly do Charlotte on Normal Conquest, but I want to use Mozu...)

Leo x Nyx

Keaton x Camilla

Arthur x Effie

Odin (should I use him? He is there mostly to have all the royals married) x Elise

Kana will inherit Seal Defense from Lord and Sol from Felicia (maybe?)

Shigure will get Poison Strike/Lethality from Kaze (depending on whether or not I use him) and Foreign Princess from Azura

Midori will get the same things as her brother

Siegbert will get Aegis from his father (gonna make him a Great Knight) and Aptitude from Mozu or HP +5 from Charlotte

Forrest will get Lifetaker/Magic Seal from Leo and Heartseeker from Nyx (or Vengeance if I train her up enough)

Velouria will get something from Keaton (maybe a Fighter skill?) and Savage Blow from Camilla

Ophelia (if I get her) will get Magic Seal from Odin and Inspiration or Demoiselle from Elise

Sophie will get Luna from Silas (gonna make her a Paladin) and Sol from Selena


Dark Flier!Lyla (+Spd, -Def, Oni Savage talent) x someone (magical, possibly)

Jakob x Azura

Silas x Rinkah

Kaze x Orochi

Ryoma x Mozu

Takumi x Oboro

Saizo x Sakura

Kaden x Hana

Hinata x Setsuna

Azama x Kagero

Subaki x Hinoka

Hayato x Felicia

I'm mostly uncertain on the Birthright ones. I know that I'm going to use in my main team the Avatar, her husband/wife (if it's Rhajat), the royals and their husbands/wives, plus a couple more units like Silas.

Please leave some feedback. Thanks!

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Your Conquest pairings are fine, and yes, Odin is viable in that route, though I would just use Ophelia, Elise, Leo and Forrest as your magic units.

As for Birthright, the only true magical dad is Hayato. Saizou can work well as a mage, though I am unsure of the stats he gives out in pair up.

I would actually switch around the Silas, Ryouma and Takumi pairings. Give Mozu to Silas, Oboro to Ryouma and Rinkah to Takumi. Mozu gives Sophie a nice and even stat line up, Oboro makes for a murder Shiro and unlike with Takumi she won't screw Ryouma out of a marriage class (Takumi doesn't get anything from her). Rinkah is not only a great pair up option for Takumi (dat +Spd), but she also gives him access to Death Blow and Kiragi makes up for his relative lack of strength through the increased might inherent to yumis.

The rest is mostly fine, except for Orochi and Setsuna, but unless you plan to use either Hisame or Midori, it's not a big loss.

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Yeah, your Conquest pairing are fine.

For the Birthright pairings...this might help you out. https://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com

Kaze x Orochi

This is the only one that made me do a double-take. Orochi is much better used for a kid who wants magic, which Midori doesn't. Imo, Orochi is fine with Saizo, since that MAG is Asugi's only saving grace. Lol. Or maybe Rhajat, but it'll make her slow (Orochi makes everyone slow).

You can bench Kaze and Midori if you'd like (I wouldn't because of shurikens lol), but yeah I personally think Orochi is a waste there.

I'm liking that Azura x Jakob. Very nice. My Shigure was very good. I benched Jakob and Azura never attacks so pair up is null here.

As for another royal, my Sophie with Hinoka as mom was pretty godly. Hinoka and Silas also give each other nice pair up bonuses. I used them all the way through the end together.

Just my opinion. It's hard to say because it all depends on what's most important to you and what you end up needing for your playthrough. For example, there's no reason to marry two units for the pair-up bonuses if you're only going to use one and never the other. Lol. Also, passing down skills doesn't matter because you can just buy them at someone else's castle. Passing down classes is pretty important, though.

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Yeah I used the inheritance planner to decide on my first playthroughs of each route's pairings.

I decided to go Orochi!Midori because of the negative Str mod Kaze passes down and I didn't want to do a other Mozu!Midori. Btw I hate Jakob so my only reason to field him would be ferrying Azura around.

Plus, what about Lyla (Avatar) marrying Saizo and giving Sakura to Hayato and Felicia to Kaze (she could use Shurikenfaire for her Flame Shurikens)

Edited by Goddess Serra
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Any suggestions for Lunatic Rev? I'd like to avoid the pairings I'm already doing on Normal, which are:

Lord (+Mag, -Def M! Corrin, Ninja) x Elise! Ophelia (Nyx! Ophelia is better mod-wise, but it's because of the hair color)

Jakob x Peri

Kaze x Mozu

Silas x Selena

Ryoma x Kagero

Takumi x Hana

Saizo x Orochi

Azama x Setsuna

Hinata x Rinkah

Subaki x Oboro

Kaden x Charlotte

Hayato x Nyx

Xander x Hinoka

Leo x Sakura

Laslow x Azura

Niles x Felicia

Odin x Elise (obviously)

Arthur x Effie

Keaton x Camilla

Benny x Beruka

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Azama x Effie nets you a really, really good Mitama if you wanted. If not then Azama x Hana is apparently good and gets Azama an alternative physical based class.

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Why Silas X Selena? There are better pairings for both, for instance Hinoka, Hana or Onoro X Silas, or Selena X Jakob, Benny or Xander, maybe Subaki for extra dialogue, so Xander X Selena and Hinoka X Silas, or Tsubaki X Selena and Oboro X Silas

Also yeah for revelations switching Arthur X Setsuna and Azama X Effie works well.

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Skip Selena x Tsubaki. It's not worth it just for extra dialogue.

And Selena x Silas is actually a pretty decent pairing if they wanna do it a lot.

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