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Pairings for Birthright!


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My so called friend deleted my data on my 3DS so I had to start Birthright over again. There went 70 hours down the drain. :( Now decided to give all the kids a shot including Dwyer. So here are some pairings I am thinking about:

Corrin x Scarlet/ Anna

Ryoma x Kagero

Sabuki x Sakura (mainly because I want Caeldori with the Dragon Vein)

Silas x Hinoka

Takumi x Oboro

Hayato x Orochi

Kaze x Mozu

Hinata x Hana

Kaden x Setsuna

So that leaves the other men:




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My pairings were:

Corrin x Asugi - Didn't use Kana that much

Ryoma x Mozu - Shiro got himself killed before ryoma could reach him

Subaki x Orochi - Both of these units got benched quickly. Caeldori was amazing however

Silas x Hana - Cute pairing, Sophie became ok

Takumi x Kagero - Kiragi looks good with brown hair

Hayato x Oboro - Rhajat became the best thing ever

Kaze x Rinkah - Just a nice pairing

Sakura x Kaden - I'm also planning to pair Elise and Keaton

Hinata x Setsuna - Benched characters

Jakob x Felicia - Dwyer looking good!

Azama x Hinoka - Just lol. Mitama looks good with red hair

Saizo x Azura - Surprisingly good pairing for Asugi

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Maybe Saizou x Felicia can work, since I hear Asugi can use magic fine and Saizo too, so, magic boost with Felicia can be useful

Azama x Rinkah can be a thing since you didn't have her with anyone else in your list, Mitama looks good with white hair and she have acces to another class that use both magic and strengh, I did this one too in my file

Jacob x Azura are left, I hear the supports are fine, but I don't know more about the pairing when talking about stats

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You paired Subaki with Sakura, Takumi with Oboro, AND Hinata with Hana? Finally, some good taste~

As for the leftovers, are you pairing up people for stats/optimization? If so, Azura would work the best with Jakob. In my second Birthright playthough Dwyer and Shigure were absolute beasts. Felicia seems to be the only one who doesn't damage Mitama's modifiers, so that could work (plus a nice support and pink-haired Mitama? why not), but Rinkah also works. As for Saizo... I'm not sure about Asugi. He's fine with both strength and magic from what I've seen, so I guess it depends on what you want out of him.

EDIT: For your question, Jakob would be fine with Rinkah, as Dwyer is more physical. She may be able to fix the low defense growths if you decide to reclass Dwyer as a butler.

Edited by CureRainbow
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I paired Sazio with Felicia, Azama with Orochi and I play on pairing Jakob with Setsuna. I heard Setsuna is a pretty crap mother but she all the good ones were taken since Jakob arrives so late if your avatar is male.

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I paired Sazio with Felicia, Azama with Orochi and I play on pairing Jakob with Setsuna. I heard Setsuna is a pretty crap mother but she all the good ones were taken since Jakob arrives so late if your avatar is male.

Setsuna is good with Selkie.

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You paired Subaki with Sakura, Takumi with Oboro, AND Hinata with Hana? Finally, some good taste~

As for the leftovers, are you pairing up people for stats/optimization? If so, Azura would work the best with Jakob. In my second Birthright playthough Dwyer and Shigure were absolute beasts. Felicia seems to be the only one who doesn't damage Mitama's modifiers, so that could work (plus a nice support and pink-haired Mitama? why not), but Rinkah also works. As for Saizo... I'm not sure about Asugi. He's fine with both strength and magic from what I've seen, so I guess it depends on what you want out of him.

EDIT: For your question, Jakob would be fine with Rinkah, as Dwyer is more physical. She may be able to fix the low defense growths if you decide to reclass Dwyer as a butler.

I'm mainly doing Sakura x Sabuki for that Dark Falcon. Plus I can give Caeldori Bowbreaker and Tomefaire.

I love Mitama. I use her as my extra Sakura because I use her as a Priestess and an Onmyouji.

I'm probably mainly going to use Shigure or Dwyer as a Rally-bot.

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I'm mainly doing Sakura x Sabuki for that Dark Falcon. Plus I can give Caeldori Bowbreaker and Tomefaire.

I love Mitama. I use her as my extra Sakura because I use her as a Priestess and an Onmyouji.

I'm probably mainly going to use Shigure or Dwyer as a Rally-bot.

Mitama is much better as a physical unit. As a mage she is only average at best, but she makes for the deadliest Berserker.

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Felicia's mods are magical, not physical.

Saizo - Can actually pull of something with Felicia (namely, Flame Shuriken Asugi).

Azama - I'd just shove Rinkah his way because Spendthrift + Death Blow KIND OF hurts. Have Mitama marry Hisame for Life or Death and access to a crit class.

Jakob - That leaves him with Azura. And that's perfectly okay, because it's a good support, convo-wise, and Shigure gets Rally Defense.

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I'm actually going with these for my pairings:

Corrin x Oboro

Takumi x Azura

Ryoma x Kagero

Hinoka x Silas

Sakura x Subaki

Kaden x Setsuna

Hinata x Hana

Azama x Rinkah (aww poor Rinkah)

Kaze x Mozu

Saizo x Felicia

Hayato x Orochi (I care about Caeldori more, so she got Sakura has her mom; plus the dragon vein and Sakura's color hair)

If you noticed Jakob is not listed. I really don't care about Dwyer too much. And I really didn't want to marry Anna, Scarlet, Reina, or any of the kids. So that kinda left Jakob a lonely soul. But in a way he did get married. He got married to the Chef's Hat and stuck in the Mess Hall. LOL. :D

I even thought about switching the Kaden x Setsuna and the Hinata x Hana pairings around.

Edited by MeddlingMage
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If you want Stupid Fast Selkie, then Setsuna's your lady. Otherwise, I'd swap Setsuna and Hana, because Setsuna doesn't mind Samurai, while Hisame doesn't really care for the Monk line.

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If you want Stupid Fast Selkie, then Setsuna's your lady. Otherwise, I'd swap Setsuna and Hana, because Setsuna doesn't mind Samurai, while Hisame doesn't really care for the Monk line.

Always go stupid fast Selkie, always.

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  • 1 year later...

Birthright: children?

Avatar (boon: speed Bane:Magic Talent: Samurai) X Silas

Ryoma X Kagero

Subaki X Hinoka

Takumi X ?

Hayato X Sakura?

Kaze X Mozu

Saizo X Orochi?

Kaden X ?

Hinata X ?

Azame X ?

Jakob X Rinkah?






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