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So...after having used the site for a while for help and information, (the growth rate charts are a HUGE help) I've decided to finally get an account here. As far as my own info goes, I'm a college student and that's all I'm going to say right now. I'm not new to the Fire Emblem series, having played in the last few years every single one since Fire Emblem GBA/Blazing Sword/Rekka no Ken/FE7, however you like to call it. That includes New Mystery! So far, FE7 been my favorite one and has gotten me interested in the franchise since.

Currently, I'm on my first Revelations playthrough trying to get all characters (besides maybe Dwyer) with no real experience gained from Free Battles (ie: Only Bottemless Canyon N. allowed) or DLC (except Anna's recruitment one). ...This is leaving me with pretty much no cash left thanks to Master Seal purchases, but oh well.

Anyway, enough of that. It's nice to meet you all (as much as that could this way...) and I look forward to being part of the community!

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Blazing Sword's a good game, isn't it? It's probably my second or third favorite of the series. No good at ranking things...

Greetings, Konnichiwa, Zdravo, etc. Welcome to the forest and good luck in your college life!

Edited by Power Master
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Thanks a lot!

And it is great! Seriously though about the rankings, I can get a good rank at everything but Tactics. It's annoying how hard it is to get that combined with the rest!

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The rankings take a big drop when you lose people, which effects the Tactics. I think it also keeps track of how many times you've reset when you lose a player? By that I mean, it records internally when a character dies and counts it as a "loss" for the character during the ending sequence. So... just don't lose people, I guess.

Also, I meant my personal ranking system, but okay :):

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