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General Photography Thread


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One thing I noticed we don't have a lot of on these forums is more general picture-taking. This doesn't surprise me due to the nature of our hobby (natural light), but let's see how many of us have some good photos of non-video game stuff anyways. I'll start it off with a collection of pictures I took during spring. By the way these pictures came out big when I imported them so think before you hit that spoiler tag if your on mobile.

[spoiler=Early Spring Trees]13015446_559797240847211_852542142507681

Took this on a rainy day while walking to my driveway.

[spoiler=Cherry Blossoms]13165989_564568043703464_26131430691765113165989_564568100370125_10381032888062413076927_564568150370120_35404071016459713164265_564568213703447_612531584226050

Taken on the grounds of my local church (quite appropriate!).

[spoiler=Bird's Nest]13327361_577840805709521_855543990677529

Found this with some friends underneath a back porch.

[spoiler=Pretty Bush]13346730_577840829042852_48232856590650713335798_577840855709516_495900373422499

A good looking bush I found on vacation.

So yeah, my best photos of spring 2016. Let me know what you think of 'em and throw your pics on here too! I'd love to see what sights you found as well. Later all!

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I'd say a good 90% of the pictures I take nowadays are of my son, but your photo reminded me of a picture I had of a robin nest.

[spoiler=Robin chicks]ZUxKLGw.jpg?1

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