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Yes because that's when they are holding Offspring Seals (A master seal for children). Saves up the master seals in the rod shop before you can upgrade it at chapter 20.

All my other characters have been Master Sealed already.

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IMO, no. A good deal of them, notably Shiro and Selkie, get torturous after chapter 18.

Edited by Levant Mir Celestia
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I would not recommend going into Shiro's blind because the wrong expectations can make it seem very hard, but pack 1 rescue staff if you have a very buff falco and 2 if you have only a staffbot level falco and just rescue chain him. You can do this chapter without rescue, but it takes significantly more prepwork and fair bit more specific builds (galeforce or shelterdance, take your pick)

Not really much is impossible late. I found most BR paralogues, just like BR chapters, pretty easy. Even Siegbert on Conquest Lunatic is not impossible late with enough knowledge of the map and a lot of patience. Ignatius is the only one I really go WTF about.

I like to do children paralogues after chapter 20 because it's a free access to their level 5 promoted skill before you reclass them to wherever. For example, I can use the Offspring Seal to promote Shiro to 20/6 Basara for Rend Heaven, but since Shiro's pretty bad at magic bar like, Elise mom (Rev only) or Orochi mom (not recommended; it nukes his speed and he only gets half Orochi's mag anyway) it's better for his stats to go into Spear Fighter afterwards. Also Offspring Seal will autolevel their weapon ranks, making them more viable in any secondary weapon ranks that the first gen normally wouldn't be -- e.g. Hinata into Master of Arms would have E/E in Lance and Axe, making them basically useless if you do go MoA for him for whatever reasons, but if you Offspring Seal Hisame directly into it, they can be autolevelled to actually usable ranks especially for mid-lategame standards.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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