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Best boon/bane combo for Bow Knight?


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Apologies if this isn't the right place for this topic but as I really like the bow knight class I was wanting to do a Birthright playthrough with my avatar as one, only to then realize that Mag+/Lck- might not be the best setup for boon and bane which has always been my default (haven't kept an avatar as anything other than Hoshido/Nohr Noble yet).

Does anyone have any suggestions for what would work best for my avatar in terms of boon and bane?

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+MAG/-LCK isn't bad if you intend to main Levin Swords or Shining Bows and don't plan on doing much grinding.

There's also +STR/-LCK and +SPD/-LCK which are also not bad if you don't intend to grind.

If you do grind and want maximum offense, you can replace -LCK with -DEF.

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I did forget to say that I always grind quite a bit regardless of which of the three routes I'm on.

So with grinding in the equation one of the beneficial setups would be +MAG/-LCK or +MAG/-DEF?

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+MAG/-DEF allows you to have as much Magic as possible without inhibiting your Skill and Speed (and Strength, if you intend to use that stat at all) assuming that you grind to your stat caps.

Stat cap modifiers from +MAG/-DEF are:

+0 STR

+4 MAG

+0 SKL

+2 SPD

-1 LCK

-3 DEF

+1 RES

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I'd Recommend Str+ Magic-, first; i've tried it before, it works out pretty well as long as you plan on using magical weapons, i've also tried plus defence - magic, a tanker set up that makes you more able to go in there with swords or short bows and take hits.

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Thanks for all the awesome advice guys! I think I'll try out both sets and see which one fits me best. I don't worry so much about having tanky units as I play on casual phoenix and invariably get units killed on accident along the way.

Also, if I have gold statues in my castle will they raise my stat caps for whichever stats are applicable per statue? I thought that's how it had worked for my Revelations run.

Edited by Liliesgrace
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I'd Recommend Str+ Magic-, first; i've tried it before, it works out pretty well as long as you plan on using magical weapons, i've also tried plus defence - magic, a tanker set up that makes you more able to go in there with swords or short bows and take hits.

-coughs- Excuse me, but what?

Also, if I have gold statues in my castle will they raise my stat caps for whichever stats are applicable per statue? I thought that's how it had worked for my Revelations run.

Yes, gold statues do raise your stat caps (stat cap depends on the statue itself) for all units in your army, including amiibo units, prisoner units, and even Lilith.

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+MAG/-DEF has really worked out well so far though I haven't actually switched to bow knight just yet. And since the statues can add another 1 or 2 to my defense cap I think it'll be great overall. Again, thanks for all the stat info! I have no idea how you guys figure that stuff out (I always assume it's some kind of magic you guys do) so I really appreciate the shared knowledge!

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It's not magic!

Serenes Forest also has a ton of data. If you want to learn more about the logic behind the choices you were presented, start here. Maximum Stats (under Character) will show you how your boon/bane modifies your caps, and Buildings explains the castle statues.

Bow Knights. . .honestly, I think they're wonderful pair-up fodder. However, if I were to attempt one, I'd do something like +Str/-Res, and pick someone in a speed class to support me (Classes -> Pair-Up Stats).

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I hope you get hold of a Levin Sword and/or a Shining Bow when you reclass to Bow Knight; they're the reason I even suggested +MAG/-DEF (mainly working with what you're used to and helping play to your stat strengths).

+STR/-DEF is easily best for maximizing physical damage without lowering your Speed, Skill, and Magic stat caps.

+SPD/-DEF is the general purpose offense setup to give you an easier time doubling enemies without lowering your STR, MAG, and SKL caps.

BTW, the Boon/Bane system is unchanged from Awakening's Asset/Flaw system for avatar creation. Same stat cap mods; just different labels.

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I hope you get hold of a Levin Sword and/or a Shining Bow when you reclass to Bow Knight; they're the reason I even suggested +MAG/-DEF (mainly working with what you're used to and helping play to your stat strengths).

+STR/-DEF is easily best for maximizing physical damage without lowering your Speed, Skill, and Magic stat caps.

+SPD/-DEF is the general purpose offense setup to give you an easier time doubling enemies without lowering your STR, MAG, and SKL caps.

BTW, the Boon/Bane system is unchanged from Awakening's Asset/Flaw system for avatar creation. Same stat cap mods; just different labels.

As to that... short of Battle Points or Museum Melee, Levin Swords and Shining Bows are unobtainable on BR.

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