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Super Robot Wars ∀: Deep Space IC Thread - Part 1: The Culmination

Nanami Touko

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Things seemed to be going well enough, their team had all but wiped out the first squad of rebel soldiers with little more than scraped paint and dented chassis. It was time to move forward and position for the core of their formation, the Heracles. Thorvald steels himself, and became the tip of the spear. With some finesse and a little luck, he could provide a solid edge in positioning and damage for the rest of the team to follow up on.

Thorvald casts Shield, moves to 10,11, fires Wrist Gatlings at Heracles 4

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Talog closes in and tries to cut deep what's left on that damaged craft!

Final Hit: 71
Final Crit: 31
Roll: 77,2
"You won't get me! No way! NO WAY! AHHHHH!"
Prioxis #1 counters w/ AA Missiles!
Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 4
Roll: 70,60
no crit
Final Damage: 21

Bloduwedd gains +1 Will

Thorvald activates his shields, moves in, and starts firing at the main bulk of the rebel forces!

Final Hit: 66
Final Crit: 14
Roll: 60,48
no crit
Final Damage: 24
Thorvald gains +30 EXP, +2 Will
Thorvald levels! Level 5, +3 stat points, +3 SP.
"Cheeky devil... Thinking you've got us beat will be your end!"
Heracles #4 counters w/ spread missiles!
Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 0
Roll: Autohit!
No crit
Final Damage: 5
Thorvald gains +2 Will

"Wh-What the hell!? This guy's rock solid!" The Heracles pilot was clearly stunned by the lack of damage his missiles did to Thorvald's mech, either bouncing off and exploding after, or having their explosion absorbed by the small field surrounding the squad leader.

"Guess we'll have to try just a little bit harder! Let's go!" The particles were starting to disperse in their small area, meaning radio communication between nearby mechs was clearing up. They didn't have a direct channel out of the area, but they could coordinate themselves better.

Enemy Phase / Turn 2!

Prioxis #1 moves to 9,15 and fires at Bloduwedd with its laser gun!

Prioxis #3 moves to 7,15 and fires at Brant with its laser gun!

Heracles #1 engages on Bloduwedd, attacking with its Beam Sword!

Heracles #2 engages on Kim, attacking with its Beam Sword!

Heracles #s 3, 4, and 5 all engage on Thorvald, attacking with their beam sabers!

With close range radio being slowly restores in the area, the third Prioxis squad started to plan among themselves.

"Ghost seven, come in. This is Ghost six. Advising a fly by on the enemy cruiser as we escape. Opinions? Over."

"Ghost seven, reporting... If you can get a clean shot, take it. Anything to shake up these ANF thugs. Squad one's getting eaten up over there, over."

"Acknowledged. Ghost six, engaging!"

Prioxis #6 moves to 10,8, firing at the Riese with its laser gun!

Prioxis #9 takes advantage of Thorvald's situation, firing at him as well! Lasers everywhere!

Prioxis #10 moves to 12,8!

Prioxis #8 moves to 13,9!

Prioxis #7 moves to 13,8!

Brant's second dogfight begins!

Prioxis #3 moves in to fire!

Final hit: 25
Final Crit: 14
Roll: 26,10
Near miss!! Near crit!!
Brant gains +1 Will
He counters w/ his beam rifle!
Final Hit: 93
Final Crit: 6
Roll: 84,70
no crit
Final Damage: 68
Brant gains +20 EXP, and +2 Will

Thorvald is suddenly surrounded!
Heracles #3 attacks w/ their beam sword!

Final Hit: 99
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 32,94
no crit
Final damage: 9
Thorvald gains +2 Will
Thorvald counters with his own sword!
Final Hit: 65
Final Crit: 25
Roll: 4,87
no crit
Final Damage: 42

Thorvald gains +20 exp, +2 Will

Heracles #4 tries the same thing!

Final hit: 99
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 16,93
no crit
Final Damage: 9
Thorvald gains +2 Will
He counters!
Final Hit: 65
Final Crit: 25
Roll: 25,78
no crit
Final Damage: 44

Thorvald gains +20 EXP, +2 Will

Heracles #5 is sure that this can't work three times!

Final Hit: 99
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 73,25
no crit
Final Damage: 9
Thorvald gains +2 will
He counters, once again~
Final Hit: 65
Final Crit: 25
Roll: 81,29

One of the passing Prioxis decides to help out against Thorvald! Laser style!

Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 10
Roll: 40,11
no crit
Final damage: 5
Thorvald gains +2 will
Thorvald counters with his Shotgun
Final Hit: 37
Final Crit: 45
Roll: 15,33!!!
Final damage: 56
Final Crit damage: 90!!
Thorvald gains +10 EXP, +2 will

"MAIN ENGINE HIT!" the pilot cried out, after making that humongous mistake.

"Ignore it as best you can! Stay on target to escape the sector!" Ghost seven called out over the comms. Some of the Prioxis pilots were Apotheosis members, but most of them were the rebels mixed in, and they weren't the best at staying cool in life threatening situations.

Ghost six pulled ahead, and fired a pot shot at the Riese, testing the ANF's new flagship!

Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 12
Roll: 9,23
no crit
Final Damage: 20
Jess gains +1 Will
The Riese returns fire! Missiles, away!
Final Hit: 41
Final Crit: 13
Roll: 2,95
no crit
Final damage: 108
Jess gains +20 exp, +1 Will

Jessica had felt a small rumble as one of the enemy planes engaged their ship directly, the laser glancing off the bow of the ship. "Alright, enemy engaging us..." Jessica wasn't... Exactly used to this scenario. She'd been expecting it to happen, and knew that she was going to have to give the order to fire back, but... There's a person in there... A living, breathing...

Jess shook her head. She'd had this talk with Brant. They were here to save people! Getting cold feet now meant that others would end up dying, innocents uninvolved with this mess. "Air to air missiles, tubes one through 6, load!" She bellowed her order, staring down the approaching craft on the monitor. "F..." she hesitated for a moment, biting her lip, scowling the image down. They're the bad guys! Come on! JESS! "Fire!!"

The barrage went through, most of them clipping or missing it entirely, one landing a direct hit to its right side wing. The explosion spread towards the center of the craft, but... After a moment, it didn't explode. Some part of Jess felt relieved that the pilot had survived, another part of her upset that she couldn't finish off their enemy. She sank slightly in her chair, thinking over her mixed emotions, in the moment. Feeling proud and disappointed in yourself at the same time was an interesting experience.

"THIS IS GHOST SIX, DO NOT ENGAGE THE-- ESE, REP--" The Prioxis was practically flying wreckage after barely surviving the barrage of missiles from the Riese, multiple systems failing, including its radio.

"Shit..." The rebels are mucking this up. Ghost seven sighed, heavily, before turning on their comms. "Remaining pilots, do not engage the ANF soldiers or the Riese. One of us must escape to inform headquarters of them. Take extra precaution!"

Meanwhile, the last Heracles, #2, strikes at Kim with his beam sword!

Final Hit: 50
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 28,26
no crit
Final damage: 49
Kim counters with her beam rifle, point blank!
Final hit: 100
Final Crit: 20
Roll: 44,49
no crit
Final damage: 42
Kim gains 20 exp, +2 will

Heracles #1 slides in to strike at Bloduwedd!

Final hit: 94
Final Crit: 19
Roll: 54,17
Final Damage: 43
Final Crit Damage: 65
Talog gains +1 Will
She retaliates with her lance!
Final Hit: 81
Final Crit: 6
Roll: 18,18
No crit
Final Damage: 66
Talog gains +30 EXP, +2 Will

The nearly destroyed Prioxis took aim at her as well, lasers out!

Final hit: 100
Final Crit: 14
Roll: 26,42
No crit
Final Damage: 26
Talog gains +1 Will
She desperately tries to finish off the plane! Gatlings away!
Final hit:54
Final Crit: 16
Roll: 91,93

The team seemed to be fairing well enough, despite their damage taken. They had shields and repair modules on hand, which was more than the rebels could say for. They were starting to fall apart, literally!

"Ghos-- ix, can't-- radio broken, ai-- leaki--"

Ghost six was desperately trying to contact the rest of its group, when--

A single missile rocketed through the sea, colliding perfectly with the Prioxis, cutting short it's nearly finished life.

Three more planes had arrived on the scene. One, much more menacing, a red strike painted along the hull, down to the wing.

Jessica sat up a bit in her chair. "Those are our reinforcements, then... And I'm guessing they just took out their ally so we couldn't capture them... That's... That's smart but it's far too ruthless..."

The radio silence was starting to lift. They wouldn't have much more time before it lifted from the area entirely, leaving any rebel open to contacting their headquarters. The pro of this was, at least, Jess could contact her squad, now!

"All units, come in! This is the Riese! We have engaged the escaping Prioxis unit, and have cameras on enemy reinforcements. Do what you can to clean up the remaining forces you're fighting, and then return to the ship to re-engage these new craft! We only have a few more minutes until our jamming is lifted entirely!" There was a hint of panic in Jess' voice, only because she didn't want some ace rebel to come in here and ruin things for them... But... Wait!

"All units!" Jess turned her comms back on, a small smile sneaking onto her face. "Let's capture this new one. Images appearing on your monitors... Now!" She sent a screenshot of the Riese's main camera to all active pilots, hoping that they would see it for what it was-- their best source of information.

Turn 3 / Player Phase!


New objective: Lower Nikolai's HP to 10% or lower without destroying him

Battle Mastery: Defeat all enemies and complete the objective within 4 player phases (4 turns remaining)

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Elaine breathed a sigh of relief. Instead of getting ganged up on, Thorvald had inadvertently drawn most of the enemy attention away from her (though she had to wonder if it was even on her to begin with), and allowed her time to divert power to her remaining thrusters. The process was almost complete, thankfully. She just had to hope nothing worse happened.


The thrusters were done, and now she had mostly full control over the bot once again. And just in time, too, as contact through comms was finally usable. "Giant 3 to Riese! One of my thrusters is damaged. I'm gonna need a few repairs. But I still have control over my movement? Do I continue to engage, or fall back?"

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The prioxis had been easy pickings, but the Heracles that followed was not quite so simple. The odd feeling of weightlessness and the complete lack of drag made themselves known, Kim's attempted parry of the incoming blow slightly off course, her plasma rapier moving a tad faster than she was used to under atmosphere. The blow she took as a result wasn't severe, but it was unwelcome regardless, Seung-Min taking the opportunity to take a point blank shot at the heavy opposing mech, burning a hole in it's armour and doing some damage in the process. Not enough to stop it though, she needed to make distance. Giving the Heracles' cameras a screen full of her Vellite's foot and thrusters as she kicked off her retreat... quite literally right off of it's head, shaking the heavier bot as she deployed her rippers and fired a few rounds from her beam rifle in it's direction, hoping to further damage it and pull it away from the direction of the colony.

Kim to 9,12, TK Ripper Heracles 2

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Megumi scowled at the vitals display. Before the battle had begun, she would have considered this information a subtle hint as to the mental state of the pilots. Not anymore. It was so far from subtle even a random civilian off the street could tell Elaine was, for lack of a better term, freaking the hell out. As far as the Doctor was concerned, there wasn't much point in panicking until you found yourself trapped in a machine whose reactor was breached. By that point, by all means, panic. Until then, there were plenty of built in fail-safes between pilots and certain death ... at least that she'd read about. Hopefully the ANF wasn't being too cheap during this cold war ...

The bridge had enough advance warning that the rebels were trying to engage them, as well. They took a light hit, but the Riese gave better than it got, and left the foolish prioxis pilot's machine held together by little more than its own wiring. For whatever reason, instead of breaking away from the fight, the prioxis launched another attack, this time on Talog's craft, only to be devoured by an eager missile. Megumi's head hung forward, supported by a slightly trembling hand. "They're so stupid. They're ... just so stupid ..." murmured under her breath. It was like watching a five year old play chess and might have been funny if it wasn't so frustrating from a tactical standpoint.

The Doctor glanced up at the captain as the latter got her messages through to the pilots. Apparently the jamming wasn't going to last nearly as long as she'd guesstimated. That was fair, if only because she hadn't bothered to read up on the ordnance beforehand. She decided she'd rectify that later, assuming noncombat personnel besides the mechanics would be granted access to that kind of information.

With the jamming starting to clear up little by little, Brant was beginning to worry they had fallen behind. They hadn't shot down that many enemies just yet. At least they still had time, and some orders and intel to boot. Brant realized he was too far out of position to even consider going after what he might have jokingly referred to as the enemy ace, were these his pre-ANF days. For now, he had to make sure that, as the far left tip of the Riese's blockade, he didn't let anyone past him. There was a gap in their formation now, which left him almost isolated, but at least he wasn't too far forward and taking an ungodly amount of fire.

Speaking of taking an ungodly amount of fire, there was Thorvald and his machine, shrugging off hits that would have torn Brant's own Accensus to pieces. Yeah, he definitely wasn't moving up, though he had every intention of heading back toward the Riese and helping to cut off the retreat of the rebel pilots. If that eventually gave him an opening on their capture target, he'd take it. Until then, they still had plenty of regulars to deal with, and one in particular was a flight risk.

Not wanting to risk missing with a linear firing weapon like the beam rifle on an already difficult target, Brant fired another volley of missiles and prepared to do his best at evading any counterattack that came his way.

Brant fires spread missiles at Prioxis #3

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Nikolai's eyes narrowed at the scene playing out before him. Things had, predictably enough, taken a turn for the worst as per usual. He cursed under his breath as he set his sights on the damaged machine and scoffed in disgust. Judging by the amount of battle damage it had taken, it wouldn't be able to take enemy fire much longer.

Then what. They capture the pilot and either they torture whatever information they want out of them, or the poor fucker is disposed of in a jail cell like so much rotting trash.

like so many of his fellow weapons, that pilot was a tool that had broken and outlasted it's initial purpose. The thought would've struck him as distasteful but his heart had long since calloused over any of the softness that would allow for that level of empathy.

"I'm sorry but I need to prune the dying branches you know" he muttered into the comm unit, "the plant withers and dies otherwise, ja. Of course, in this case the dying branch is you and the plant is being the mission. Is ok, I make less painful than they do."

He had never been particularly poetic or good at explaining things, but he figured that his statement was more than enough to explain the missle that ripped through the carcass of the Prioxis. If it hadn't, well the occupant of the exploding machine wasn't gonna be present long enough to file a formal complaint to the department of Nikolai Does Not Actually Care.

That having been taken care of, he figured he should turn his attention to the enemy. His lip twitched into a slight smile, an action that his face was evidently not used to.

Welcome home.

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Elaine had radioed in, since the silence had lifted. Jess flipped her diagnostics screens on, taking a look over the mechs. If anyone needed repairs, it was their newest member. "Elaine," she radioed back, "your diagnostics show your mech to be practically untouched, aside from the thruster. If you're not losing any normal movement, continue with the mission. Sergeant Talog," she began, addressing the other one, over an open channel, "you on the other hand require some serious repairs. Find a moment to fix yourself up or return to the ship. If you feel you would be best remaining in the mission, you should have a shield generator on board. It will help you survive, but don't push your limits. Over."

Jess turned off her comms and sighed. While she was getting used to this, it was still mentally taxing to process everything and try to push it back out with a straight face and a logical mind. She slumped back in her chair, keeping her eyes trained on the enemy Prioxis models, trying her best to take care to learn their movements...

Astin, meanwhile, charges in hardcore!

Final Hit: 85
Final Crit: 39
Roll: 29,56
no crit
Final Damage: 47
Prioxis #9 explodes!
Astin gains +300 EXP, +3 PP, +7 Will
Astin levels up! +3 stat points, +3 SP

Kim backs up and revs up some Mind Blades!

Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 30
Roll: 68,41
No crit
Final Damage: 65
Kim gains +20 exp, +2 Will
The Heracles counters w/ its gatlings!
Final Hit: 29
Final Crit: 5
Roll: 55,56
Kim gains +2 Will

Brant sticks around in the void, launching missiles to scuttle his dogfight friend!

Final Hit: 78
Final Crit: 11
Roll: 69,73
no crit
Final Damage: 55
Prioxis #3 explodes!
Brant gains +150 EXP, +3 PP, +7 Will 
Brant levels! +3 stat points, +2 SP
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Her rippers had managed to score a direct hit, and the return fire from the Heracles' wrist gatling was easily evaded by the telekinetic, but the beefy rebel mech was still functioning, though it had clearly sustained some heavy damage in the process. The things just had so much damn armour that they were difficult to break with her Vellite's weaponry. It didn't help that the Heracles was designed to fight at a range that made her most potent option, the hyperparticle bazooka, difficult to use... if they had gotten a better opportunity to fire on the Heracles from afar, it might have been destroyed by now, but the agility and mobility of the Prioxis mixed in had all but axed that possibility.

"<I'll just have to evade the next attack and finish it off... if it flees, I'll shoot it down.>" Kim noted to herself, not even bothering to broadcast over comms.

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Posted · Hidden by Balcerzak, August 13, 2016 - No reason given
Hidden by Balcerzak, August 13, 2016 - No reason given

Thorvald's provocation had had the intended effect, inviting a triple team from the oncoming enemies. With the emergency dampeners active, he'd kept the damage to a minimal, imperfectly parrying their energy blades with his own metallic one, diverting their blows to nonvital regions. The Legionary wouldn't look pretty when the mechanics back at the ship would get their hands on it, but it was still perfectly functional. During the dance of death, he'd managed to get in a few reasonable blows of his own, though one of the Heracles was a little more agile than the others and had sidestepped his efforts. However, that sidestep had opened up a clear view at one of the Prioxis that was flying nearby, and also harrying him. It was at the far end of optimal range, but he quickly pivoted, drawing his 180mm Blast Shotgun, and firing from the hip, before sliding it back in its holster and returning his attention to the melee he was engaged in. There wasn't even time to confirm if it hit or missed, the action was too fierce for that, and risking opening himself up any further than he already had was simply not worth it. He had confidence the results would be discussed later, in the debriefing, after the others flew in to take advantage of the opportunities he was opening up, and this mission was successfully accomplished.

To make that happen, what his next move needed to be... was circling around one of the Heracles here and hopefully dealing another set of heavier blows. They were built sturdy, just like the Legionary, so he knew it was going to take more than this to bring it down, but when that's the case, you just have to keep up the war of attrition.

Thorvald moves to 9,10 and swings Assault Sword at Heracles 4

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Rifle... Locked on target?

Elaine attacks Heracles #2

Final Hit: 91
Final Crit: 7
Roll: 100,45
Elaine loses 2 Will
Heracles #2 counters w/ its missiles!
Final Hit: 84
Final Crit: 0
Roll: 91,88
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Dwight observed the situation carefully. While the situation wasn't quite disastrous, he had hoped for better and that some nerves would fade when they really got to battle. Perhaps most worrying was that some of the rebels were willing to destroy their own ships and kill allies to prevent information getting into their hands. "If these people go to such extents... we cannot afford to let any of them relay information back. Our actions need to be decisive. Captain Jess, I recommend that we continue to take active part in this battle with the Riese. We have significant firepower that could be a hindrance to hold back in such an important situation."

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Roxanna had her eyes glued to the pilot's vitals for most of the encounter, examining as if her interest almost didn't care for the outcome. The shot from the enemy prioxis brought Roxanna back to reality, and she scanned the room to assess the situation until she calmed down. That was just one attack, even she knew she needed to pay more attention. "...I agree with Mister Dwight." Roxanna took the opportunity to chime in, turning to their captain. "If they don't receive backup, there's a chance morale will fall. In fact, we're already pretty well positioned to provide supporting fire." For once, it was neutral advice free of Roxanna's usual bitterness, she clearly had her eyes in some of the pilots' well-being.

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Thorvald's provocation had had the intended effect, inviting a triple team from the oncoming enemies. With the emergency dampeners active, he'd kept the damage to a minimal, imperfectly parrying their energy blades with his own metallic one, diverting their blows to nonvital regions. The Legionary wouldn't look pretty when the mechanics back at the ship would get their hands on it, but it was still perfectly functional. During the dance of death, he'd managed to get in a few reasonable blows of his own, though one of the Heracles was a little more agile than the others and had sidestepped his efforts. However, that sidestep had opened up a clear view at one of the Prioxis that was flying nearby, and also harrying him. It was at the far end of optimal range, but he quickly pivoted, drawing his 180mm Blast Shotgun, and firing from the hip, before sliding it back in its holster and returning his attention to the melee he was engaged in. There wasn't even time to confirm if it hit or missed, the action was too fierce for that, and risking opening himself up any further than he already had was simply not worth it. He had confidence the results would be discussed later, in the debriefing, after the others flew in to take advantage of the opportunities he was opening up, and this mission was successfully accomplished.

To make that happen, what his next move needed to be... was circling around one of the Heracles here and hopefully dealing another set of heavier blows. They were built sturdy, just like the Legionary, so he knew it was going to take more than this to bring it down, but when that's the case, you just have to keep up the war of attrition.

Thorvald moves to 9,10 and swings Assault Sword at Heracles 4

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Jess nodded, but took a moment to answer her XO and advisor. "We will... Just, not yet." Her eyes were furiously scanning their main cameras, paying close attention to the enemy Prioxis pilots. Their movements were so swift, so precise... If Jess wanted to take any of them out, she'd have to plan her shots carefully. Their last missile barrage had clipped one luckily, but they needed planned decisions, not luck. Wait... Jess picked up on something rather useful, and smiled. "Ensign Calvin, radio to the main generator room, tell them to get the beam cannons ready and charged.

A few people stopped and glanced up at Jess, Tristan included. "Ma'am? Are you sure that...?"

"They're necessary? Yes. We can hit. The missiles didn't finish off these models, and I want to make sure that if we're firing, we're not wasting time... Tell them to charge them up."

"...Aye aye, ma'am." He radioed down to the generators, still in awe, and pleased by Jessica's sudden take over of command, though it was... Precise. The rest of the bridge that had glanced up at her went back to their terminals, wondering still if such an excess of force was necessary... She was right, the missiles were just weak enough to not finish the job, but to then resort to those...

Thorvald spins around his opponent and strikes!

Final Hit: 65
Final Crit: 25
Roll: 21,65
no crit
Final Damage: 46
Thorvald gains +20 EXP, +2 Will
The Heracles counters! Beam swords out!
Final Hit: 99
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 51,34
no crit
Final Damage: 34
Thorvald gains +2 Will

"Hah! I knew it!" the rebel coughed out in his now red cockpit, warning lights going off all around him, "you're not invincible... Take him out, quickly, before his shields can recharge!"

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Their foes had decided to go after Thorvald - a futile endeavour considering the calibre of his unit's shielding. That had been their last mistake, Tarquin already had his sights lined up. He didn't care much for their cause or well being, they had been designated his enemy and would be treated as such. It wasn't too different from his training missions, just another blip on his radar.

His gun aimed at the cockpit, Tarquin wanted to ensure that the maximum amount of damage was dealt. A missed shot or a failed kill would have been no use to anyone.

Tarquin moves to 9,8 and attacks Heracles #4 with his Beam Rifle!

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Tarquin sizes up his target, and fires! Beams away!

Final Hit: 96
Final Crit: 12
Roll: 34,49
no crit
Final Damage: 50
"What? N-No--!"
Heracles #4 explodes!
Tarquin gains +200 EXP, +7 PP, +8 Will
Tarquin levels up! +3 stat points, +2 SP!
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After that last impact, a damage alarm began to bleep.

"What, you think I don't know?" Talog muttered. "You can take it, you big old bucket."

The alarm kept beeping, a high-pitched sound that was as irritating as it was insistent.

"Fine, fine." Talog grumbled at her machine, and the alarm shut off with a satisfied beep. "Deploying repairs."

Tricky little buggers, these enemies. Liked dancing around, but what with their fragility, Talog supposed it'd be no fun if they just slugged it out and died. The fight was still going fine, so at least the rest of her crew seemed to know what they were doing. Minus the whole cut-off-their-own-comms thing they did.

Speaking of comms, it seems whats-her-name was talking to her.

"Giant-5 here. Aye, I've caught a little bit of a battering, but it's fine.Give me a sec to tape it back together and I'll be back in the fight."

She jetted backwards, fingers dancing across the controls.

Repair systems, online.

Across the hull, microbots scuttled out, vaguely insectoid in appearance, welding back together plates and spraying layers of armourfoam on top.

The mech would need a bit of TLC back on her new mothership, but hey, it'd be a chance to get to know the other mechanics.

Talog: cast trust, move to 9,9, then mechanic, repair thyself!

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"Tape it back to..." Jess smiled a bit, but still sighed. What was this crew, really? Herself included. They were performing well, but they were so... Well, you wouldn't find people like this on another ANF ship, not so many of them.

Talog casts Trust, gains back 100 HP
Talog repairs themself, gains 52 HP, gains +50 EXP

"Ensign, are the cannons ready?" Jess was prepared, and confident enough, to blow one of those Prioxes right out of the sky. Unfortunately, not yet.

"Not yet, ma'am. Eighty percent charged."

"Darn..." Jess looked back onto her console map of the fight looking for-- "Alright, that's fine. Tubes seven through thirteen, load and fire at that mech harrying our own." It would be a risky shot, but she trusted her aim... It was one of the few things she'd been doing properly since day one. "Fire!"

Jess fires missiles at Heracles #5!

Final Hit: 66
Final Crit: 13
Roll: 48,9
Final Damage: 89
Final Crit Damage: 133
Jess gains +30 exp, +1 Will
Heracles is out of range to counter

Jess actually jumped in her seat a bit as the monitor showed the damage the missiles had caused. Had she been underestimating this ship the entire time? She'd only fired twice so far, but even with ship missiles, they were doing a huge amount of damage to the enemy mechs...

Enemy Phase / Turn 3

"WHAT THE HELL!?" was the only response that came back over the radios from the precise missile strike. The Heracles' head had been destroyed entirely, leaving the only camera left the one on its chest. The rest of it wasn't fairing well. Limbs damaged, chassis cracked, air leaking from most of the inner panels. It was still moving, and the cockpit was secure, but not for long.

The leading Prioxis from the first squad was tired of fighting for its life. With the ANF mech wall having moved over to deal with the rest of his allies, that meant all he had to blow past was their lone fighter. He'd proven to be a formidable pilot, but he was so close to escaping... Just one more push!

Prioxis #1 moves to 4,14

The Heracles knew that they wouldn't fare as well as their mobile allies. It was do or die, and doing still meant dying, but at least they could provide a distraction for a little bit of time.

Heracles #1 attacks Kim with his beam sword!

Heracles #2 attacks Elaine with his beam sword!

Heracles #3 and #5 both attack Thorvald!

Prioxis #10 moves to 7,7

Prioxis #7 moves to 8,7

Prioxis #8 moves to 9,7

Nikolai's goon squad moves closer!

Heracles #1 charges in on Kim!

"I'll stop you! Take this!"

Final Hit: 40
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 1,36
no crit
Final Damage: 49
Kim counters with her beam rifle!
Final Hit: 100
Final Crit: 20
Roll: 80,50
no crit
Final Damage: 44
Kim gains +20 EXP, +2 Will

Heracles #2 attacks Elaine!

"We're going to stop you no matter what!

Final Hit: 85
Final Crit: 18
Roll: 26,36
no crit
Final Damage: 44
Elaine gains +1 Will
She counters with her rifle!
Final Hit: 97
Final Crit: 7
Roll: 89,92
no crit
Final Damage: 47

"F-For the New World! Make it back to baaaaaaaaaaaaaaase--!"
Heracles #2 explodes!
Elaine gains +200 EXP, +7 pp, +6 Will
Elaine levels up! +3 stat points, +2 SP

They were dying. Pretty quickly. The sergeant, in his damaged Heracles, radioed to #3, a wry smile on his face. "We're going to die out here... Initiate, I... Use your buckler on this guy. If we can damage at least one of them..."

"But, sergeant, i-it's too unstable--"

"We're gonna die anyway! G-Give... Give him all you've got..."

Heracles #5 attacks Thorvald!

Talog defends him!

Final Hit: 97
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 32,63
no crit
Final Damage: 26
Talog gains +1 Will
Thorvald counters with his gatling!
Final Hit: 69
Final Crit: 15
Roll: 50,33
No crit
Final Damage: 28
"Do your best, men--"
Heracles #5 explodes!
Thorvald gains + 150 EXP, +7 PP, +5 Will

"S-Sergeant... A-Ahh... Ahhh, AAAHHHHHHH!"

Heracles #3 transforms its fist, Plasma Buckler, set!

Talog Defends again!

"Outta my way! OUT OF THE WAYYYYYY"

Final Hit: 74
Final Crit: 20
Roll: 47
Final damage: 61
Final Crit damage: 92
Final Damage: 55
Talog gains +1 Will
He counters with his assault blade!
Final Hit: 65
Final Crit: 25
Roll: 84,95

Player Phase / Turn 4!


Objective: Lower Nikolai's HP to below 10% without destroying him

Battle Mastery: Complete the above withing 4 player turns of his arrival (3 turns remaining)

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It seemed that the foe she had been engaging had been shot down before they could pursue Seung-Min's Vellite, the Lieutenant watching the Heracles explode for a moment, before another surge of emotion came to her through the T-Link. Another Heracles was charging her, this one damaged already... if she just hit centre of mass, she should be able to neutralize it before it made contact...

A miss. She'd managed to damage the Heracles, clipped it's shoulder, but it wasn't centre of mass, and the hulking mech was already accelerating. Kim's whole body shook along with her Vellite as the Heracles took a swing with it's beam sabre, dealing another blow to her machine. Vitals were flaring, red lights filling the cockpit, comms flicking on as her machine was jostled. At best she could only take one more blow like that, any more and her Vellite would surely explode.

"Why... why... why <WHY?! WHY NOW, WHEN I HAD SOMETHING TO PROVE?! WORTHLESS, WORTHLESS, WORTHLESS!>" Seung-Min screamed in frustration, slipping into Korean midway through as her hands lunged back to the controls, having been knocked away momentarily when she took the hit. A blast from her beam rifle, ineffective as the barrel was too far out, unable to hit the Heracles that had wedged itself into a melee. She continued to swear in a language few would understand, as her thrusters revved to life, the hand of her Vellite grasping the wrist of the Heracles. closing into a vicegrip, the creaking of the metal folding into itself as it was crushed by the direct focus of the ANF machine's grip, the beam sword it held flickering away as inner electronics were severed.

She didn't even grab for her own sword. Swinging the Vellite's free hand, balled into a fist, the hunk of metal careened into the face of the Heracles, pulling back and lunging forward again to grip and crush the head, though less effectively than the thinner joint of the arm. Still the cameras would surely suffer damage, Kim's Vellite surging forward as it's thrusters gained full power, their momentum slamming the Heracles into a nearby meteoroid, the creaking and bending of metal as the hulking rebel machine was pressed quite literally between a rock and a hard place, displaced despite it's weight by the Vellite's superior thrusters.

Edited by Ether
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"Not so tough now, are you, Feddy-- Fuck, what-- Ahh!" The non-standard movements suddenly taking over the Velite had put the larger mech in serious disarray. A Heracles pilot would normally never expect something smaller than it to gain the momentum that quickly, but without the reaction time that Kim had, the rebel was stuck getting pounded on, the Velite's hand easily crushing its way through wires and plasteel plating, despite crackings its own servos doing so. The bang to the camera was what finally did the Heracles in, the cockpit going dark for a moment, the rebel screaming his way through space as his robot flew into a nearby chunk of space dirt. His chest camera finally turned on, eyes scanning the monitors, desperately trying not to throw up after the ordeal.

"I can... S-Still... Keep, go-- hrrrrgk..."

A sudden blast of angry Korean filled Jessica's comms, and anyone else in the squad, making her jump higher in her seat than her missiles' damage. "L-Lieutenant?" She tried to respond, but all she could hear was a further continued stream of what she could only assume were curses and more anger. "Pl-Please, calm... Ahh... S-Seung-min." Jess was stuck in a situation where she didn't know what to do, once again. She started to lock up, glancing between her console and the live feeds of the fight. Kim's mech seemed to have taken a battering, nothing as much as the one she was currently beating the shit out of, but still. "Ahh, uh... Sh-Shields, deploy on the Lieutenant's Velite!" was the order that finally escaped from her, unsure if it was correct.

Riese crew (Dwight) casts Trust on Kim

Edited by Narmaya
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Megumi made fists with her hands as one of the prioxis fighters approached the edge of the mission area. They were so close to being clear of the jamming effect it had her eyes fixed on the radar momentarily. The only pilot she knew for certain was in range, was Stealth One. Abrams' file said he was a telekinetic, trained somewhere in Russia. It said nothing of him being reliable, which wasn't reassuring for the doctor.

Making matters worse, the so called telekinetic flew right past his adversary, ostensibly endangering the whole mission. For what? Megumi's eyes darted to his vitals. He looked calm enough. No, he was too calm, as if he wasn't even fighting in battle. "Is he blind?" she hissed, glancing to the Captain and wondering if she or anyone else had noticed that they were about to have their cover blown in a few seconds. That was when Lieutenant Kim blanketed the airwaves with her fury and left Megumi wondering if they shouldn't reevaluate the two telekinetics once the mission was over. They certainly weren't meeting her expectations. Neither was the captain, for that matter, but at least she had bridge hands to support her directly if need be.

There was no time left to dawdle, though. If no one attacked that fleeing Prioxis, it was going to get away. "Captain, you need to send another pilot after that fighter," she called over, silently cursing herself for going beyond being a mere observer. The final blow, one that killed both the prioxis pilot and Megumi's assessment of the situation, came when Brant's Accensus sent a flurry of missiles back toward the fleeing fighter and blew it to smithereens. Megumi felt an uncomfortable mix of anger and relief as she sunk into her chair and sighed. Just repositioning. Should have realized it sooner ... At least now that sector was clear and she could focus more easily on the rest of the battle.

The rebel pilot had no intention of fighting him and tried to muscle his way past Brant, detouring him with laser fire. It was such a noncommittal attack that Brant only needed to realign his Accensus ever so slightly to evaded it. The two craft past each other at high speed, Brant intending to turn the situation back in his favor, and the rebel pilot desperately trying to escape. It was too bad for him, though, that Brant was faster.

"Foxhound vs Flanker," he reminded himself one last time as he pushed toward the Heion Riese. Brant knew the rebel pilot was probably getting comfortable having past their line of defense. Too comfortable. At least, Brant mused as he prepared to swing his craft around, the guy would have some advanced warning about the incoming missiles and could punch out if he wasn't feeling as suicidal as his squad mates ... assuming his systems weren't as damaged as they looked.

Brant cut the boosters and turned the Accensus to face the fleeing rebel. He let loose a flurry of missiles the enemy pilot had no hope of evading, and let his craft drift blissfully toward the Riese while he gathered himself. He had to be close enough to help the others with the remaining enemies, so staying too close to the enemy prioxis was out of the question. He just hoped his repositioning maneuver hadn't cost them anything.

Brant uses Focus, then moves to 5,11 and fires AA missiles at Prioxis #1

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Brant focuses up, and fires!

Final Hit: 100!
Final Crit: 11
Roll: 93,100
no crit
Final Damage: 54

"Huh? Wha--"
Prioxis #1 explodes!
Brant gains +100 EXP, +3 PP, +7 Will

Jessica getting assailed by none other than their own doctor out of everyone over Brant's decision and Kim's outburst made her continue on her shrinking path to the inside of her chair. "D-Doctor, while I appreciate the thought, uhm... Y-You're... Uh..." Stop stammering you moron! She's a civilian on the bridge, you shouldn't be taking any orders from her, so just-- Before her thoughts could reconcile, Brant's Accensus spun around and launched a barrage into the fleeing Prioxis, causing the near wreck to become totaled. Jess felt her smile returning.

"S-See? You've got to trust the crew more, especially the Telekinetics. They know what they're doing," not that I know what Kim's explosion was about... "I'll s-speak to Lieutenant Seung-Min once the mission is over... We'll have some time before we h-have to bury ourselves in the c-colony." That stutter was back, Jessica's ever prevalent tick whenever things started to go wrong. She could feel her face getting hot too, goodness... What a mess.

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Glancing around at the battlefield, Astin realized that unless they did something quickly, the planes would escape past their ship, leaving them only open space towards the colony, Quickly manipulating their mech, they looped around the planes, trying to get positioned for a hit. As they did, they called out over the coms, "Steel-3 requesting some back up from Giant-1. If you take out the middle plane, we should be able to disrupt them enough to stall their advance for now." As soon as the ship attacked, they planned to take advantage of the confusion and strike at the front plane.

Request Jess blast prioxis #7 with strike

Astin to 7-6, incision knife prioxis #10

Edited by scorri
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