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Name pronounciations in FE


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There are a LOT of characters in Fire Emblem

, but some have names that are just difficult or very confusing to pronounce. For the most part, I can pronounce them fairly well. And with the release of Awakening and Fates, most speak their name or have other say them. Here's my list of characters I still can't figure out. For each game I've played, why not?

Shadow Dragon

  • Draug - I know it's "guard" backwards, but how do you say that? I usually say "Drowg".
  • Shiida/Caeda - Well firstly, which one is it? I normally say "She-duh" or "Say-da" depending.
  • Wrys - Is it "Ries" or "Rees".

Binding Blade

  • Oujay - Is it "Ow-jay" or simply "O J"
  • Niime - "Nime" or "Nigh-me"

Sacred Stones

  • Neimi - "Neigh-may" or "Nee-mee"

Path of Radiance

  • Titania - I know how to pronounce her name now (~"Teh-ton-ya"), but I used to say "Ti-tan-ya", like "Titan"
  • Rhys - Like Wrys, is it "Ries" or "Ris"


  • Panne - I say "Pan-nay", but my brother says it's just "Pan"
  • Yarne - Same as Panne, I say "Yarn-nay" but my brother says just simply "Yarn"
  • Noire - "Nore" or "Noi-ree". Could also be pronounced like "Noir"


  • Anna - Apparently, every Anna has a different pronunciation, so which is it???
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Caeda/Shiida is See-da or She-da depending on which translation you're going by. Former for Caeda, latter for Shiida. Think Caesar for the former.

I think Niime is Nee-may

Wrys And Rhys are I believe "rees" Not so sure on the former.

Panne is named after a kind of fabric. Your brother is right. Same for Yarne I believe.

Edited by Glaceon Mage
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I say "SAY-dah" for Caeda.

Rhys is just "rice."

Wrys is "riss." Like wrist without the T. I probably would say rice, except I don't like repeating the same name/pronunciation... xP

Niime = "neem"

Neimi = "NEE-ih-mee"

Oujay = "OOH-jay" though it's probably actually "OH-jay"

Panne and Yarne are just "pan" and "yarn" for me as well.

Here are some tougher ones for ya:

Rajaion = "Rah-HAY-in"

Dheginsea = "Dih-GIN-see-ah"

Almedha = "All-MAY-dah"

Ashunera = "Ah-SHOOH-ner-ah"

Begnion = "BEN-yon" (on as in the word on)

Phoenicis = "FEE-nis-siss"

Lorazieh = "Lor-ah-ZEYE-ah"

I swear, Tellius has the toughest names in the series. It took me a minute to figure out Rajaion and Lorazieh in particular.

Edited by Anacybele
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Oujay at least is closer to Ogier outside of the fan translation. It's from The Song of Roland that a lot of the Elibe names come from.

Probably closer to Oh-jzeer. I still just call him OJ.

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I'm pretty sure Noire is just meant to be pronounced like the french word, as you said

That's the only one I can answer with any certainty though ^o^ Although I think I've also learned that Rhys is actually supposed to be pronounced exactly the way you'd expect the name Reese to

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I pronounce Niime with three syllables. . .but I'm also from Hawaii, where Kaaawa is a place name. Take how I say things with a grain of salt.

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Rhys is not rice. It's rees, with a long e sound. It's a Welsh name.

Sorry, but that's not what I think. Reese is "rees" not Rhys. Rhys to me is "rice" which is an actual name as well.

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You can look it up.

And find that it's not pronounced like the word rice.

You can look it up as well. And find that "Rice" is a name. I've only heard it used for a name one time, but it's there. And people use different spellings of the same name all the time.

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Begnion = "BEN-yon" (on as in the word on)

I said Beg-nee-un until Radiant Dawn came out and had the narrator say "Ben-yun". Even now, I still think Beg-nee-un. I don't know how anyone is expected to know that B is silent.

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Sorry, but that's not what I think. Reese is "rees" not Rhys. Rhys to me is "rice" which is an actual name as well.

It … doesn't really matter what you think on matters that are not opinion. Even if "rice" was a valid pronunciation for "Rhys" (so far, a quick google search tells me it's not the correct intended one), Rhys is a real Welsh name and it's intended pronunciation is "reece".

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Er, the G is silent, not the B. xP and I knew, because I've seen words with a silent G before (like gnat for example).

I meant to say G, I blame the B for being right by the G on the keyboard. I'm not generally a fan of silent letters without context. Silent G's aren't even internally consistent. Sign has a silent G, but signal and signature do not.

L'arachel: Lar-a-KELL or Lar-a-SHELL. I may like Mangs, but La-RO-chel screws with my Aspergers... which means there's a good chance it might be correct.

I say Luh Rachel, Rachel being the best name to have.

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You can look it up as well. And find that "Rice" is a name. I've only heard it used for a name one time, but it's there. And people use different spellings of the same name all the time.

It's pretty clearly intended to be the Welsh name Rhys though.

Which is pronounced "rees"

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I meant to say G, I blame the B for being right by the G on the keyboard. I'm not generally a fan of silent letters without context. Silent G's aren't even internally consistent. Sign has a silent G, but signal and signature do not.

Well, that's really because the English language in itself is inconsistent. :P

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Thing is, I don't really know how to pronounce noir very well, either :D:

ahh well it's something like "nwarr" or "no-arr"

Sorry, but that's not what I think. Reese is "rees" not Rhys. Rhys to me is "rice" which is an actual name as well.

Oh sorry I should have known that Caitlin and Katelynn are not spelled the same and therefore must be different names and therefore must be pronounced differently in english

I must be pronouncing my own name wrong this whole time

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[spoiler=It's all pronounced Throatwobbler Mangrove]

No offense to anyone involved, I just cite this when I mispronounce something.

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As a native Spanish speaker, I tend to go with the Spanish pronunciation in case the name has a Spanish homonym (Leo, Laura, Titania) or is a name I'm not familiar with, although if I find out the official pronunciation, I try to stick to that.

At first I called Kjelle "Kay-Yell", until I discovered the name is a variant of the Nordic name Kjell, which is pronounced "Chel" (like the El Dorado character)

As for other characters discussed here:

- Rhys: Always "Reese". "Rice" never even occured to me, since it sounds dumb.

- Niime: Nee-Meh.

- L'arachel: La-Rachel

- Raquesis: Rah-ke-sis. The "ke" as in "Kelly"

- Neimi: Neh-Ee-Mee

- Caeda: I remember when I first saw this I thought "Ka-Eh-Da", until I found out the correct one was "See-Da", so I stuck with that since.

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L'arachel: Lar-a-KELL or Lar-a-SHELL. I may like Mangs, but La-RO-chel screws with my Aspergers... which means there's a good chance it might be correct.

I say simply "La-Ray-Chel"

Sorry, but that's not what I think. Reese is "rees" not Rhys. Rhys to me is "rice" which is an actual name as well.

I think you pronounce it how you want. I'm having people correct how I say names on here, but I'm probably going to ignore it in the long run because I'm used to pronouncing the names my way anyway.


At first I called Kjelle "Kay-Yell", until I discovered the name is a variant of the Nordic name Kjell, which is pronounced "Chel" (like the El Dorado character)

Kjelle was another one I forgot to mention. I always called her "Keh-jel" though. Is it really like "Chel"?

Edited by Power Master
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