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So. Hi there. Finally managed to register today after some trouble with the validation email yesterday... anyway, I'd been using the site a lot in the weeks since Fates was released, so I figured it was just appropriate to register here and introduce myself.

So, a couple things about myself:

- am a 22 years old dude from Germany, born and raised.

- I like video games of almost every genre except sports games, with a particular preference for RPGs of all kinds and hack&slash action games (think DMC).

- I read books a lot, though the works of literature on my shelf are almost all at least a century old - the lone exception being George Orwell's 1984.

- I enjoy music, both listening and making - usually heavy metal, though I have a soft spot for classical music as well.

And now, the stuff that actually matters to you people:

- My first Fire Emblem game was Awakening. I was introduced to it three years ago, when I visited a friend of mine in England and he made me try it. In the week I was there, I beat the game and poured most of the time into making an unstoppable avatar (I think the final stat rating was 304).

- I was extremely hyped for Fates and was extremely annoyed that it took over a year to get to Europe - I had to dodge quite a few spoilers from my American friends in the three months after the US release, too.

- I started out with Conquest when I bought the game and finished it in a week... I spent more time than I should have just grinding all my units into unstoppable monstrosities once Boo Camp was released. I'm currently on Birthright Chapter 23 (in the middle of it as I am writing this, in fact).

- I play on Normal/Classic like a scrublord and reset every time anyone dies. Feel free to mock me for it.

- Swordmaster is quite possibly my favourite class - everyone who can reasonably be turned into a decently performing Swordmaster will eat that Heart/Friendship/Partner Seal ASAP.

So, that's it for me. Hi.

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Hi Nihilion! I'm new on the forums as well and as for countries goes, sort of a neighbour ;)

I wouldn't mock you, I have no idea how people manage to keep their characters alive in the harder modes (I tried, but at some point I got so annoyed I decided this was not why I was playing, I do want to enjoy it y'know and I don't do that to impress anyone), I'm actually impressed you manage to play through the game(s) so fast. Then again, I'm one of those idiots who spend hours on side quests (if there are any) and roaming about if it's possible. One of the reasons I love OoT, MM and WW so much (zelda).

Just wondering: are you playing the German version? I've been noticing a lot of German screenshots on miiverse. I wonder what that's like- I'm used to playing, reading and watching so much in English.

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'Ello! Welcome to ze woodz! Hopa ya have a good time!

Thanks. I'll try to.

Hi Nihilion! I'm new on the forums as well and as for countries goes, sort of a neighbour ;)

I wouldn't mock you, I have no idea how people manage to keep their characters alive in the harder modes (I tried, but at some point I got so annoyed I decided this was not why I was playing, I do want to enjoy it y'know and I don't do that to impress anyone), I'm actually impressed you manage to play through the game(s) so fast. Then again, I'm one of those idiots who spend hours on side quests (if there are any) and roaming about if it's possible. One of the reasons I love OoT, MM and WW so much (zelda).

Just wondering: are you playing the German version? I've been noticing a lot of German screenshots on miiverse. I wonder what that's like- I'm used to playing, reading and watching so much in English.

No, I'm playing in English. Mostly because German translations have a tradition of being crap... I play almost all my games in English, the only exception are games actually made in Germany (such as SpellForce or The Settlers). Same goes for books and movies...

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So it's the same for you as it is for me. I keep my phone, tablet, computer etc. on English as well, translations tend to be so bad it makes me wonder why they even bother translating in the first place. Not just a Dutch thing, then..

The one exception is going to the cinema, I can't help but read when there is something to read and here everything is subbed. I try to ignore it and just listen to the audio but that's difficult sometimes :)

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Hey there, Nihilon.

- I play on Normal/Classic like a scrublord and reset every time anyone dies. Feel free to mock me for it.

This is what people expect you to do, the only time people berate and harass others is when they play on Casual.

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Welcome to the Forest, Nihilon!

- I play on Normal/Classic like a scrublord and reset every time anyone dies. Feel free to mock me for it.

Where the hell do you people find this kind of idea?

As long as you enjoy playing the game, there's no reason to "mock" you whatever mode you're playing through.

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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