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Fire emblem sacred forest


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Taking place before sacred stones this is the story of a prince who needs to stop the demon king from overtaking the world the first time by finding the so called "sacred stones that a fortune teller told him of

Edited by Voidmage
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And I know my last idea well... sucked but I'm new to this site

Your last idea honestly wasn't much of an idea.

This one sounds pretty close to the plot of Sacred Stones, I think you should take some time to expand on it and edit your main post with more info for us to know. So you know, it won't sound like just the plot of Sacred Stones.

Semi-related: Have you started messing around with the hacking tools/read the various guides to hacking yet? If you haven't, I highly recommend you do so, because your first stab at FE modding should not be a full hack. Read the Ultimate Tutorial, mess around with the vanilla ROMs, and then you'll be far more ready to jump into making a full hack.

And if you've already started messing around and learning things, disregard that.

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First of all, you need to bring these things together, that are, plot, gameplay and mechanics. If you post a very short story just like you did or post just the lord' base stats (incomplete even) you probably won't have interest pointed towards you unless you have shakespeare writing level because YOU DON'T HAVE GAMEPLAY AT ALL. Meaning, you could just be posting to troll people or just to get attention.

In the end, make at least the prologue, have custom graphics/sprites/portraits/animations, new weapons with new effecttiveness, a more complete story ect. Once you do all this then I, at least, as a person would believe you are putting effort into something and not just wasting my time. So if you would follow my advice, i could almoast guarantee success.

EDIT : Also, double posting is bad, you shold stop doing that in a topic. Just edit your post. Its ez.

Edited by Jose_Darkeye
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Does this "Sacred Forest" have anything to do with the plot?

And yeah, how LONG before Sacred Stones? Is this the story of the Five Heroes?

That's is the whole story gg mate

And this is when they are FINDING the stones

Edited by Voidmage
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First of all, you need to bring these things together, that are, plot, gameplay and mechanics. If you post a very short story just like you did or post just the lord' base stats (incomplete even) you probably won't have interest pointed towards you unless you have shakespeare writing level because YOU DON'T HAVE GAMEPLAY AT ALL. Meaning, you could just be posting to troll people or just to get attention.

In the end, make at least the prologue, have custom graphics/sprites/portraits/animations, new weapons with new effecttiveness, a more complete story ect. Once you do all this then I, at least, as a person would believe you are putting effort into something and not just wasting my time. So if you would follow my advice, i could almoast guarantee success.

EDIT : Also, double posting is bad, you shold stop doing that in a topic. Just edit your post. Its ez.

Thanks for the advice And the prologue is still in the making I'm in "school" (summer school) so I'm making a goal to finish that.

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That's is the whole story gg mate

And this is when they are FINDING the stones

So it's about the Five Heroes then?

Cause unless I'm remembering wrong, they made the Stones, sealed the Demon King, and then killed him.

"In an age long past... evil flooded over the land. Creatures awash in the dark tide ran wild, pushing mankind to the brink of annihilation. In its despair, mankind appealed to the heavens, and from a blinding light came hope. The Sacred Stones. These five glorious treasures held the power to dispel evil. The hero Grado and his warriors used the Sacred Stones to combat evil's darkness. They defeated the Demon King and sealed his soul away within the stones."

From FE8. They were given the stones, they didn't have to find them, they just kinda showed up.

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Also, please use the "Edit" button, double posting is not cool.

I do that shit all the time in my own topic and nobody gets on my case for it. I don't think it's as big a deal for concept/fan project threads, but then again it probably gets a pass usually since there's something substantive in the posts.

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I think it's fine because they're replying to different people

you realize that

It's the immediate double posting that's being referred to; what's the point when your last post was less than 5 minutes ago

you can

I do that shit all the time in my own topic and nobody gets on my case for it. I don't think it's as big a deal for concept/fan project threads, but then again it probably gets a pass usually since there's something substantive in the posts.

multi-quote to respond right

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Yes but it doesn't look as orderly, makes it more difficult for subsequent replies, and makes it so that you can't link to a singular reply to give to someone else.

In the end, they're just different conventions, and I don't think that the multiple posts for separate replies convention is worse.

(By this one, we get very long posts, like this, which even nests a reply to (a single part of a post of) multiple replies into one)

Edited by Crazycolorz5
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