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Leveling Past 99?


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Is this possible? I just finished Revelations and so it's time for postgame/DLC. I know that you can Eternal Seal up to LV99, but what happens afterward? Can you still "Level Up" and gain stats/new skills, or are you stuck there for eternity? Also, does EXP gain continue to drop past LV20? I'm not looking forward to gaining 1 EXP per kill from LV26 onward.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure there's already a topic on this, so if anyone could point it out or answer, that'd be great. Thanks!

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Nice! That's a great help. I don't know if I'll ever get there, but if I do, it's gonna be useful. This makes me wonder what the actual level cap (code-wise) is or whether it just loops back to 99 if you hit 104 or something....Oh well, whatever. Thanks everyone!

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This is great to know too! I've been not using Xander too much for fear of reaching the max level before the Hoshido and Nohr festival maps are out for the US since I want to run him through lodestar for the dancing blade skill. Yay to not having to worry!

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