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Swapping Physical Copies AFTER buying DLC?


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Hey guys,

I know this is probably highly unlikely. But say I wanted to switch my Birthright physical copy for a copy of Conquest in the physical form.

I know I can transfer saves to "Extra Data" so it will be saved on SD Card. The saves aren't really that important.

My main concern is, since I purchased the DIGITAL DLC of Conquest for the Birthright Cartridge, there's no way it can be transferred so I can play the digital DLC version of Birthright on a physical cartridge of Conquest is there? :/

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That's a really good question.

I've never tried it, but logic tells me you can't acquire the DLC version of Birthright unless you buy it (since it's a separate license/entity).

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Thanks for answering. I'd really like to know. I'm kinda OCD with this stuff and after playing all 3 routes and enjoying Conquest the most out of all the games (call me crazy but I even preferred the story of Conquest to the other 2), I really want to have the physical copy of Conquest as opposed the the snooze fest that was Birthright, due to my Conquest file likely being my main file

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