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Society Rant


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Okay. Here I go. I'll be as frank as I possibly can be.

I hate the world, as in the real world. Reality has become such an immoral and corrupted place it makes me ashamed to call myself "human." So many corrupted politics who are more worried about power and money and so many conversationalists who try to get what's "popular" to become "right."

So what do I do about this? Pretty much nothing, I ignore it all and go to my video games... only to find that the same things are in that reality as well...

What exactly is right and wrong, or in another word, "moral?" Who knows anymore. People are easily misdirected by society's opinions that they no longer believe their opinions matter. It's either you're with them or wrong.

I can stay silent no longer. The world needs help, but what exactly does it need help with? That is subjective, but these are the things I believe are the absolute worst, both in real and fictional realities. Hate me all you want, I'm expecting it, and you may shoot down my opinions because they don't "aline" with society's.

Society needs to shut up.

1) The political system.

It is screwed up far beyond what it was initially. First off, I live in the USA, so my point of view is going to come from here. But I'd like some words from other parts of the world if you would be so obliged.

As I said, people today are more worried about who's more powerful or rich than they are worried about the people themselves. This doesn't apply to everyone, no, of course not. After all, I'm not that way. But this is more apparent in politics than anywhere else. The candidates are willing to vandalize each other and lie about themselves just to get higher up, seemingly paying no attention to what the people they're supposed to "help" say about them. They're acting like watching over their nation is a competition rather than an honor, for lack of a better word. The current candidates are terrible for the USA, I think.

The original colonists created the government to help and support the people, to give them direction, to help them in times of need. Compared to today, I feel we're entering some sort of evil plot, similar to how governmental powers are in games such as Fire Emblem. They're acting more as "bosses" more worried about themselves.

2) Religion and views

I'm Christian. Boom, I just lost some readers and friends/followers. But why though? Does that really upset you? Just because someone has a different belief than you means you immediately hate them? You can't just hate something for simply existing, or if it clashes with your own beliefs or morals. Nowadays, people are worried about getting offended, even if it's by something trivial. "This guy wears a blue shirt, this greatly offends me!" ...Yes, I've heard this before and worse.

But what does getting offended mean? I'm going to use the LGBT community as an example, as it is causing a great deal of controversy. Are you gay or transgender? No? Okay, do you care what gay or transgender people do? Yeah? Why? If it doesn't effect you at all, why bother? If you want an opposite spectrum example, let's use the American flag. Are you American? No? Okay, are you in America? Yes? Then why are you arguing with the American flag and what it stands for? ...I hope I worded those correctly. If not, I hope you at least get the gist of what I'm trying to say here... This is like getting offended at your own child for eating the food you made him! ...Yes, I've heard that one, too...

Are you Muslim? Jewish? Islamic? Or perhaps you only follow yourself? Cool! I honestly don't know too many people outside of my own religion. But I can guarantee you, I shouldn't have to use the "We come in peace" thing.

3) Morality

What does it mean? "Morality" is a human concept that defines what a person believes is right or wrong. Key word there: "person." Morality is different for just about everyone, and that is where ideals clash.

Apologies for the following, as it will revolve mostly around the women. I mean no ill will towards the women, but it seems that is where society is heading southward with.

Tharja. Aversa. Camilla. Charlotte. What do these characters have in common? They are scantily-clad and/or suggestive sultry women that I believe NO ONE should be seeing. I don't want a half-naked witch, stalking my every move. And Tharja's alter ego, Rahjat/Shayla, only makes it worse for me by being gay, along with Niles (and in turn, the main character him/herself) and Heather who appeared in RD. Do I hate these characters? No, and I mean no ill will towards the LGBT community either. But these characters I do not like, either, and believe the gaming world would be much better off without these characters. And it only gets worse.

Take the recent transgender bathroom problems, for example. What are people actually afraid of? The fact that men can now "identify" themselves as "female" and walk into a public woman's restroom. Not the actual transgender person themselves (if you ask me, there shouldn't have been a law for this, anyway. No sense, just use the bathroom for the gender you are now a part of.), but the perverts who just want to have "fun." Strangely enough, I'm hearing very little about women who identify themselves as "male." What gives?

Females are apparently there for the male's amusement? I'm sorry, but no. That is where I'm seeing this world going, unfortunately.

And before you start bagging on my own character because he's "scantily-clad", he's a work in progress. Why does this matter here? Because I've shown him off a few times and have gotten criticism for it, but I'm saying this now in case someone in the thread decides to bring him up as a counter-point. He's a work in progress.

[spoiler=The character in question, Stan]Stan.jpg

This world is falling apart, and it's only getting worse. These are just a few of many mundane and pointless bits that shouldn't even be a subject of debate, yet, here it is!

I play video games to get away from the world, but the world is infesting my video games!

Talk about this, hate me if you will, but I needed to get this out. Why is the world so drastically declining and why are people supporting it?

It's getting increasingly difficult to make my own game as well. Larger companies are relying mainly on fanservice to get through, trying to please everyone. I'm just trying to please myself (which is where I think the gaming world should be going), but people ware willing to push aside their original ideas and even their own morals just for the extra support.

I've actually had someone ask me if I will include a gay character in my game, but I had to turn that down because that's just not who I am. Again, I don't hate the LGBT community, but I won't support it, either. And what happened in Orlando is very depressing, but I don't think it's offensive in the slightest, even to the community itself. It's just a very unmoral person who just can't get it together. Distressing, but not offensive, and I fear the world may be getting the two mixed up. If it upsets you, it's offensive...

Again, hate me if you will, your beliefs and morals are yours. It is currently 10:20pm, so I will check the hate mail tomorrow. But I will leave it off with this last sentence:

Screw you, society.

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I don't suppose I could convince you to become an existential nihilist? Trust me, it becomes so much easier to cope once you accept that everything we do is ultimately meaningless.

Existential Nihilism: Life sucks and then you die!

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I think each one of the things you're complaining about can be picked apart and put into an appropriate topic. There's just too much for the average person to address here. That said, I think there is a common theme, with a common answer: No one has ever or will ever really love everything about the world and everyone in it. There will always be bad apples, and the world will always be imperfect. If you wish to find happiness and contentment, then you need to learn to accept this. Yes, things are bad now. They may get worse in the future; in fact they probably will. But despite this, there are always good people to find, good places to see, and good things to do. Dwelling on the consistent failures of man is pointless if it brings no good itself. Find what brings you joy, and hold on to it, even if the world is burning.

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I'm going to quote something in the Serious Discussion sticky:

- Serious Discussion is not your personal soap-box to come to for validation, do not hope nor expect to "preach to the choir". You will be interacting with others, many of whom may not share your viewpoint. If you cannot handle disagreement in a respectful and mature fashion, this is not the place for your post.

The first post isn't a discussion - it's a rant/soap box. Serious Discussion is not the subforum for this. This should be in a blog, not a forum post (and this isn't the first time where I said to "get a blog", so I think you should strongly consider it).

EDIT: See the dude above me? He offers some solid advice.

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