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am I waiting to long to get my children?

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On a Revelation file I've been playing, I'm getting the kids at chapter 27. I had it on Hard, but I'll admit it was too darn annoying so I went down to Normal. It's great after you get them though because the kids' offspring seal gives them B ranks and level 18 promoted with decent stats.

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I'm in chapter 22 of Revelation in hard, and right now 'm doing the kids paralogues, the chapters feel really easy, so, I don't think its a problem if you waited until chapter 20. I already did the chapters for Shiro, Ignatius, Kiragi, Caeldori and Asugi with 0 problems, but of course you need the Rescue for Shiro (I especially needed it because it was Elise!Shiro and he has very bad defense haha).

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It depends on how much you're up for a challenge/good at FE too

I didn't find any of the child paralogues difficult in Birthright. Shiro takes knowing about his situation, but rescue is buyable in BR and you have a ton of gold so if you didn't use it too recklessly it shouldn't be hard to have 2 staves of at least 1 use each left for him (may not need 2 if you have a swole falco). Mitama is also a bit annoying but I airlift rushed Ryoma to the village to keep it safe before I can recruit.

Conquest has a few tough ones. I found myself using my most powerful and high-levelled units to clear them instead of letting less powerful units catch up (but that's what kana's is for, anyway), but I also don't think any of them are prohibitively hard bar Ignatius (other than certain team compositions because my last successful run of Ignatius post-27 on Rev Lunatic was drop a Berserker Rinkah in the middle with 40+ def after rally and tonics and adamant club and...somehow that works?) like, Siegbert's is notoriously hard but I cleared him after 25 precisely because it took me until chapter 25 to figure out a strat for him (and with the help of my more-experienced-at-conquest friends)lmao

I got Nina after 24 on purpose though for easy pass and dualbreaker passdown

Edited by Thor Odinson
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I always get kids at C21 in all routes since they learn their promoted level 5 skill and get bumped up a rank if they get a new weapon.

My only exceptions are Effie!Percy, who I get literally ASAP because he is so overpowered, and Nina in C26 for instant pass learning.

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