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Hello, my fellow Fire Emblem fans! Just call me Haruji, or, if you wanna be casual, Haru-chan is fine.

I've been a fan of this wonderful series for several years now, although I cannot remember if I got FE9 or FE7 first...

Regardless, I have gone on to play as many in the series as possible. I'm currently on my fifth run in FE9 and my first run in FE6.

In case you haven't noticed, I love being goofy and having fun, but I do know when to be serious, or when it's time to lighten the mood.

Being a comedian of sorts, I'm an equal opportunity offender. Kinda like Trey Parker and Matt Stone, my comedy idols. I believe in treating people equally, and in making people learn how to laugh at themselves once in awhile (and with how insane the world's getting, I think we ALL need some laughter).

Anyways, back to Fire Emblem. As my profile says, Path of Radiance is my favorite in the series. I am also very much fond of Rekka no Ken. I always thought Eliwood and Hector had an adorable bromance. After I finish Fuuin no Tsurugi, I plan to go on to Seisen no Keifu.

Let's hear some more about me!

I'm a young man engaged to a beautiful woman. I keep an eye on national politics and defend my views while always letting others voice their own and having open, polite dialogue. I read my Bible and pray every day, even though I stopped going to church a long time ago. I'm an obsessive cinephile who tends to literally drool over great cinematography (I plan to hang stills from Kubrick films in my house one day). I've been a gamer since I was about five years old when my parents hooked up their old NES for my brother and I to play. Of course, being an NES, the first game I played was Super Mario Bros. That wonderful game has taken up many hours of my life.

I have a strange fascination with bromance. I find them endlessly entertaining, and spot them in every game I play or anime I watch, and frequently defend epic bromances from my yaoi fangirl friends.

I am a born storyteller, and I love writing to death. I also plan to one day write and direct some independent films.

I also have Asperger's Syndrome. This pretty much makes social interaction one of my biggest fears. I feel horribly awkward even around some of my own freaking family. I tend to keep my thoughts and feelings to myself unless around very specific people. Due to this, every friend I make is held in high regard. I keep my friends as close as possible, while also driving them insane and sometimes scaring the hell out of them with my dark, oftentimes satirical sense of humor (Parker and Stone are my comedic idols, remember. So is Cinema Snob).

That's enough about me. And so, one final message:

Ranulf is the greatest character in the history of characters. I adore him to pieces and want a plushie that I can cuddle.

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I think you and I will get along just fine. I love being goofy, weird, and having a fun time, too. I also have Asperger's as well, so I feel your pain.

And you may like this :)


Konnichiwa, Salutations, Aloha, etc. Welcome to the forest and enjoy your time here!

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Welcome to the forest, Haruji. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Let's see...

Goofy? Check.

Loves having fun? Check.

Has Aspergers? Check.

Seems like you and me have quite a bit in common. I hope we become good friends. :3

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Hello and welcome to the forums, 6th run of PoR? blimey.

Fifth run, actually. And my first on Normal mode (I'm a pansy, I know), and it's... a lot easier than I expected.

Welcome to the forest, Haruji. I hope you enjoy your stay.

Let's see...

Goofy? Check.

Loves having fun? Check.

Has Aspergers? Check.

Seems like you and me have quite a bit in common. I hope we become good friends. :3

I hope so too! Your profile pic brings back a CRAP-TON of memories from 8th grade! I was a Castlevania FANATIC back then, but then my family remodeled the house after 10th grade and................. most of my Castlevania games went missing (still have 2 and 3 on NES, thankfully!). They're somewhere in the house... I miss them...

Also, my fiance has a copy of the original game still in the box in PRISTINE condition~!

Anyways, good to meet both of you!

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