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Hellow folks, how is it going? You may call me TheVaike98 or just Vaike, whatever you like.

I started playing Fire Emblem in the far (or not) 2013 with Awakening, after having seen (and used) Marth and Ike in SSBB (yeah I know, kinda late, isn't it?). After beating the game, I was so curious to play the other games of the series that i played the GBA titles (except Binding Blade because....reasons....), PoR and Radiant Dawn (that is still my favourite game of the series), the DS titles (FE12 with a fan translation) and i fell in love with it. I am still playing Fates (already beaten Birthright and Conquest, only Revelation left, thanks to the Special Edition).

I found out that this is something like the biggest community of Fire Emblem so i thought: "Why not join it then?" and here I am.

Well I'm not good at talking to others (and English not being my native language doesn't help much...) so...nice to meet you all ;):

Not that it does matter to anyone but if you want to know more about me, just ask and I'll be happy to answer you all...

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My you do seem to be quite self deprecating. I for one am glad to see that serenes is still growing after it's been around for so long. I'm glad to meet you and hope you enjoy your stay here!

If you don't mind me asking I have a few questions for you. What is your native language? Who is your favorite fire emblem character? And finally, nohr or hoshido?

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Well, let's just say I'like joking about myself a lot ;)

My native language is italian.

My favourite fire emblem character? Well it's hard to say, there are so many characters that I like, so it's hard to like one over another...

Nohr or Hoshido? Hard decision (where are we? Is this already Chapter 6?) but Nohr

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Welcome, and no offense taken for addressing me as male in the other thread. The Vaike is one of my favorite characters from Awakening.

I had a friend named Ike who called himself Vaike for a while. It all started when he started adding "Va" to everyone's names (like I was Varachel), mostly to embarrass my friend, Gina.

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Hey there, TheVaike98.

If you don't mind me asking, why are you avoiding Binding Blade?

Actually I played it for quite some time, but at a certain point of my playthrough I just stopped playing it whitout a reason. Probably because of the paralogues and the difficulty on "unlocking" them. But I don't hate the game, I assure you (I must say that this happened many years ago)

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Oooooo! Why didn't I think of putting My Castle address in my signature. Thank you for the idea. Also thank you for choosing the side of justice and goodness.

Oh...ehm...you're welcome? I guess....?

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