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So, it's been a while but guys I am applying for a new job, at the local Lowes Hardware, and I am also going to finally try and ask the girl I took to prom out. I kind of need some advice on how to do that, since I am no cassanova.

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You already took this girl to the prom?

Just ask her out and don't overthink it. All you need is to be confident, and don't take rejection too personal. There's no magic bullet to asking a girl out. None of us will know how she'll respond. No one can read minds. Hell, we know her less than you.

Stand up straight, look her in the eye, and ask if she wants to go out with you. If she rejects you just say, ok cool, thanks anyway, and walk away.

I'm not a casanova either, but I know for fact that when it works, it's really simple.

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So, it's been a while but guys I am applying for a new job, at the local Lowes Hardware, and I am also going to finally try and ask the girl I took to prom out. I kind of need some advice on how to do that, since I am no cassanova.

A simple "Hey, do you want to go do X?" should suffice. It sounds like you had a good time at the prom.

I forget, did you go as just friends, or as boyfriend-girlfriend? If the latter, you've already done most of the work. If the former, there's always risk involved. If you think she feels the same way you do, go for it, but also know that sometimes dating a long time friend can make things awkward afterwards, if it doesn't work out. You have to perform a bit of a risk vs reward analysis before deciding whether to act, but if you do, just a simple offer for a dinner, movie, or hang out at the apartment and watch Monty Python night is more than enough for a first date.

I cannot speak for everyone, but I've always appreciated the simple approach. My marriage proposal was "Hey, did you wanna get married?".

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