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Graphics help


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I am 100% clueless with graphics (although i did figure out how to recolor a portrait in gimp) and badly need good videos on how to do map sprites or the opening scene of the chapter stuff(CG?).

I want to make a FE7 hack and having been look at the Ultimate tutorial and other things and feel comfortable with my ability to do event and map stuff(as well as story) but graphically i feel useless. If i cant figure out graphics i obviously cant do a hack so i desperately need good videos or documents explaining exactly how to do graphic stuff.

Does anyone know if that kind of thing is out there and if so can i get a link to it please.

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Well if you just want to do things like pixel art as your graphics like the ones in the older Fire Emblems, I recommend looking into a free program called Graphic Gales, which is a full on sprite making/pixel art making program. It can also do sprite animations so that might help you out.

But I think what you might want to do is look up and research about sprite making and sprite animations because it sounds like to me that's what you're looking for and want to learn.

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