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Planning optimized Revelation pairings


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So, after having played each of the routes once and sinking a total of ~200 hours into the game, I'm fairly sure I have an idea of what pairings are optimal for my style. As a note beforehand, I'm not very concerned with skills for this setup - as far as I'm concerned, I have most of the skills I need, and can get the ones I still want somewhere online. Therefore, what matters to me most is class pools and the children's stat mods.

I will also be playing F!Corrin, but I'm not sure about her Talent yet. Her final intended class is Swordmaster, but I can get that through Friendship Seals, so the only thing the Talent will be good for is passing an extra class to her partner. However, I am 100% sure I will pick SPD as her boon, and either LCK or MAG as her bane. The difficulty I have with deciding is that if I pick LCK, I lose 1 point of STR, and by extension, 1 point of damage as well - but with MAG, I lose 1 point of SPD, which costs me 1 or 2 AVO.

Anyway, moving on, here are the intended pairings:

Corrin x Subaki - I don't intend on using Subaki, but Caeldori is quite possibly my favourite child, so that's why I'm considering the pairing. Having Corrin as a mother will give her all kinds of awesome stat growths and mods, so that would be cool. Only shame is that, as I don't use Subaki, Corrin's Talent will effectively be wasted. For the record, Caeldori's intended final class is Swordmaster.

Corrin x Laslow - Soleil is my other favourite child character and who knows, maybe I'll actually use Laslow if I can Partner Seal him into whatever class I want! I'm not too big a fan of the Mercenary class line, and Master Ninja doesn't fit Soleil due to its low STR cap, so I was thinking that she might make a great Hoshido Noble.

Azura x Saizo - As I intend to use Kaze for other purposes (see further below), this is the way to make Shigure into a Ninja. I'd say that Azura would make a great Ninja as well (and she would!), but with the Witch DLC coming up, a Warp Songstress is looking far too good to pass up. Additionally, Saizo as a Sky Knight? Hey, it's funny.

Sakura x Leo - Not much to comment. It's the pairing I used in my current Revelations run, and it's treated me quite well. I don't use Leo much due to not knowing what to do with him (people have suggested to make him a Dark Flier, but I haven't gotten around to that yet - and Sakura fulfills the same role as a Falcon Knight with a Bolt Naginata). Forrest also likes having access to the Monk class line, and the stat mods Sakura gives him.

Hana x Keaton - I think it may be all too evident that I adore glass cannons, so a Hana!Velouria is just too appealing to pass up. Having an extra Swordmaster never hurts, but Velouria would do just as well as a Wolfssegner - with some of the extra SKL and SPD she gets from Hana, she's going to be a murder machine! Additionally, for some reason, nearly everyone else has turned out to be a better Swordmaster than Hana - so making her a Berserker might be REALLY funny.

Hana x Kaden - My other possible choice. If I keep Selkie as a Kitsune, she's going to like that extra SKL and SPD, or I could turn her into a Swordmaster again... Kaden is going to end up gathering dust either way, though.

Rinkah x Benny - I'm not entirely sure what to do with Rinkah - but Benny might make a decent Oni Chieftain or Blacksmith. Sure, he is absurdly tanky as a General, but I've found that in many cases it's just overkill. Plus, Rinkah's HP and STR could be fixed by making her a General instead. She might actually turn out usable!

Hayato x Nyx - Given the other pairings I have (see above and below), this is pretty much the only pairing left that gives me a good Rhajat. There's not much else to it, really.

Kagero x Takumi - I'm not a big fan of Takumi, personally. I know he is a godly Sniper, but I dislike him as a character. So I was thinking - give Sniper to Kagero! With her godly STR, and her failing SKL supplemented by Certain Blow, she might actually be usable. Plus, if I ever do use Kiragi... hey, more Ninjas are never bad, right?

Camilla x Ryoma - This pairing has treated me extremely well. Camilla makes a fantastic Swordmaster, and making Ryoma a Wyvern Lord is just the thing I need to get a giggle when I get bored of him. Additionally, it turns Shiro into a freaking monster.

Selena x Laslow - My aim here is to get Selena access to Master Ninja. The class does wonders to take advantage of her good SPD, it fixes her bad SKL, and her innate growths offset most of the class's weaknesses. The only weak point is her low-ish STR - but an Energy Drop or some time in Hero can fix that. The problem here is the fact that it kinda-sorta screws up Soleil. Regarding her, I was planning to turn her into a Swordmaster again - the way I did this in my previous playthrough was by S-ranking Kana (Samurai talent).

Selena x Kaze - See above. My goal here is to get Selena access to Master Ninja.

Selena x Subaki - Mentioned here because... I'm a Caeldori fan. And Caeldori actually turned out surprisingly well in my playthrough despite this - she's probably my third best Swordmaster after Corrin and Camilla. However, as Selena is kind of bad in every class except Ninja (at least that's what I've found), it'll more-or-less preclude me from using her... and I don't use Subaki anyway.

Elise x Odin - Elise!Ophelia, enough said.

Hinoka x Xander - Probably one of my favourite pairings. I'm dumb so I got kind of confused when the Partner Seal for Xander didn't show Spear Fighter. Still, Hinoka really appreciates the Cavalier line - and she gives a very nice boost to Siegbert's stats! I'm going to turn Xander into a Lodestar in the end, and just Partner Seal Hinoka into a Great Knight for a while if her DEF starts sucking again like in my current playthrough.


As for the other characters, I'm not really sure what to do with them. Mozu in particular - as I have Aptitude on most children at this point, passing it is no longer an issue. I've been considering the following:

Mozu x Hinata - Hisame is one of the children I don't have Aptitude on yet, so passing it would be cool.

Mozu x Kaze - I've heard that this is key to producing the famous Miracle Midori - is this true? In that case, I will have to go for Selena x Laslow for sure to give her Ninja.

For most other characters, I'll just end up pairing them in some reasonably inoffensive way... what do you think of my pairings? Optimal enough, or is there room for improvement with the limitations I've mentioned?

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