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Such a lust for revenge....WHOOOOO?! (The answer is me! Wassup?)


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My name is Roy. Well, it's not my name, it's more like an...Alias...I guess. I don't know. Anyway, I am new to the forums, but not to Fire Emblem. I am a huge fan of the series, but never played Ike's games because they are so gosh darn expensive! Trying to cut back on swearing, hence me using such a stupid term like "Gosh Darn". But I Digress. I am a not so subtle reference to the Young Lion himself, while "Storm" is another story for another time. God, gotta love typing at 5:07 AM with no sleep and being a damn mess due to being ADHD. ANYWAY, I think this entire postpretty much sums me up. Crazy, all over the place, with no rhyme or rhythm, just saying whatever garbage comes out of my mouth. Anyway, hello SF!Here is all my info:

Online name: RoyStorm (also known as: RoyStormageddon, Vneshniy Nebo, and Who_Child)

Real name: Michael Parker

DoB: December 28th, In the not too distant future~

Favourite FE Game: Blazing Sword

Favourite Game (other than FE): The Entire Metal Gear Series.

Favourite FE Character: Tied between Roy and his father, Eliwood.

Least Favourite game: A lot. Bubsy, Aquaman: Battle for Atlantis, Sonic '06, The Zoo Race, and who could forget that flawless gem, Ride To Hell: Retribution.

Sports: Track

Online friends:The_Wet_Turd1

Favourite music: Prefer orchestral or instrumental video game music, sometimes tv music and movie if it's good.

Favorite Composers: Murray Gold, Koji Kondo, Harry Gregson-Williams, John Williams, and Norihiko Hibino.

Favourite artist/band: Linkin Park, because I am so edgy. (Also Starbomb!)

Favourite song: Depends on my mood.

Country:America, the country thag is utterly fucked.

MSN/Yahoo/AIM: N/A

Hobbies:Being a tumor, drawing, writing scripts, and playing games

Good Point: I am a loyal friend, (good looking too), and I am actually quite intelligent.

Bad Point: I talk way too much, and say and do a lot of shit I end up regretting, I also don't listen well and get distracted easily, most likely due to ADHD

Favorite Show: The Filthy Frank Show

Edited by RoyStorm
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Yay i'm not alone!

"You doubt my power?! I am Psycho Mantis! The world's most POWERFUL practitioner of psychokenisis and telepathy alive! You like Hideo Kojima games, don't you?"

"Did you say nerd?"

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