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My Wii u won't read the disc

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I finally got my game in the mail and it won't read, I have tried everything am I going to have to call customer support and get a new disc? If anyone has any advice please tell me, I really hat talking to people on the phone and this game was the only good thing I was looking forward to for last month to have this happen to me is making me mad. My Wii u plays all other discs fine, #FE is in perfect shape nothing to make you think it won't work.

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First thing I did was check that, lucky for me I ordered from GameStop so my mom is going to go with me to see if they will exchange it. I am super mad, nothing is going right for me the past few week and this is just the icing on the horrid cake for me.

Edit Took the game in and exchanged it but I can't play until tomorrow but I did check that the disc works. The lady at the store had never even heard of the error cod that I had pop up.

Edited by EricaofRenais
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