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Fire Emblem Fates Conquest Hard or Lunatic on Most Difficult FE Game modes


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I have been wondering for a while why people aren't including conquest in their list of hardest game modes for fire emblem. I found it to be quite hard compared to game modes like FE7 HHM and FE11 H5 and FE9 HM, if you don't use the boot camp grinding(which I am pretty sure people rarely use it). So how would you guys rate it?

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I'd rate it second after FE12's hardest mode.

FE11 has a nasty start on H5, but actually does allow room for growths compared to 12, and the reclassing is less restricted., which helps a lot.

I guess I'd put FE10 HM and FE5 next at 4th and 5th.

And finally awakening at 6th, even though I consider lunatic+ to be rather easy tactically and most of the challenge to be on setup rather than the actual maps. Even just that is still more taxing than the GBA hard modes and about half of FE10's hard mode..

FE9's hard mode is a bad comparision as it's actually easier than FE8's hard mode, although the normal mode is vaguely more difficult than fe8 normal mode.

FE7's hard mode is also probably the 4th easiest after 4, 9 and 8. It does have it's moments like the gaiden with the siege tome enemies, but overall I find it not too much of an improvement.

So conquest does amazingly well. I think the number of ways to break it are also just in between 11 and 12 as well. (boot camp, certain bond unit combinations, some key reclasses, rationing out offensive stave usage) compared to 11's (forging, effective weapons, reclassing, warp, and player slanted map design), or the restrained 12, (effective weapons, reclassing, but only on already good units, early game kris is easy to give exp.)

Edited by Reality
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