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Fire Emblem 7 Hacking HELP

George Reds

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Hi, I´m interested in hacking/modding (correct me please) fire emblem 7, but... I have a huge problem, I don't know how to hack/mod, I downloaded "GBA Nightmare Modules", "FEditor ADV" and "Advance Pallete Editor", I don't know how to use any of these, so I ask. Could anybody give me an explanation on how to change animations, portraits and text (descriptions for my characters) please? Thank you.

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I've seen this one, but I´m confused. How do I open the modules or nightmare (are they the same?)

Open nightmare

Open a ROM in nightmre

Click the load modules thing

Navigate to your modules folders

Pick the modules you want to use

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah those tutorials help a bunch, you're just to going to have to slug through it like everyone else.

But here's a brief overview, you'll need to import your sprites with GBA Graphics Editor, offsets can be found in the readmes and nightmare modules, which you can access with nightmare of course. Then using nightmare, you'll need to specify which "unit" has which sprites in the "FE7 Standing Map Sprite Editor" module and "Map Sprite Pointer Table Editor" module.

Make sure you don't have more than one program open at a time or you'll overwrite the changes you make. Ex. If you have GBAGE open, save your changes close it then open nightmare to make changes. I don't know the technical terms but the programs take a sort of "snapshot" of your ROM in its current state before saving/writing the changes to that ROM when you save it. These programs are not advance enough to update that snapshot like other more official programs, for a lack of better words.

Edited by Rickochet
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