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Is Conquest worth it?

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So I've beaten Birthright and almost beat Revelation (which I'm not finishing because I'm absolutely sick of the map design and the fact that you have to defeat Anankos' arms, head and the ball in his mouth? Like WTF?), so now there's only one path I haven't played. Should I pick up Conquest? I know that lots of people agree that it has better map design, objectives, characters and that's it just more like a classic Fire Emblem game in general.

I am a noob to FE, having only played and beat Birthright and Awakening with two chapters to go on Revelation. I didn't pick up Conquest for this reason (Birthright was my first game, followed by Revelation and Awakening), but now that I'm more acquainted with FE and strategy games in general, should I pick it up? I know it's much more difficult with no grinding outside DLC (which is fine, I have Boo Camp and I don't like it, and I never played Challenges on Birthright or Revelation).

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I think you should. It's challenging, but not in a stat inflated way. The difficulty comes more from enemy unit placement, map design, and skills, rather than just all the enemies having high stats. If it gets too much, you can always change it to casual mode or lower the general difficulty. Since you say that you're new to the series, if you're interested in playing the older games, I'd say that this game could be a good lead up to that.

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Its my favorite path :) If you played Awakening then its a must buy because of the easter eggs in Selena, Odin, and Laslows supports. Also the characters (in my opinion) are alot better, they each have their own personality and the medieval feel hits home with classic fire emblem fans as well. The story is also very interesting and the twists and sacrifices that you have to make clearly effect your character and if you want a more dark and twisted story then definitely go with Conquest.

Oh and I forgot to mention the maps are way more challenging and interesting. Each chapter has its own gimmick that you can use to add a ton of variety in your playthrough, this also holds true with the child chapters

Edited by Lance-a-lot
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Conquest was likely my favourite path in terms of map design. The only reason I play my Revelation file instead is that you don't get the BR units in Conquest. I found that Birthright maps were relatively boring, Revelation was FAR too gimmicky (Zola says hi), so Conquest has all the good maps. Of course, it's also extremely difficult compared to the two other paths - Chapters 10, 17 and 25 are some of the ones that will absolutely make you tear your hair out. But if you like a challenge, it's very good - because there's always a way through.

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^ Let's not open that can of worms.

The only thing I have to add is to start on Classic. You can switch to Casual if you find you're not enjoying it, but you can't switch from Casual to Classic.

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I also suggest bumping the difficulty down a notch, if at all possible. Much of the Conquest's difficulty is in the maps/unit placement, and it only gets worse as the game goes on.

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On the contrary, you are probably too dumb to understand it.

Ignoring that.

Basically, without spoiling anything, just know that the Nohrian siblings are just as impossibly loyal to Garon as they were in Birthright, and Corrin... needlessly does some pretty horrible things (not directly, but they enable a lot of evil from Garon) to stop Garon without alienating their siblings.

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Gameplay wise, Conquest is my favourite path, and it also has some of my favourite characters in it as well. However, the story really did ruin a lot of the experience for me since it is a very story driven game. When I play Conquest, I usually skip all the cutscenes and dialogue at the beginning of the chapters because they can be cringeworthy sometimes. Alastor15243 is right, the story is really dumb. I had a hard time overlooking it myself, but if that doesn't bother you, it's definitely worth picking up.

Some of the chapters are cutthroat at some points (Chapter 20 is the absolute bane of my existence) but the challenge is super rewarding. If you're having trouble at any point and prefer more grindy gameplay, play the Boo Camp or Ghostly Gold DLC. If you don't want to pay for them, you can always grind supports with the free Awakening map and unlock the children's paralogues for experience (it's a nice little easter egg, if you're an Awakening fan you'll definitely appreciate it).

Storywise, you won't find anything special in Conquest—I'd say it has the weakest plot out of all three paths. Gameplay-wise, however, it wins. Definitely worth picking up.

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As someone who played Fire Emblem from Path of Radiance onward I also recommend giving Conquest a try. The story isn't THAT bad, Corrin does what he/she does, because the Nohrian siblings, except Elise have the intelligence and integrity of bricks (especially Xander, whom I liked during the introduction chapters, but his actions on Birthright and most of Revelations ruined him for me).

But the other characters are awesome, the gameplay is INSANELY good (and hard), sometimes the skills the enemies have can cause headaches, like enemy Hana having Duelist's Blow, Armored Blow and Rend Heaven, which is an INSANE skill combination and I'm speaking of Experience here, my Hana destroyed EVERYTHING on Revelations with these three skills, so I really don't want to think what it is like to get that thrown at you, especially if you do not grind and Conquest is a little iffy on the growth rates anyway.

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