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Fire Emblem Genealogy of the holy war basic guide


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I played Genealogy of the holy war first for a bit and then I stopped for some reasons.

And now I'm playing it again. I want to know the basic things about the game before I start. Like how promotion, pairing & Stats here work?

I don't want any spoilers in the game. I just need to get a basic guide of how these things work here.

So first off, I want to know how to pair units to get conversations in this game.

Then I'd like to know how promotion here works. Is it done such that once promoted, you can't change back? And do you need to maximize your units stats before promoting the unit or can you promote the unit as soon as you reach level 20?

And how do stat growths work in this game?

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A unit can promote in the home castle once he/she reaches level 20 or above.

Talk events can give two units love points between each-other or even an item. You can learn about the different talk events here http://serenesforest.net/genealogy-of-the-holy-war/miscellaneous/events/

Growth rates in this game work like this : growth rates + holy blood bonus growth rates

Each holy blood has different growths that affect different stats.

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Once you promote, you can't go back. Why you'd want to go back, I don't know. You should promote ASAP as there are no benefits whatsoever for waiting.

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Ok so according to the guide, they say that for first playthrough, I shouldn't really worry about parings a lot. So in that case, is it possible to beat the final boss regardless of the stats you get in the end?

P.S, don't spoil the boss as I've yet to beat the main game.

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It is usually around the same level of effect as what happens if caeda dies in fe1.

FYI, because promotion does not reset your level, perpomotes gain the same number of levels as a normal character of the same level, which makes them better than usual.

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It is usually around the same level of effect as what happens if caeda dies in fe1.

FYI, because promotion does not reset your level, perpomotes gain the same number of levels as a normal character of the same level, which makes them better than usual.

So I can promote them as soon as they reach level 20? Or should I maximize their stats?

What is prepromotion?

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if you have a regular unpromoted unit that reaches level twenty, once that unit promotes hes still level 20. he has ten more levels to grow, so your levels dont reset.

however there are some units that are already promoted that are lower than level 20, like level 15 or so. they have 15 more levels to grow, thats what the user meant by prepromoted.

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