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Between the Dreamworlds: Savers of the Apocalypse - Chapter 1


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The small crowd stood silent the moment Shepard made his entrance. The rascal shoved the poor man away.

"I'm not finished with ya. Don't cha think you got away just like this."

The brigand then looked at Shepard. The clothes he wore, basically tatters with a handkerchief to cover his face, screamed "bandit" all over the place, almost as if they were choosen for a play. To his belt were a curved sword on the left hip and a handgun on the right one, a model (FN model 1910) that would look beyond ancient to Shepard's eyes.

"Well, well. Seems like you outsiders never know when to mind your own business, uh?"

The people closer to the center of the village stepped aside as other ruffians showed up. They looked and were equipped pretty much all the same, but one of them had a sub machine gun (Walther MPL), carried with the sling around his neck.

"Who the hell are you? Take that fucking toy gun back to Amestris before you get hurt, sucker."

It's difficoult to say whether sub machine guy was just mocking Shepard or he actually tought the gun was a fake. The latter would be comprehensible, given that he couldn't possibly recognise the model and the the futuristic design was rather different to the ones he was used to.

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Thyme made her move as she quickly rushed between Shepard and the crowd, her arms out-stretched wide so as to block any shot either way. She looked out at the crowd without a glimmer of fear in her eyes before she spoke.

"Stand down." she said in a firm, commanding, yet respectful tone. "We are strangers here and I apologize for my friends rude behavior. He acted rashly but from a desire to protect. I apologize on his behalf."

She then turned to look at Shepard firmly in the eyes. "What were you thinking? I understand a desire to protect the innocent but we are strangers here. We do not know who the innocent are. You may have saved someone falsely accused or a demon hiding as a man whom had been found out. When you try to do such things in the future please wait on the guns until after we know just what is actually going on!"

She then, at last, turned to the 'bandit'. He certainly looked the type with his sword and a pistol looking like something more from the Garlemald than any she had seen herself. "As for you, our intercession is dependent upon you actually being innocent. I know you will likely claim such a thing, so show why my friend shouldn't shoot you in the kneecaps. Why are they out for you and, likewise, why are you townsfolk out for him?"

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Shepard shoves Thyme aside."Shoot me with those fossils, see how that works out for you." Shepard was basically invincible against older firearms due to their bullet's large size and low velocity. Thyme, of course, wanted to negotiate; Shepard was of the understanding that criminals weren't worth negotiating with unless you could talk them down. Said talking down wasn't about to happen in this situation.

Edited by Feldmarschall Rommel
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Thyme's voice of reason brought Noel back from her adrenaline rush, and she blushed due to her rash actions. She started by helping Thyme off the ground, and said quietly "I'm sorry, though I won't expect your forgiveness." Noel then focused on calming the crowd down, but this was proving difficult, because if a few villagers glanced at her, she'd retreat a few steps and got redder in the face.

This is so hard! It's been forever since I tried negotiation when battle could have worked! Her hands were at her back, twitching, wanting to draw Bolverk, just barely holding back. In the end all she could produce was "...please...stop..."

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Ricardo finally got close enough to see what was going on.

A bit of a reckless action, I'd think, he thought at how Shepard and Thyme were quick to jump in on the situation. The fact those men were carrying firearms didn't escape him.

Well, looks this world is not that technologically deprieved. He could recognize somewhat the models. They would look a bit outdated back on Elpis, but not out of place.

So for his part, he decided to try to mingle between the crowd and just watch, but keeping alert. Should the situation erupt in violence, he would be ready to jump in and help.

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Rufus had planned to just watch the commotion from his clinic, but the situation is clearly getting out of hand. "Idiots." Rufus cursed under his breath. Turning to one of the girls he's hiding, Rufus says "Open for no one but me." Putting on his gloves, Rufus walks outside and into the commotion.

After pushing his way through the crowd, Rufus can see somebody wearing a cloak and the 'bandits' having a face-off. Is he mad? Rufus thought. He couldn't really see the man's face but to face such numbers alone must mean that the man is either crazy or is hiding some kind of power An Alchemist, perhaps? Since the road between Amestris and Xing were established, they have become a more common sight in Xing, though very few have ever come to the village. Either way, Rufus knows about these 'hero' types and how they usually end up. Whether he wins or dies today though, the resulting situation won't be good for the village, so Rufus decided to stop the charade before it gets any further.

"Hey, Hey, Hey!" Rufus shouts as he approaches. "There's no need for violence, now. This is all just a big misunderstanding." Approaching the hooded man, Rufus held both of his hands out and said loudly "It's okay now, put the gun down." all the while whispering to the man "Do as I say if you don't want to doom this village." If there's one more thing Rufus knows about these 'hero' types, it's that they believe they're good and he intends to use that mentality. He just hopes that this guy is not one of the stubborn ones.

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Shepard looks at the bandits. "Them first." Shepard looks at the man talking to him. "Something much worse is coming, but that isn't stopping me from righting the wrongs where I see them. If you can convince me these men aren't doing something illegal if not worse, I might be inclined to not gut them with my pistol."

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"Shepard. We don't know what is legal and illegal here. We just got here." said Thyme as she steadied herself. She then looked over to Noel. "It's fine Noel. Don't worry." then, lastly, to the newcomer. "Hey. You seem reasonable here. I agree. Let's put the guns down people and try not to do something that's going to result in a lot of problems for everyone." she said as she raised her arms to show she was 'unarmed', even if the gesture was meaningless for her when she could set people on fire with magic, and moved beside the man to try and form a human barrier between the bullets.

"Damnit! Has Shepard really never dealt with other cultures and worlds before? We don't know what's right and wrong here at all! Let's hope they don't try to unload on us to show us."

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Ah, the stubborn type. Rufus can see that talking will get him nowhere with this guy, or even if it would, it would've wasted a lot more time than he can spare right now. Rufus then heard a woman's voice further back. The idiot has companions it seems, keep your dog on a leash, why don't you? At least it appears that she's more reasonable than... "Shepard"? Quite a strange name.

Although Rufus would've rather avoid this outcome, he was prepared for it nonetheless, hence the gloves. Grabbing Shepard's arm, Rufus cast Weaken Body on him, intending to stop him by force.

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Battle start!

World rules

Firearms do 10 bonus points of damage against humans.

Shepard starts with Weaken Body debuff.


Rufus: 0/100 -> 58/100

Shepard: 50/100 -> 110/100

Turn of Shepard

Since Shepard wasn't expecting that, I'm gonna go with Rufus successfully grabbing his arm. From now on though, change it to "tries to grab his arm" or something like that.

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Battle: Shepard uses basic shot, targeting Rufus.

Story: Shepard's kinetic barrier took most of the damage from what felt a neural shock. However, as he fired his Predator, he felt much more recoil than usual. If this guy doesn't get out of my way, he's gonna end up full of holes.

Edited by Feldmarschall Rommel
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The worst possible sound for the moment filled the air. A gunshot. Her back had been turned so she didn't know if it was the newcomer or Shepard, but it didn't really matter. Someone had fired and, now, it was almost certain that a battle would ensue. She knew her place in a battle, the backlines behind those with thick armor. She wished she had access to her Holy spell as a White Mage but reclassing right then and there on the spot would likely only cause even more problems. There was only one choice. Thyme turned to rush behind Shepard before turning around, trying to spot the others and make sure they were clear and hoping that the civilians would start to disperse as flames coated her hands and she got ready to battle.

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Noel drew Bolverk at last, knowing that if she were to be swept into the battle she'd be dead without them. She was far from conspicuous about the act though. Noel rested her arms at her sides discreetly, awaiting a clear moment to fire into the fray. If Shepard and Thyme could handle this quickly, she'd rather not just make noise with her revolvers.

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The first villager Fennel spoke to almost completely ignored her, leaving her with a harsh and obviously fake "I don't know a thing". However, an old man got closer to her and started explaining.

"These criminals started appearing some months ago. They never killed someone, but always use violence with no qualms. Lord Masuki said he would get rid of them, but nothing has been done, and now someone even thinks they work for him!"

It wasn't possible to gather any more informations with the Walther brigand, Shepard and Rufus shouting threats at each other. Of course, the situation only got worse.

After being attacked by Rufus, Shepard responded by firing his pistol. The shot successfully hit Rufus's left arm, even though it didn't pierce bones nor major bloodvessels. When the fight began, most of the bystanders dispersed, the armed guys with them.

I rolled 04 out of 76

Rufus takes 17 points of damage (HP:83/100)

Rufus (29 speed): 58/100 -> 116/100
Shepard (30 speed): 10/100 -> 70/100

Turn of Rufus

(You others can intervene whenever you want, aiding any side, by stating a skill you intend to use)

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"I'm sorry about this. I have no right to do this, but I have no real choice." said Thyme as the fire she had conjured leapt forwards as, at last, she joined the fray with a blast of flame heading out towards Rufus. She could already feel the aether churning inside her once more confirming her connection to the magical realm still existed.

Thyme casts fire at Rufus
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Well, that's just great, Ricardo could almost facepalm at the recent developments.

Now it seemed the issue with the other guys was forgotten. Shepard and Thyme were now attacking the newcomer, and even Noel seemed ready to jump in. He figured there was no need to pile up on the man... unless he could actually take on the three of them at once. Either way, that still left the original issue at hand.

Ricardo opted to move among the now dispersing crowd, in order to find Fennel and discuss what to do.

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Well this is bad. While the average person would've gone limp from the Alkahestry he did, it would appear this 'Shepard' was not an ordinary idiot 'hero' after all. Worse still, it appears that his companion started joining in as well. While Rufus might have stood a chance in a one-on-one fight, he doesn't like his chances against these two 'not so ordinary' opponents.

*BANG*, and the first shot rang... followed by a fireball. While Rufus was lucky that they didn't hit any vitals, he'd rather not find out whether or not he'll be as lucky with the next ones. The only good news for Rufus is that, the crowd (including the 'bandits') seems to be dispersing, giving him more freedom with his movements. Even if he can't beat them, Rufus is sure he can distract them long enough for the bandits to leave.

Rufus draws a Great Circle on the ground.

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Thyme's fire blast quickly flies in the general direction of Rufus but, luckily for him, the doctor leaned forward to give a better look at his wound and was only grazed by the fire.

As the situation got worse for the therapist, he quickly wrote a circular sign on the ground. For anyone not used to it that would appear amazing, as the circle was clearly perfect despite being written in the dirt in the span of a second.

I rolled 81 out of 81

Rufus takes 7 points of damage (Rufus HP:76/100, Thyme Mana:135/150)

Thyme is now in Astral Fire status

Rufus (29+15 speed): 16/100 -> 60/100
Shepard (30 speed): 70/100 -> 100/100

Thyme (28 speed): 0/100 -> 28/100

Turn of Shepard

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"Oh, you're with us," Fennel said casually, as Ricardo moved towards her. "Looks like you got your head on straight, too. The townsfolk want nothing to do with the attackers, so it's in our best interest to join the fray." She glanced at the fight going on. "However, the rest of the group is fighting some dude that originally wasn't in the fight. So, we can either make that fight even more skewed, or we can attack the ruffians who caused problems in the first place. A two-on-three fight doesn't seem appealing, but we might be able to scare them off. What do you think, and what's your name?" she asked Ricardo. She narrowed her eyes at the ongoing fight. "I'd rather hit the brigands before they slip off in the confusion."

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After the first shot, Rufus and Shepard got some distance, as the physician was forced to back off for being the target of two enemies and also in order to have the space he needed to write his circle. After changing his weapon for a bigger gun, Shepard decided to get close again.


Rufus (29+15 speed): 60/100 -> 104/100

Shepard (30-3+20 speed): 0/100 -> 47/100

Thyme (28 speed): 28/100 -> 56/100

Turn of Rufus

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I suppose when you see your opponent obviously preparing something, the best response would be to get closer and find out what it is. Genius. Not that it would've made much difference in this situation, but this reminds me of the reason I proposed an IQ test as a part of the military recruitment program. Speaking of the military, Rufus noted how well equipped his opponent was and deduced that he's most likely from the military. With that in mind, Rufus decides that he shouldn't drag this out any longer than necessary.

Rufus casts Narcotic Trance on the circle, targeting everyone. Yes, including the confused girl on the back with her revolvers out.

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The circle drawn by Rufus suddently sparkles, and the purification is cast upon Shepard, Thyme and Noel. All three of them immediately get dizzy and fall asleep. Shepard in particular was running to get closer to Rufus, thus he crushed on the ground waking up instantly, though confused by what happened and not close enough to his target for a point blank shot.

I rolled 17 out of 58
I rolled 09 out of 90
Shepard falls asleep

I rolled 19 out of 57
I definitely didn't roll 81 out of 80
Thyme falls asleep

I rolled 07 out of 50
I rolled 70 out of 90
Noel falls asleep

Rufus gains 5% bonus chance of applying a debuff against humans.

Rufus (29 speed): 4/100 -> 62/100
Shepard (30-3+20-10 speed): 47/100 -> 121/100
Thyme (28-10 speed): 56/100 -> 92/100
Noel (35-10 speed): 0/100 -> 50/100

Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 0/100 -> 8/100

Shepard is not asleep anymore
Shepard isn't affected by Weaken Body anymore

Rufus (29 speed): 62/100 -> 91/100
Shepard (30-3 speed): 21/100 -> 48/100
Thyme (28-10 speed): 92/100 -> 110/100
Noel (35-10 speed): 50/100 -> 75/100

Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 8/100 -> 12/100

Thyme is not asleep anymore

Rufus (29 speed): 91/100 -> 120/100
Shepard (30-3 speed): 48/100 -> 75/100
Thyme (28 speed): 10/100 -> 38/100
Noel (35-10 speed): 75/100 -> 100/100

Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 12/100 -> 16/100

Noel is not asleep anymore

Turn of Rufus

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"It's Ricardo," he answered. Come to think of it, I don't think I presented myself back there.

"I'm not sure on attacking the ruffians, the others attacking that other guy have already caused a ruckus here," he turned to look at said fight.

"It would be hard to isolate them from the retreating villagers. Perhaps once they get out of town, but we would be leaving the rest behind and..."

At this the course of the fight had already reached the guy drawing cricles on the ground. And watching all three falling down.

"Not so skewed anymore, huh. I think we need to have all four to stop their fight first, before doing anything else here."

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Noel was caught by that which emitted for the glowing circle, however it's effects were very different that she expected. She found herself falling asleep?

Thankfully, the effects wore off fast enough, though Noel felt too tired to return fire. She was ready to fight, but not before a moment or two of glazing over.

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