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Between the Dreamworlds: Savers of the Apocalypse - Chapter 1


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Right after shouting at Rufus, Shepard fired his sniper rifle, hitting the physician's aggressor.

I rolled 23 out of 97

bandit 1 takes 34 points of damage (HP:46/80)

Rufus (29 speed): 94/100 -> 94/100
Shepard (30-6 speed): 22/100 -> 22/100
Thyme (28 speed): 106/100 -> 106/100
Noel (35 speed): 110/100 -> 110/100
Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100
Fennel (32 speed): 96/100 -> 96/100
Force Gauge (5 speed): 15/100 -> 15/100
Ricardo (34 speed): 102/100 -> 102/100
bandit boss (30 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100
bandit 1 (28 speed): 28/100 -> 28/100
bandit 2 (28 speed): 78/100 -> 78/100

Turn of Noel

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Noel reeled back in pain after getting hit by the bullets, but still felt she could continue. Noticing that Ricardo had missed his mark, she chose to get in close and daze the unruly man. "Cover me, I'm going in! Type V!" she cried as she closed the gap between her and the foe.

Noel rushes the bandit boss with Assault Through

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Noel charged at the bandit and successfully hit him. However, the strike didn't seem to deal high damage.

I rolled 17 out of 70
Bandit boss takes 6 points of damage (b.b. HP:48/80, Noel Heat: 12/30)
I rolled 58 out of 45
Bandit boss isn't affected by shock

Rufus (29 speed): 94/100 -> 94/100
Shepard (30-6 speed): 22/100 -> 22/100
Thyme (28 speed): 106/100 -> 106/100
Noel (35 speed): 10/100 -> 10/100
Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100
Fennel (32 speed): 96/100 -> 96/100
Force Gauge (5 speed): 15/100 -> 15/100
Ricardo (34 speed): 102/100 -> 102/100
bandit boss (30 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100
bandit 1 (28 speed): 28/100 -> 28/100
bandit 2 (28 speed): 78/100 -> 78/100

Turn of Thyme

Edited by Enaluxeme
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The situation had changed. Bandits, real, legit, bandits and not just someone Shepard had gotten into a fight with, had outright arrived on the scene of battle. Already the rest of her teammates were involved in the brawl with them with even Shepard leaving his battle against Rufus to fight.

"Gah! What the hell? Shep aggravated a situation, got into a fight, now abandons me without a second thought? Those needles are too big a danger to me to fight head-on though, so my only real hope is that we can clear out those bandits fast enough."

With that her gaze turned from Rufas to the gathering bandits and, in particular, upon their leader.

"Torezodu Ialapereji Maelperejo!" she cried out as the fire, ice, and thunder seemed to burst into pure light. Flames traced around the ground around the bandit boss in a wide circle as lightning arced across the surface to form letters, runes, within around his feet. Then, suddenly, the entire circle burst forth into a mighty pillar of flame burning on high, rising up towards the sky. Until it suddenly erupted and changed, turning from a pillar to a mighty sphere surrounding its target, churning, broiling, before blasting outwards with heat roiling forth.

Thyme dropped forwards into a kneeling position, her arms firmly upon her knee as sh gasped for breath.

"I don't know who you are." she said to Rufus. "And I'm REALLY frustrated at you for using sleep magic on me and attacking my teammate, but you also don't seem to be on their side as well. We can apologize or blast each other after we've managed to stop these vagabonds. So, cease fire?"

(Thyme uses Astral Fire on Bandit Boss)

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The bandit only understood the gravity of the situation a moment before the explotion, too late to avoid getting hit.
When the fire was gone, it left the man screaming and rolling on the ground to dissipate the remaining flames. Visibly damaged from face to feet, he was still moving and ready to fight.

I rolled 18 out of 90
Bandit boss takes 37 points of damage (b.b. HP:11/80, Thyme Mana:10/150)
I rolled 58 out of 35
Bandit boss doesn't get on fire

Rufus (29 speed): 94/100 -> 94/100
Shepard (30-6 speed): 22/100 -> 22/100
Thyme (28 speed): 6/100 -> 6/100
Noel (35 speed): 10/100 -> 10/100
Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100
Fennel (32 speed): 96/100 -> 96/100
Force Gauge (5 speed): 15/100 -> 15/100
Ricardo (34 speed): 102/100 -> 102/100
bandit boss (30 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100
bandit 1 (28 speed): 28/100 -> 28/100
bandit 2 (28 speed): 78/100 -> 78/100

Turn of Ricardo

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Noel found herself amazed by the magical display of power. Anyone could tell it was strong, but being up close to it really it home. Then it was hit home that she was THAT close to getting caught in it and Noel shuffled a few paces back from the leader in terror. Needless to say she hoped the next "cover fire" had a little less emphasis on the word "fire".

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Well, it was not a surprise the attack missed. Trying to aim at something like an arm was bound to have less accuracy than, say, the torso.

Things had complicated, as both the previous bandits, and the other battle, had now all come toguether. At the very least, their own companions had changed focus to the leader, which was now very visibly injured. Who knows what the other guy would do now, but for now...

Maybe we can finish this quick, Ricardo thought, as he aimed his beam rifle again, this time to the guy's stomach. At the very least, knock his wind out.

Ricardo sets phaser to stun uses Beam Rifle on Bandit Boss.

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The leader of the rogues had just the time to finish his sentence when the beam from Ricardo's rifle hit him in the torso. Again, the attack didn't pierce the man, but this time it was expected, as Ricardo had set his weapon to non-lethal. The bandit lost consciousness, falling on the ground.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

As most of you had their attention on the leader, hearing one of the other bandits is almost a surprise.


One of the two was running away, the one Shepard was pointing the pistol at before, not the one Fennel saw talking with his boss. Even the other one though, after looking both at his knocked-down leader and his enemies, decided the best course of action was to flee, but in another direction.

I rolled 25 out of 70

Bandit boss takes 21 points of damage (b.b. HP:-10/80, Ricardo Energy:38/100)


Rufus (29 speed): 94/100 -> 123/100

Shepard (30-6 speed): 22/100 -> 46/100

Thyme (28 speed): 6/100 -> 34/100

Noel (35 speed): 10/100 -> 45/100

Overdrive Gauge (4 speed): 40/100 -> 44/100

Fennel (32 speed): 96/100 -> 128/100

Force Gauge (5 speed): 15/100 -> 20/100

Ricardo (34 speed): 2/100 -> 36/100

bandit boss (30-30 speed): 40/100 -> 40/100

bandit 1 (28 speed): 28/100 -> 56/100

bandit 2 (28 speed): 78/100 -> 116/100

Turn of Rufus?

(You are free to continue fighting or stop here. If you decide to continue, you can still target the bandits. If Rufus heals the boss with the actual skill, he will regain consciousness immediately.)

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Rufus had stayed quiet during the fight after he got shot. One of his thoughts were that he didn't expect there to be other people fighting the bandits. The other was I'm tried to fight these monsters 3-to-1? Rufus never considered himself inferior in a fight before, but the people he just saw had powers beyond his expectations. Though of course, he can't afford to show what he thought in front of them.

Getting out of his hiding place, Rufus shouted "I CALL A TRUCE!" He didn't have any real choice, what they had done was beyond fixable, and even if it weren't, Rufus didn't really stand a chance of stopping them without a huge chance of dying, something he'd like to avoid. Rufus picked up the "bandit" boss' Sub-Machine Gun (not really his first choice in guns but it's better than nothing) and grabbed the boss' right foot before turning around to face the five. "Follow me." he said as coldly as he can (trying not to give them a hint of fear), before he started to drag the boss to his house. With these five's help, although it's just a slight chance... I may be able to expose him.

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Thyme raised her hand up, still clearly a bit winded as she was on her knee. "Wait, what? You attacked us! You tried to SLEEP me! And now you're dragging bodies into houses and asking us to follow you? Why should we? We don't even know who you are."

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Rufus had walked but a few steps before he heard a woman screaming behind him. Looking back, he recognized the girl as the alchemist shooting fireballs. Rufus should watch his reply, since they could kill him in 10 seconds.

"If you have any complaints, then take it to your friend 'Shepard'. I wouldn't have done anything if he hadn't tried to play hero. I was trying to stop you from doing just this. Though I didn't know you had two more friends over there. YOU people made this mess, I expect you to fix it. Anymore questions?"

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"So what? If it had been just one of us you would have gladly knocked us out and dragged us along?" She said as she raised her hand to try and stop others from going with him. "I'm going to talk to Shepard, you can be sure of that, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook either. If you had just explained what was going on, tried to calm people down, or it seems have just waited a few moments we wouldn't have been fighting! You attacked us. Now you're not even going to apologize while doing practically everything possible to say 'I cut open homeless people to do weird magic and alchemy experiments on their bodies' up to and including using sleep magic? Use your mouth not your needles to try and convince me to come in there."

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"YOU can stay outside and argue," Fennel said flatly, relieved that she only needed to replace a single vial. "Hey, if you're spry enough to drag a body, whoever you are, then surely we can discuss what's going on here. . .and maybe you'll have something to help patch up my friend," she stated, jerking her thumb towards Noel. "Though I had to admit, your scuffle with the others was the reason why the bandit ambush went so smoothly," she continued, fully aware that she was lying through her teeth.

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Noel turned to Shepard and Thyme and stated, "Fennel has a point... so I'll go with her until my wounds are healed. I'll come right back to you once I'm better." Truly, she wanted no part of what the man was doing, but she did need her wounds attended to. Noel was glad at least she could still walk so she wouldn't be a burden.

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"Grrrr... I swear... If this blows up in our mutual faces you owe me big-time." she said as she followed in kind, heading behind Noel.

"Hey, wait. Noel. I can heal you. I should still have my White Mage gem around so, if I just reclass, I should be more than capable of casting a cure spell or seven."

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The second shot hit its mark, and that served to do the trick, as the bandit was now knocked out cold.

Seems the fight had come to an end. There was no plans to make pursuit of the othe two guys, and the other guy was now dragging off the unconscious leader. Ricardo deactivated his mobile suit to let it recharge, even if the energy spent wasn't that much. With a brief flash of light, the suit was gone. With that dealt with, he went off to walk with the others to wherever they were gong to be led to.

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"Throughout my journeys on my homeland I managed to collect a bunch of crystals that let me change and alter my abilities." she said as she quickly reached down to pat along her sides. "I spent my life before becoming an adventurer as a black mage and it's the one I'm the most comfortable with, so I use it the most, but I've got a ton. I can be a healer, a warrior, even an alchemist, chef, or machinest among others. Just... without my retainers or equipment I'm not sure how well it will go." she said before finally finding a small pouch.

"If I'm lucky in this new world I'll be able to still access my stuff but I don't know if that's possible. I don't think this place uses gil so I can't buy new gear. Even if I could we barely know what traveling between worlds means so I might just be buying something we'll leave behind the moment we leave for the next one."

She then quickly found the pouch and opened it up, letting twenty crystals roll out into her hand, each one looking distinctly different with its own pulsating and soft light. She then quickly grabbed one and put the others back.

"Well... Here goes nothing." she said before raising the crystal, a smooth, white pearly thing with a gentle staff within up to her chest. She closed her eyes, focusing intensely, before a brilliant white light shone forth from her body. A second gem, this one black and tear-drop shaped with what seemed to be an arcane inscription of a fireball, appeared beside the white crystal and dropped into Thyme's hand. Her clothes seemed to slowly melt away, fading into the aether towards the black gem as a long staff of pearly white, topped with a marble figurine in the shape of four wings with a glowing blue jewel in the center, appeared beside her as the white gem vanished.

Before them now Thyme stood, staff in hand... and garbed only in her underwear as she looked at Noel.

"Oh COME ON! Not even basic clothes?"

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"Drop your weapons, wouldn't want people to think you're the bad guy now would we, Sir 'Great Hero'." Rufus don't want to start another battle, he dealt with enough problems for a day. "My house is next door by the way, that house's owner is at the city right now." Rufus paused for a moment, before sighing. "Here's a deal, I'll open the door to my house and you can decide whether or not to come in. I can provide you with food, shelter, and I'll--" Rufus was suddenly stopped by a white light shining out of nowhere, leaving behind the alchemist(?) girl wearing nothing but underwear. Rufus stopped for a moment his face turning slightly red, before pulling himself together to finish his sentence "I-I'll treat your injuries." Glancing back at the girl, Rufus added "I can also provide fresh clothes if you need it. Don't expect anything fancy though."

Still dragging the "bandit", Rufus knocked the door of his house. "It's me." He whispers to the door barely audibly. I'd prefer if they didn't see me bloody, but I don't have much choice at the moment.

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Shepard, too exhausted to show embarrassment, put the sniper rifle away and walked to the other door. "I didn't expect our first world to be so... ADHD. First, bandits attack, then I get attacked, then we attack, and then all the bandits are dead, all while entering a strange old man's shanty with a codeword. Hard to believe I signed up for this crap."

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Noel face flushed to a bright red. She swung around the other way, sputtering "Wh-what?! If this is a joke, nobody's laughing Thyme!" Still, the more she though about it, Thyme seemed pretty surprised too.

"...Sorry, that went too far. If you intend to heal(?) me, I'm grateful, a-and you can do it in whatever is comfortable. Just hurry up for your sake!"

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"Oh for crying out loud," Fennel mumbled, as Thyme's appearance changed from nondescript cloak to barely legal. "Well, it looks like we'll be able to get something a little more appropriate for you, as soon as we get inside," she grumbled. "How 'bout we all get inside and get decent before considering anything else? Oh, and thanks, whoeever you are. Name's Fennel, if you want to call me something other than 'hey you'," she said, a bit louder.

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"It's fine." said Thyme with a nod. "I'm not going to be done in by some lack of clothes when a teammate is in need."

With that she took a step back and raised her staff up. She brought it about in a circular motion.

"Cure!" she called out as a greenish light flowed forth before shimmering around Noel. Suddenly something inside Noel seemed to change. She wasn't just being... mended... like stitches being woven into her body, but she somehow felt more... alive. Like her body was feeling more energized, ready, and... alive.

"Cure!" cried out Thyme again repeating the motion before going about a third time. This time it glowed brighter still. "Cure II!" she called out as, this time, Noel would not only feel more alive but even a bit happier. Like drinking warm coco on a cold snowy day.

"Tetragammaton!" called out Thyme, throwing up her hands wide and spread as, suddenly, three white lights surrounded Noel, spinning around her as the forces of nature, rock, fire, wind, and water felt like they were flowing into her, mending her, aiding her.

Then, at last, Thyme quickly spun around, her staff held out as if in a dance, as light glowed from the top. "Assize!" And a wave of light and healing flowed outwards all around her. Soothing, aiding, mending, bringing life to all her teammates while stinging at those whom she considered hostile. Underfoot, for the briefest of seconds, small shoots of grass started to poke through the dirt and any flowers seemed to perk up as Thyme brought her staff back into a ready position.

"Whew. That... Took a lot. No gear means I have to heal again and again. I'm lucky the White Mage's connection with the four elements doesn't seem to be severed in this world. Now, if you don't mind..."

She quickly grabbed the black gem from before and, after a quick flash of light, was back to her former garb.

"When I get some alone time I am going to test these out to see what I need. However, until then, I am not reclassing unless we can at least get me a functioning outfit!"

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Looks like they had finally arrived at their destination.

"To be fair, we could've avoided most of that," Ricardo commented on Shepard's words.

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