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I recently found this website and decided to become an active member in the community after watching a few FE ROM hack videos. I've been a fan of the series for about two years, starting with a playthrough of Blazing Sword. While it took a back seat to the Pokémon TCG at the time, I still enjoyed it. Once I quit the TCG I decided to try another entry to the series and picked up Awakening. I fell in love with the game and from there my love for the series reached a whole new level. I've only been able to play Blazing Sword, some of Sacred Stones, Awakening and Fates, but I'm currently trying to get my hands on the Jugdral and Tellius series.

Oh also I play Smash 4 competitively so if you ever need practice in the Samus matchup hmu

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Welcome, RightfulAegis.

Oh also I play Smash 4 competitively so if you ever need practice in the Samus matchup hmu

So you're a pretty good Samus player then? I don't play Smash competitively, but maybe you should consider uploading some Samus For Glory matches.

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