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batman is an idiot


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if the killed the villains then the people the villains would have killed would not have died

every comic i read joker gases people. and batman just locks joker up so he can escape and gas more people

where is the logic

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kill one to save hundreds

Become seen as a threat, get targeted by people that are scared of you...

It's an endless cycle. In this instance, you fear that Joker would kill more people. If Joker was killed, you might feel safe, but then whomever killed Joker would be considered unstable and demanded by members of the public to be stopped. Someone eventually kills Joker's killer and the cycle spreads.

Though I don't like him, Batman's got his priorities straight.

Edited by Light Strategist
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i agree batman is dumb and his no kill thing is bad

maybe it was initially in there to make it kid friendly but they tried to make it a serious thing after that????

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i don't read comics very often but i watched this one animated batman movie (under the red hood i think is the name) where at the end jason todd is gonna kill the joker and batman is like "no"

god damn it batman

the movie was good but that part made batman seem really dumb since jason already killed a bunch of people so it literally wouldn't matter

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Well Batman respects the law, and none of the villains have had the death penalty.

Makes you wonder if the law is the worst criminal here. You'd think they'd put someone in death row after so much death and destruction by now.

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I remember seeing an episode of a Batman cartoon where he was all like, "Throwing people in jail who really needs psychiatric help is not justice."

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I remember seeing an episode of a Batman cartoon where he was all like, "Throwing people in jail who really needs psychiatric help is not justice."

But Arkham Island IS a prison. It tortures the living crap out of everything sent there, even PTSD soliders and schizophrenic people not judged to be threatening. Central City does mental health much better, because many of the Flash's villains have deep-seeded mental issues, too. There was an episode of Justice League where almost all of Flash's rogues gallery escapes from a hospital, and when Flash, Batman, and another hero confront Trickster, Flash sits Trickster down and explains that he unwittingly relapsed, much to Trickster's surprise, all while Batman looking on disapprovingly. Everything about Gotham screams "nuke me."

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why have none of the villains had the death penalty

Because that's illegal. You are legally unable to kill a person with documented mental issues and inability to rationally differentiate between right and wrong. If you were able to execute them, they all would've been dragged out into the street and shot without trial.

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whether your prisons are "good" or not, they do certainly favor punishment over rehabilitation, compared to a country like Norway which has one of the lowest reoffending rates, but we're talking about fictional characters

you could make the argument that the law should be more pragmatic but it doesn't really make it stupid when they don't want to resort to eye-for-an-eye state murder

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