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Pokemon GO is OUT!


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Oh and one more thing that I forgot to ask about the system requirements for the Pokemon GO Plus devices, do they work on the iPad systems and does it work on Samsung J3 phones also? I did went to Celebi.net and it doesn't mentioned it in the page.

And also, i just used Pokemon GO on my new Samsung phone today and I noticed that the Pokemon GO app is acting weird with the player not move on the map sometimes when I'm in the car as a passenger, does it need a little more time getting the app used after Day 1 on an another device?

And I did forget to mentioned that Sales Clerk from the AT&T store from yesterday when I got my new Phone for Pokemon GO did showed me a Portable Charger and said that it's good to use it for have it for saving battery power so that I can use it for recharging my new phone and I managed to obtain it for using it for Pokemon GO.

Edited by King Marth 64
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Oh crap, I wanted to buy the Pokemon Go Plus for my stepbrother for his birthday (it's the 23rd). I hope I can find one for him. >_< (if he hasn't already gotten one, in which case I guess I'll just keep the one I buy)

Portable charger, eh? I need to find me one of those too then! I doubt the store I work at will have them (it's an AAFES Exchange), but I can look.

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And also, i just used Pokemon GO on my new Samsung phone today and I noticed that the Pokemon GO app is acting weird with the player not move on the map sometimes when I'm in the car as a passenger, does it need a little more time getting the app used after Day 1 on an another device?

This is a fairly well known glitch, actually. The game doesn't register you because you're moving too fast. It's meant to be played at walking speed. Even if you run it'll have trouble registering your movements.

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I had a chance to go into a GameStop and they were sold out of the Pokemon Go Pluses. >_>

I have a feeling I won't be able to get one for my brother...

Wait, the GameStop employees said that they are selling the Pokemon GO Plus devices at any GameStop stores? I'll might go tomorrow to look for Pokemon GO Plus.

And also, does anyone know if the Pokemon GO Plus devices that get mileage for the eggs and Buddy Pokemon work during in driving the car (if you're wearing it only) and riding as a passenger?

Edited by King Marth 64
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  • 4 weeks later...

I managed to get 550 Pokecoins using my Card Account from the Google Play Store account and I got two Upgrade Item Storages for upgrading so that I can get more Pokeballs from PokeStops and an another Egg Machine to gets the Eggs hatched. I managed to caught 20 more Pokemon and I managed to get more Great Balls than Pokeballs from the PokeStops.

Edited by King Marth 64
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, the Pokemon Go Halloween event starts today! :D It was announced on Facebook a couple days ago or so. Here's what's happening for the rest of the month:

- You get double the usual amount of candy when you catch Pokemon and hatch eggs and stuff.

- Certain Pokemon will temporarily be more common, and those Pokemon are as follows: Gastly line, Drowzee line, and Zubat line. The choice of Zubat here may be awkward since it's already pretty common, but...hey, it IS a bat and fits here. :P

I saw someone ask how the Drowzee line is creepy and I'm just thinking..."this dude must not have seen the Hypno's Lullaby video." Hypno is the creepiest Pokemon in existence because of this, imo.

Anyway, I've already caught a couple Ghastly today and just need a couple more candies to evolve one! I also finally got candies for walking my Dratini, though oddly, I only got 4.7 km, not 5...and got three candies out of it rather than two (I thought you normally only got one candy for walking the Pokemon the correct number of kms, and 2 would obviously be double that). Must've been a glitch or something, but hey, I'm not complaining. lol It was just enough to let me evolve it! Dragonair only needs 1.25 km for me to earn candies, so I'm going to keep walking it and work to make it a Dragonite!

My stepbrother still doesn't have a Dratini... I'll be the first of us to get a Dragonite! lol

Edited by Anacybele
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