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A bit of a Predicament


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So, after i had paired all my units up, i realized that I made a mistake in marrying Anna.... and now i wish i had married Rinkah. First off, a few questions

1) Im only assuming that you might be able to do this through homebrew, but can you remove an S-rank support for people

2) If i am able to, would my daughter retain Anna's hair, or get Rinkah's hair

But that leads into my problem.... If i remove Hinata's S-rank with Rinkah, and then S-rank with her... That would leave Hinata wifeless... And i doubt that there is any way i could get him another wife

Any Help would be appreciated

Edit: Is there a way to edit a powersaves save? if there is, could someone help me with this, i only have 1 3ds and i don't wanna f**k this up

Edited by Golden Inori
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Just a question: You do know if you marry Rinkah you will miss getting one of the children, so it actually is better to marry a child unit or a Corrin-Sexual like Anna if you want all the kids.

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I don't think there is a way to remove an S-Rank from a character.

If you marry Rinkah or the rest of ladies except for Reina, Scarlet, Anna, or the children; you will miss out on a child. I've done it when I played Birthright because I married Oboro and missed out on having Dwyer. But since Dwyer is one of the kids I really don't care to much about (in fact I haven't used him in Conquest yet), I really didn't mind.

If you don't want to keep Anna as your wife and you can't fix it, you may need start the game over.

Edited by MeddlingMage
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Alright then, another question... Would it be possible to make a Bond unit a Normal supportable character with homebrew? that'd be the only way hinata could have a wife if i did that, but then that would lead into me getting a male kana, which i don't think the game would be to happy about....

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I don't think the Bond Units can have support with any characters in the game. I think the Bond Units are like the Einherjar units, the units that you persuade or bribe in prison to join your team, the Amiibo units from the Amiibos themselves, or any other units that you recruit from another person's My Castle, in that they will have a Blue Shield on them and you can't have a support with any character with a blue shield.

In the game if you want to have all the kids and you are the male avatar, the Male Avatar MUST marry either Scarlet, Anna, Reina, or any of the other female children to get all the children. However if you are the female Avatar, you can get all the kids, it's just one of the other females will be single. Like for instance in my Conquest file, I married Silas so I have both Male Kana and Sophie as my kids and Peri is the single female in my castle.

Edited by MeddlingMage
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I don't think the Bond Units can have support with any characters in the game. I think the Bond Units are like the Einherjar units, the units that you persuade or bribe in prison to join your team, the Amiibo units from the Amiibos themselves, or any other units that you recruit from another person's My Castle, in that they will have a Blue Shield on them and you can't have a support with any character with a blue shield.

In the game if you want to have all the kids and you are the male avatar, the Male Avatar MUST marry either Scarlet, Anna, Reina, or any of the other female children to get all the children. However if you are the female Avatar, you can get all the kids, it's just one of the other females will be single. Like for instance in my Conquest file, I married Silas so I have both Male Kana and Sophie as my kids and Peri is the single female in my castle.

No, i don't think you get what i'm trying to say. You're thinking only by normal game standards, i'm thinking about ways i can get around this by hacking. There's a lot of things you can do with hacking that you can't normally do with the default game

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it really wasn't a problem per se, but it was more "I liked anna for a while, but now, I'm into something more hot... and freeeeshh"

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