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Sam does things.

Samael S.

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These days I started trying to learn how to sprite (actually I'm just splicing for now) in the GBA FE style. So, after finishing my first splice, I thought I may as well open a thread here to post my attempts! And maybe get some tips or opinions or something to improve my work.

But that's not interesting, I guess, and you want to see what I did, so here's my very first attempt at spriting!


Being my first sprite I didn't pay attention if I was mixing colors from the various GBA FE or if it fitted in the hackbox (spoiler: it doesn't) but I must say, I'm quite proud of it. I used Fir's face, Milady's armor (...well, part of it, the decoration thingy in the center is blatantly stolen from Heath's), Lyon's bangs and Tethys' braid - It is such a big mixup. I think the weakest part is the shading, I have like no clue.

Thank you in advance to everybody who will bother to give a look at my work :t:

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That's pretty good for a first attempt. Although with the way Tethys' braid is positioned, I feel like it should probably be behind the shoulder rather than in front of it. Maybe that's just me though, I don't know too much about FE spriting either.

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That's very pretty!

And really good for the first time too. You sure you haven't done it before? :^_^:

Thank you! And yup, It is really my first time trying :t:

@Sweet_Basil & @CancerTurtle: Thanks to you too! And with your tips in mind I made a couple of adjustements


I don't know, but I think I like her a bit more with the braid on the front. Maybe just because Tethys' braid is so baeutiful lol

And here is a wip! (I'm just messing up with Syrene I guess. Still no clue on how shading works.)


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