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Vicious' sprittzles (Fixed)


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Hi everybody! I'm a pretty good artist but an amateur spriter. It's very different and seriously hard work. About 5-6 years ago I created some sprites to print out and use as paper miniatures for my D&D campaign that I was running for my friends. I came across them the other day while cleaning out my computer and decided to share them with the world. I really like this site and decided this was the best place. Enjoy!(?)


From left to right:

Human Fighter, Half-Elf Wizard, Elven Ranger, Elven Ranger on Dire Wolf Mount, Human Paladin, Human Paladin on Horse Mount, Goliath Barbarian, Gnome Warlock, Shifter Barbarian, Dragonborn, Half-Orc NPC Guy With a Heart of Gold, Human NPC Chick That Steers the Party in the right direction, Buncha Goblins and Their Mounted Versions, Black Knight (never used), Green Knight, Green Knight on Horse Mount, Count Generic Big Bad, Count Generic Big Bad ((with dumb wings) never used), Igor Ripoff, Igor Ripoff on Giant Death Machine (IT'S THE CLEANERS), Sexy Blonde Succubus, Totally not the Sexy Black Haired Succubus In Disguise, Totally not the Sexy Red Haired Succubus In Disguise, Totally not the Sexy Brown Haired Succubus In Disquise, Sexy Black Haired Succubus, Sexy Red Haired Succubus, Sexy Brown Haired Succubus, Cultist Bowman, Cultist Mage, Cultist Swordsman, Cultist Halberdier, Unfinished Lolth, Evil Sentient Sword, Good Sentient Sword

I don't claim to have created each and every one of these. There might be one or two I took from somewhere and edited. The goblins are obviously edited sprites from Final Fantasy. But Yeah. I've built most of these up from the ground floor (to one degree or another).

You might have to look at them more closely in another program or sumthin. I dunno. I'm not good at forrams posts.

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Looking through more folders; I came across these awesome lookin dudes! Completely forgot about them. Probably because they were never printed. But yeah! I made these for a campaign that was suppose to take place directly after the one I made the above sprites for.


Left to right:

Human Fighter, Dwarven Cleric, Dwarven Fighter, Elven Ranger, Human Wizard, Human Monk, The same Half-Elf Wizard from the first post (Cameo version!), The same Half-Elf Wizard from the first post (Alien form!), and the last one is just for comparison purposes

I know I have more. For a Fire Emblem campaign actually. There was a ton for that one because each player controlled 3 characters. Really hope I can find them.

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Didn't really find anymore sprites... sucks.. but I did get caught up making this little guy!


He wears a helmet while he's on the enemy side. If recruited, he removes it. Edgy right?

Name: Malkyn

Level 4 Mercenary

HP - 18 (80% Growth)

Affinity - Light

STR - 9 (75% Growth)

SKL - 11 (45% Growth)

SPD - 12 (50% Growth)

LCK - 7 (40% Growth)

DEF - 6 (35% Growth)
RES - 1 (10% Growth)

CON - 8

MOV - 5

Sword - C

Items - Armor Slayer, Iron Sword, Red Gem

Recruitment: Enemy, He must kill the NPC you're suppose to escort.

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Never found those Fire Emblem campaign sprites, but I did manage to get my hands on the miniatures I made! They're nothing special. Just the vanilla FE sprites with minor editing and coloring. If that.

Each of my friends rolled randomly to determine each of their character's starting class (A variety of classes taken from all FE games) and abilities (A mix of abilities from 4, 5, and 9).

My friend Jon rolled an Armor Knight (Spear), Mage Lord, and a Monk.


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I have one more set of those FE campaign miniatures I made on the way.. maybe. My fourth friend who played took his minis for safe keeping. They reside somewhere at his place. I'm waiting on him to find them and snap a picture.

Here's something else I found that was quite interesting. It's kinda of shallow for me to say, but I always found Roy's sprite to look, with a lack of better words, kinda derpy. Like, it slightly broke my immersion. I mean, I know it came before the sword of flames, but Eliwood's sexy sprite had spoiled me. So I made Roy look how I think he should've.


I just edited the head a tad. That's all. He truly looks like the son of Eliwood now! Well, his sprite anyways.

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