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ok I'm not really a person who uses forums so please tell me if this should go somewhere else or anything like that. I tried googling it and got basically nothing. (if i mess it up oh well live and learn)

if my Corrin is marrying Silas, what would be the best asset/flaw to choose? what about the best alternate class? I remember reading somewhere that you should base some of these choices on who you plan to marry but I don't remember particulars.

this is for a Revelation run!


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Well, a lot of that depends on how you're playing. Beyond the vague "what's your playstyle?" some questions that come to mind are: Do you want to optimize Sophie? Or do you want to make good pair ups? If pair ups, with Silas or the Avatar as the main unit?

Also, if you want to put skills in your logbook, you'd probably want to make the class Outlaw or Apothecary, as those are the only two Silas can't get by Friendship Seals or other marriages. If you're not concerned about getting skills in the logbook, it becomes more of a playstyle-based choice.

Edited by NoDoubtNoHarm
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oh oh!! I didn't know that about Silas' potential classes, that's Good information to have, thank you.

(sorry the reply took so long I'm actually cooking rn)

normally i play in attack stance, pair ups were so OP in awakening and these fates ones are just not the clear winner anymore. I'm not sure what I would call my playstyle, I usually focus on my avatar and my favorite units and keep them around, although I'm trying to improve my tactics and strategy.

I would like to use Sophie and Kana as part of my main team eventually. the thing I read before was talking about like picking your asset to coincide with Silas' weak spots and your flaw for where he was strongest. I suppose that's the approach for maximizing children's stats?

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oh oh!! I didn't know that about Silas' potential classes, that's Good information to have, thank you.

(sorry the reply took so long I'm actually cooking rn)

normally i play in attack stance, pair ups were so OP in awakening and these fates ones are just not the clear winner anymore. I'm not sure what I would call my playstyle, I usually focus on my avatar and my favorite units and keep them around, although I'm trying to improve my tactics and strategy.

I would like to use Sophie and Kana as part of my main team eventually. the thing I read before was talking about like picking your asset to coincide with Silas' weak spots and your flaw for where he was strongest. I suppose that's the approach for maximizing children's stats?

Kana is pretty trash maingame unless you grind to the moon, his growths are abyssmal. At least GK gives useable pairup bot adds.

Sophie likes +hp adds from a MU marriage and it lets silias abuse VoF more comfortably. for a flaw -luck is pretty safe for maingame play. She's a nice filler unit and is easy to procstack on as either a paladin or a bow knight. She can also bring emergency axebreaker to the table if you're randomly not using the lobster.

Silias generally prefers bow knight as his final class with a dip into GK for luna, he really has everything he needs by default or through his A+ support options, though his speed base in rev is pretty sub-par so giving sky knight tree for kinshi abuse in valla + darting blow would be useful. He'll want an arms scroll or 2 to hit A bows for endgame crescent bow use but that's w/e. If his res bothers you just dip warding blow I guess.

Edited by joshcja
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No problem with the reply time. I'm just reading and grinding.

Anyway, that strategy you read sounds like it's for either pair-ups or well-rounded kids. But you're mainly in Attack Stance, and well-roundedness isn't always the way to go. Taking a glance at the numbers, Silas' strong points are Str and Skl. Meanwhile, Mag, and probably more significantly, Res, are his weak points. I wouldn't worry too much about his Res, because if you're surrounded by mages you can put the Avatar on him, because the Avatar always gives at least one Res when supporting an S-Rank partner (and Sophie's Res growth before factoring in the mother is higher than his, although Kana's is the same; you may want to avoid making Res your Bane for that reason. Or if you do, make sure Def is your Boon.)

In terms of children's growths, if you want to increase Str and Skl while not decreasing Res, the best options are +Skl/-Lck or +Skl/-Spd closely followed by +Str/-Spd or +Str/-Lck or +Skl/-Str

However, if you wanted your Avatar to be able to pair to him at S-Rank and give him better Res and Def in a tight spot, you'd want to use +HP or +Def. If you wanted to be able to boost his offense when paired to him instead, +Skl would be best. If you wanted to make the best use of him being paired onto the Avatar, you'll want to either have a strategy where she has MASSIVE +Str or, what I personally would do, make sure she has strong Skl AND Spd, in which case I'd suggest +Spd/-Lck or +Skl/-Lck.

Also, in regards to the two classes I mentioned, I think choosing Apothecary as your Talent would be best now that I've reviewed the numbers. Merchant can help him grow in HP, Str, and Def while Mechanist can give him a little more Skl and Spd growth, and a lot more Res growth (even more than as a Paladin), as well as higher caps in those stats.

Sorry if it's a bit too in-depth, but I have so many spreadsheets from planning my current Revelation and I don't want to let them go unused.

Addendum: Thinking on what joshcja said, +HP/-Lck or +HP/-Mag or even +HP/-Def or +HP/-Res are also good choices holistically.

Edited by NoDoubtNoHarm
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oh oh!! I didn't know that about Silas' potential classes, that's Good information to have, thank you.

(sorry the reply took so long I'm actually cooking rn)

normally i play in attack stance, pair ups were so OP in awakening and these fates ones are just not the clear winner anymore. I'm not sure what I would call my playstyle, I usually focus on my avatar and my favorite units and keep them around, although I'm trying to improve my tactics and strategy.

I would like to use Sophie and Kana as part of my main team eventually. the thing I read before was talking about like picking your asset to coincide with Silas' weak spots and your flaw for where he was strongest. I suppose that's the approach for maximizing children's stats?

To add on to what everyone else has said, I'd generally recommend +HP or +Str for Corrin's Boon and -Lck for her Bane. Sophie's HP and Strength are a little mediocre, so boosting them up really helps.

Simply for ease of use, I recommend Corrin's Talent use at least one weapon Sophie is innately proficient in (Swords and Lances). Thankfully there are a bunch of great picks (Wyvern Rider, Samurai and Sky Knight just to name a few) and her innate Cavalier and Mercenary trees give her a lot of versatility. As for her eventual end class, I tend to have her play the opposite role to her dad, simply for variety. For example, if Silas is tanking as a Great Knight, I'll make Sophie a faster Bow Knight or a well rounded Paladin. Bow Knight in particular gives her strong, consistant 2 Range damage if her HP and Def are lacking for you.

Kana (unfortunately) is one of the weaker kids in the game, mainly due to low Personal Growths and no Yato access. This Pairing isn't exactly terrible for him (he's basically Silas with slightly different Growths in places), but he's likely to be the least stand out member of the family. As joshcja suggested, he'll probably be best off being a Pair Up unit for one of his family members or a 2nd Gen Female. I can see Great Knight Kana giving some great bonuses to Sophie if Corrin picked Str as her Boon.

Edited by Avalanche
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Great Knight Silas!Kana at A rank with Sophie would give her 3Str, 1Spd, 5Def, and 1 Mov.

Not counting Class pair up boosts, either of the kids would give 1Str, 1Def, and 1Spd at A rank, and will give an additional 1Res and 1[boon]. (In the event the Boon is HP, the contents of the bracket would be Def.)

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Kana is pretty trash maingame unless you grind to the moon, his growths are abyssmal. At least GK gives useable pairup bot adds.

Silias generally prefers bow knight as his final class with a dip into GK for luna, he really has everything he needs by default or through his A+ support options, though his speed base in rev is pretty sub-par so giving sky knight tree for kinshi abuse in valla + darting blow would be useful. He'll want an arms scroll or 2 to hit A bows for endgame crescent bow use but that's w/e. If his res bothers you just dip warding blow I guess.

ok haha well maybe I won't keep Kana around aaaaaall the time. I just like to have my family beat people up. it makes me so proud.

as for Silas, I'm a filthy casual so he will be ending up ultimately as my all time favorite class, a dark falcon. I know his magic is pretty much totally shit (or at least it is in my current Conquest game) but yknow. he can use lances. sometimes you have to make sacrifices.

Simply for ease of use, I recommend Corrin's Talent use at least one weapon Sophie is innately proficient in (Swords and Lances). .

Sophie won't get my talent class at all though, right? she just inherits dark princess. (also she might end up a dark flier too because I have no self control. variety?? what's that???)

((side note i honestly do plan on doing a rev. run where I make every single character a dark falcon. I'll call it the dark falconry. gonna be hilarious))

Sorry if it's a bit too in-depth, but I have so many spreadsheets from planning my current Revelation and I don't want to let them go unused.

Addendum: Thinking on what joshcja said, +HP/-Lck or +HP/-Mag or even +HP/-Def or +HP/-Res are also good choices holistically.

no haha this is perfect, thank you! I'm way out of my depth on a lot of it but this is totally what I was asking for, and I'm happy to give you the chance to use your spreadsheets, haha.

I'm still kind of a total casual BUT now I can make informed decisions on what I really want to care about and which parts I can fudge. I just really like to know where I stand, yknow? if I'm gonna be at a disadvantage at least I knew that beforehand and chose to do it anyway.

I think I will go with +HP/-Lck, with Apothecary as my talent, taking into account what everyone said. thank you guys!!

EDIT: hmmm does it change any minds now that I said I want him to end up a dark falcon? Silas is more important than the kids I think ultimately, but his stat growths don't change depending on mine so that's a non-issue I suppose.

Edited by Rhiminee
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with enough level grinding you can fix anything, right?

Sort of, but I'd rather just be a Cavalier as my asset (so I can have Cavalier before I get married to him) to give the dude access to Ninja to enable Silas on promotion to keep rocking swords and give him a 1-2 range that debuffs and doesn't have penalties.

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ok haha well maybe I won't keep Kana around aaaaaall the time. I just like to have my family beat people up. it makes me so proud.

as for Silas, I'm a filthy casual so he will be ending up ultimately as my all time favorite class, a dark falcon. I know his magic is pretty much totally shit (or at least it is in my current Conquest game) but yknow. he can use lances. sometimes you have to make sacrifices.

Sophie won't get my talent class at all though, right? she just inherits dark princess. (also she might end up a dark flier too because I have no self control. variety?? what's that???)

((side note i honestly do plan on doing a rev. run where I make every single character a dark falcon. I'll call it the dark falconry. gonna be hilarious))

no haha this is perfect, thank you! I'm way out of my depth on a lot of it but this is totally what I was asking for, and I'm happy to give you the chance to use your spreadsheets, haha.

I'm still kind of a total casual BUT now I can make informed decisions on what I really want to care about and which parts I can fudge. I just really like to know where I stand, yknow? if I'm gonna be at a disadvantage at least I knew that beforehand and chose to do it anyway.

I think I will go with +HP/-Lck, with Apothecary as my talent, taking into account what everyone said. thank you guys!!

EDIT: hmmm does it change any minds now that I said I want him to end up a dark falcon? Silas is more important than the kids I think ultimately, but his stat growths don't change depending on mine so that's a non-issue I suppose.

My screw up would be on account of me writing that at like 1:30 in the morning, apologies. I still think the point stands though, as Silas and Kana will get Corrin's secondary. Something that uses Swords is ideal for Kana, though Silas can work with a Lance or Sword using class well.

I'm going to echo the sentiments that Silas really doesn't do that well as a Dark Flyer. The mobility is great, but since he already has a mount, someone else can make better use of it (a foot unit with a Lance or Tome rank would probably be ideal). Though, if you want Silas to fly, I suggest you make Corrin's talent Sky Knight. Darting Blow will patch up his Speed on Player Phase and the Growths are identical (and in some cases better) than Dark Flyer for him.

Edited by Avalanche
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