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Is it worth getting all 3 paths?


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Simple title really.

Basically I bought Birthright (that's all GAME had in stock) and I've enjoyed what I've seen so far (on Mission 7). Story is meh not I adore the gameplay so far.

However is there any real point in me playing the two side paths? Or should I just get Revelation and go through that. It sounds like Revelation is the 'true' story and if that's the case then I'm not fucked with the other two, I just want a full story with a proper ending.

Basically, am I missing anything if I skip Birthright and Conquest?

Edited by Byron
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A great many topics have posed this question and the general consensus is that Conquest is the best Fates has to offer in gameplay. Even if you find the story eye-rollingly terrible (which many do), it will give you tons of replay value courtesy of its difficulty and the complexity of its mission design, allowing you to approach the game from several different angles.

I've played Conquest exclusively since its release and am not yet bored. It's worth the praise.

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I recommend getting Conquest and Birthright. If you have both, you'll be able to experience all the characters, use all the classes and all the items (although not all at once). Conquest has the best map design of the 3 routes but the most aggravating story. Birthright is Awakening 2.0 for map design but it's not too bad, and the story is tolerable.

You'll notice I left out Revelation. You can get most of the characters and all the items in one route, which may be worth your while if you want the most flexible team building/intend to do multiplayer. That said, the story is incredibly bare-bones and it would be hard getting invested, especially if you haven't played the other two routes. Even though the Revelation is supposed to be the definitive, golden path, the story is nothing to write home about (and it makes the other route stories even worse in hindsight). The map design is the worst of the three routes with many maps being too gimmicky and artificially long. It also has poor unit balance with many characters being nigh unusable because their stats don't match up with where they show up in game. Revelation is the only route I would discourage people from buying.

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Okay so I'll probably finish Birthright, get Conquest for the gameplay and then I'll wait to see if there is an Apotheosis to make the call on Revelation. Maybe a couple of paychecks down the line.

Thanks lads/ladies.

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I bought Revelations after beating Conquest for MP-optimizing purposes, but i couldn't endure it more than 18 chapters. I really regret spending my money on that.

The praise for Conquest's gameplay and map design is well-deserved. It's really superb, certainly one of the very best in the series. It's a shame that nothing of the kind can be said about its story...

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I bought Revelations after beating Conquest for MP-optimizing purposes, but i couldn't endure it more than 18 chapters. I really regret spending my money on that.

The praise for Conquest's gameplay and map design is well-deserved. It's really superb, certainly one of the very best in the series. It's a shame that nothing of the kind can be said about its story...

Seriously, I could never figure out why revelations becomes way harder to drag myself through after chapter 18.

For me, I guess I get burned out getting supports up, and trying to get all the kids before going back to valla.

Cast way too big for no reason.

Edited by maninbluejumpsuit
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Revelations isn't that bad, it's just really busy until Chapter 18 and then after that it slows to a crawl until endgame. They probably could have had you reach the final land 2-3 chapters later than you did.

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Birthright was ok I guess.

Conquest is much better in terms of gameplay. The music has a slight edge as well. Also, Conquest has the best story of the three paths, yet at the same time it has the dumbest characters of the three paths. I don't think it deserves the hate it gets because...

...Revelation has an even worse story. With Revelation, you WILL get the full story and something close to a golden ending, HOWEVER!!! The first 18 chapters are ridiculously watered down retellings of the other two paths and the rest of the chapters are filled with cliches and generally atrocious storytelling. And, despite being worse, it kind of invalidates the other two paths. Which really sucks when you want to figure out your headcanon.

In short, I'd say buy Conquest, and avoid Revelation like the plague.

I may be biased against Revelation.

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Revelation is my favorite one, not because of the story, but because it gives you more freedom after you finish it, more character, more classes and what not. I honestly tend to just rush Rev when I make a new file by recruiting a strong unit from another My Castle and then my actual game time starts when I get to post game. I don't even do wifi battles! I just like playing without those damn annoying map gimmicks.

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For me, playing both biased paths made revelation all the more satisfactory than playing it without the previous paths.

It's also generally the best choice for PVP / Online since you get access to everything except 3 side units (Can easily be replaced via avatar logbook.) AND the best form of the Yato.

But a few of the new maps are pretty slow, pitiful, boring and force you to wait for mobile platforms,a horizontal elevator, and etc.

On the topic of the other paths:

Conquest was a masterpiece with it's gameplay but it consistently punches you in the face for choosing Nohr over Hoshido.

Birthright's story was pretty entertaining, but for me it was shamelessly easy compared to the other two.(At least when I kept my team trained.) I still enjoyed anyway. Mostly for smacking Garon in the face with an umbrella after what he put you through in conquest.

Those were my opinions on all the paths.

The path is yours to climb in the end. Buy the campaign you wanna buy.

Edited by GeflGabe
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Just as an aside, since a lot of people keep mentioning: I don't think Conquest does a very good job of making you care about any the Hoshidan characters that you're apparently supposed to regret betraying. Unless you played Birthright first, they're a bunch of underdeveloped nobodies who don't express enough range of emotion or even get more than a few lines throughout the entire game. I mean, sure, we see plenty of Takumi, but you don't feel any guilt about betraying him of all people because he fucking hates you.

We learn absolutely nothing about Hoshido other than them 'loving peace' and being the 'innocent ones'. They're just a sideshow to contrast all of the Nohrian characters.

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Just as an aside, since a lot of people keep mentioning: I don't think Conquest does a very good job of making you care about any the Hoshidan characters that you're apparently supposed to regret betraying. Unless you played Birthright first, they're a bunch of underdeveloped nobodies who don't express enough range of emotion or even get more than a few lines throughout the entire game. I mean, sure, we see plenty of Takumi, but you don't feel any guilt about betraying him of all people because he fucking hates you.

We learn absolutely nothing about Hoshido other than them 'loving peace' and being the 'innocent ones'. They're just a sideshow to contrast all of the Nohrian characters.

We learn tons about Hoshido in Conquest! Such as Hoshido is full of...

Very Bland Royals

Takumi screaming, constantly.

A complete lack of leadership.

Assassins (In supports and in game I think random fucking ninja attempts on the CQ casts life hit double digits)

Borderline Jihadist Hate

Lynch mobs

Contracted assassins: Seriously why do you spare the royals in ch18 again?

Incompetent leaders.

Incompetent architects.

Incompetent strategists.

Really dumb assholes who yell at invading armies and die.

Assholes who shoot at red cross vans.

Assholes who throw rocks at you, and die. (that you inexplicably feel bad for?)

Assholes who incite a foreign rebellion and send exactly 6 people to help.

Assholes who invade neutral countries, all of them, all the time.

Alternately we learn that Nhor is populated by

Garon and his (count them) 2 evil servants.

Actual Superhero's.

Literal Inter dimensional Dragonslayers.

Pure Good Incarnated.

Solid Snake.

The Bear Whisperer.

Worlds sexiest man 2016.

A lot of cleavage.

A lot of people just trying to get by who just give you the shirt off their backs.

A solid... if Garonized central government.

Solid diplomatic relations with...every country except fucking Hoshido apparently.

If the game's didn't constant tell you that "Nhor is evil wow, Hoshido good wow" with random Hans moments and straight up 1950's mustache twirling I don't think anyone would actually believe Nhor was the "evil" path. Seriously Ch26 BR alone induces more real guilt than... all of CQ, and that's ignoring the part where BR Corin is just totally ok with mass murder because it's only inflicted upon... the country they were raised in??? (Also Ryoma sends a bowl of rice to the like, one surviving nhorian so it's ok)

(Inb4 glorious nippon post)

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Just as an aside, since a lot of people keep mentioning: I don't think Conquest does a very good job of making you care about any the Hoshidan characters that you're apparently supposed to regret betraying. Unless you played Birthright first, they're a bunch of underdeveloped nobodies who don't express enough range of emotion or even get more than a few lines throughout the entire game. I mean, sure, we see plenty of Takumi, but you don't feel any guilt about betraying him of all people because he fucking hates you.

We learn absolutely nothing about Hoshido other than them 'loving peace' and being the 'innocent ones'. They're just a sideshow to contrast all of the Nohrian characters.

I think the games are intended to be played with knowledge and experience of the whole trilogy. Or perhaps it may be inferred that they thought people would play the games in the order of Birthright > Conquest > Revelation, because Birthright is easier and Revelation was released after the first two games (for non special addition folks).

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A great many topics have posed this question and the general consensus is that Conquest is the best Fates has to offer in gameplay. Even if you find the story eye-rollingly terrible (which many do), it will give you tons of replay value courtesy of its difficulty and the complexity of its mission design, allowing you to approach the game from several different angles.

I've played Conquest exclusively since its release and am not yet bored. It's worth the praise.

This. I got my money's worth simply getting Conquest first. Lots of tactical variety, mission objectives are fun majority of the times and the maps are just so creative unlike Birthright and Revelations(for the most part)

The three games really depend on what sort of game you want Fire Emblem to be and honestly, none of the games have a story connection where you need this game to get an idea of this game and so on. Honestly, I don't understand why Revelations was marketed as a game that requires you to get both birthright and conquest when the game does nothing that sums up the entire story of fates. It explains the mysteries yes but it doesn't conclude the entire story.

If you ask me, you are just fine to get Conquest alone if you just want better gameplay with a deep challenge. Otherwise, just stick with Birthright.

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