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(Generic(ish) Introduction Thread Title)


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Hello everyone!

So um... yeah. I was playing Fire Emblem for several months now, and I am liking it quite a bit, so I decided to join the community. So here I am!

I probably first heard about Fire Emblem from people playing Awakening several years (...?) ago. Because I didn't own a 3DS at the time, I looked for an eventual previous entry that I could play (that is, totally not though emulation at all, of course) and so I started playing FE7. Then I finished it and started FE8. Then FE6. Then the Tellius games. Then the DS remakes. Then I bought a 3DS and Fates and played it too, and it was good. Then I played Awakening and was kind of disappointed but otherwise it was fine. And now I am preparing for a playthrough of TRS (thanks to the new translation patch). And I suppose I eventually will get into FE2, 4 and 5 too.

That said, I am called Stan (no way!), am 19 years old, and live in France (Brittany). This means (in my case) that English is not my first language, so even if I consider myself not bad at speaking it, my sentences and/or choices of word can sometimes be weird/incorrect (hopefully it won't happen that often).

I also have a hobby (for now) of programming computer stuff.

So yeah. That's it for my Generic(ish) Introduction Thread.

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Bienvenue dans la Forêt de Serenes, StanH_!

Je ne vois pas de problème avec ton Anglais.

Il est même très bon.

Bonne journée et profite de ton séjour ici!

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Merci Ycine! :)

Thanks Deviddo! :)

I do not know which one I enjoyed the most (yet?)... For now I'd say it's a tie between FE7, PoR and Fates:Conquest, but maybe my opinion will change once I play through them again (or maybe another one, who knows?).

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