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Vote on my new main!


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After playing Xenoblade Chronicles, I decided I would find the Monado's true power by maining Shulk. But that didn't work, because his frame data and mobility are as mediocre as Xenoblade Chronicles itself. My bro playing as Mario rekt me, even when I thought I had a decent grasp of the character. So I watched ZeRo play Shulk as a shortcut to victory, and noticed that about 80% of his playstyle was exclusively shorthop Bair and Nair. I don't like the idea of limiting myself to roughly two moves - at least with Dedede I could always pull out Jet Hammer for the lulz.

So please vote on a new main for me. I want someone who will give me wild and crazy experiences.

(Example of a wild and crazy experience - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1BfIUD7SB4g&feature=youtu.be&t=2h58m)

EDIT: No DLC characters. I'm not supporting that pay-to-win mentality. (Also, I spent my $15 DLC money on Sonic Lost World, which was more satisfying anyway.)

Edited by Zera
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I'm actually pretty good as Shulk, provided I can get to timing down (and the Monado to correctly activate the right boost).

Is this the first time you really tried to play as Shulk? If so, I recommend giving it more than one go. Takes a while in order for someone to truly know how characters work.

For that matter, I'm voting you give Shulk another go in a few rounds. If you really aren't feeling it, try Greninja or Captain Falcon.

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Be like me and convert to Roy.

Competitive Roy is underdeveloped and very unique. A large plethora of his moves can be used in a lot of situations, you just select which one you like more.

The things that separates Roy is that he has all the material, but no script to follow. It's unlike Sheik or Mario where if you get a grab you're probably going to win. A majority of there game extends from grab which determines their style. Roy on the other hand, you can explore different playstyles and make your own script. He's incredibly flexible, the only limitation of his script is you can't be too aggressive and mis-space aerials. Since that's how other characters get what they want to do to you going. This is honestly why he develops kind of slow, different people, different-styles that all work for some reason.

Roy will give you wild and crazy experiences because there will be times where you think "he absolutely sucks why do i main this character", then there will be times where you think "how is roy not top tier, i got a kill off of 3 reads and finished him off with a f-smash." You'll feel both the highs and lows of playing Smash. He's really fun to play, but his improvement curve is really high.

There will be times you think he's probably one of the best characters in the game, other times the worst. He is essentially the mid of mid-tiers. But he always has a chance in all MUs, which makes you feel like a god when you prevail.

or you could always just bask in the glory of winning all the time and convert to Cloud. Where your gameplan is keeping control of limit at all times then space them out with aerials. With the occasional hard read.

Edited by ~Summer~
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since I didn't really make a suggestion. I would say don't play olimar or duck hunt. I secondary both of them but they are very difficult characters to get used to playing as.

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EDIT: No DLC characters. I'm not supporting that pay-to-win mentality. (Also, I spent my $15 DLC money on Sonic Lost World, which was more satisfying anyway.)

What about Lucas or Roy?

I'd recommend you play as a character with a variety of options like Sheik. That way you'd be able to take advantage of a lot of your moveset and still be using a bunch of good moves.

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The best answer I could give you is a question:

Do you want to win, or do you want to play with your character?

You have to set this before anything else, because it's the most important aspect while playing Smash. Some people play because they want to win in whatever way it works. Others, take some priority off winning, and place it into the character they are using, and they're okay on losing as long as they can do it with the character they love.

If you want to win:

Go with some of the better characters. Diddy, Mario, Cloud, Sheik, Sonic. Whatever you prefer that suits your playstyle, but that you also know it works and it's efficient. The top tier cast in Smash 4 has plenty of variety so you can't really use that as an excuse.

At the same time, reading your post it seems like you don't like doing what works if you find it boring. But if you really want to win, you'll have to use it. There's no "honor" or that kind of concepts in Smash, it's the other person's fault if they don't know how to deal with the efficient way of playing a character.

If you want to play with your character:

This one is harder, since you have to decide a character that you love so much that you will not mind losing with. Remember, loses can get you a lot of experience if you start analyzing all the things you do wrong and right. Experience is one of the key elements while playing Smash so don't throw it away just because you lost.

After that, there's also some kind of motivation for you to keep playing with the character, and you can't complain about other characters being better, because it's you, and only you, the one that decided picking him up. Playing a low tier character can be something very frustrating to some people, since you will see a lot of times how big the disadvantage is between your character and the better part of the cast.

You are free to choose any of the two paths, but you have to be aware of the "disadvantages" of both, and even if you use a good characters, loses can happen.

This is from my experience. I main Mega Man since the release of Smash 4, but it was not something easy for me to do. In fact, I hated it because at first, everything was so hard. So many things to manage, to practice and to apply in all of my matches. Could I even reach a point where I could win against someone competent?

It's been almost two years since then, and I'm glad that I decided to keep it up, to follow my path. And watching players like ScAtt and Kamemushi reach high placements in big tournaments, just made me realize how worth it everything was. And this motivated to play a lot more characters.

I'm not a top national player here in my country, but my proggression is something that I can feel, and it has been very satisfying.

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