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~Mes hommages, damoiseaux et demoiselles~


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Online name: ElKa or ElKaizer
DoB: 1988
Favourite FE Game: Blazing Sword
Favourite Game (other than FE): Crusader Kings II, Baldur's gate 1&2, Pokemon, "how i fix this shit ?" aka Skyrim with 253K mod and maybe Setllaris in five years (and 17 DLC)
Favourite FE Character: Hector ! Priscilla and probably Elise (or juste her "freeze" staff, i have a boner when i use it) => troubadour/valkyrie complex ?
Least Favourite game: I dont remember 'cauz i dont play them... Fire Emblem Awakening ?
Country: France
Anything else ? : Otaku since 2008 (check Yuasa, Ikuhara, Anno, Dezaki and Satoshi Kon for the director i like)

Check this artist http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=310631 (many fire emblem and i love her art)

Nice to meet you, ladies and gentlemen.
Another french guy comes here and, as usual, forgive him for his terrible english (i will try to do my best, this community can be a good opportunity to improve my level)
Like many of us, i first discovered the fire emblem's franchise with Super Smash Bross Melee and Blazing Sword (still my favorite FE to this day). I have only played FE8 (not very fan but it seems it was "mkay" especially if you compare it to Awakening), some map of FE9 (sounds great, maybe my 2nd favorite... i will kick my ass to continue), half of Awekening (this game is soooo painful to play, nothing give me a interest, i m really afraid that this "game" can be the new standard for all futur fire emblem. Some people must take their retirement immediately) and i m currently at the 9th mission in Conquest, the story and the MC are absolute garbage but the maps seems nice... for the moment.
I finished FE7 and FE8 many times but i think i m always a casual player, i never try to finish this game as fast as possible and search for maximum efficiency, all i want to do is farm support (but i enjoy Hector Hard Mode). Perhaps i will try some run "serious business" someday.
That's all for the moment. Please be gentle~
Edited by ElKa
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Sweet another Crusader Kings fan. Will the glory of Eugenics be practiced in your FE?

Not in my first run but i can consider it for the next. I dont like this children's mechanic 'cauz it lead to awful support conversation for their parents, and transform the whole game into dating sim and pokemon in my opinion. Or maybe it's just the staff who didnt know how to make it good looking for me.

Thank for your welcome.

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Bienvenue dans la Forêt de Serenes, ElKa!

On recrute beaucoup de Français c'est temps ci.

Je te souhaite de passer une nonne journée et un agréable séjour ici!

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Hey there, ElKa.

Sorry to hear that the new FEs aren't giving you enjoyment, I completely understand though. They're pretty different from the old FE games.

Only Awakening. It's the plot and the character (mainly otaku tropes) that pissed me off. And the map design but apparently they fixed it in Conquest. Conquest too is not well written for what i see however he is enjoyable for the map. The major issue is the writing, it's easy to repair : got some people with talents :p

On recrute beaucoup de Français c'est temps ci.

Yeah... TIME FOR INVASION ! Now the world will learn that 1870 and 1940 were only the consequence of stupid politics !

Thx for the hospitality

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Welcome! I took a bit of French back in school and had the opportunity to travel there a couple times, but my French is so horrible, now, I won't try it here.

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