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Question about Class Hacking


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So, I got a Powersave yesterday to hack some classes for fun. But what would happen if I updated the castle data with the classes? Mainly if I just made Takumi an Adventurer or M!Corrin a Nohr Noble (in Birthright). Will I get shadowbanned or will nothing happen?

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Since every basic class is technically available through Corrin, Adventurer Takumi should be considered legal. I myself haven't used my Powersaves for classes yet, so I'm not sure about the Noble classes. I would guess, no, there shouldn't be a problem, but that's mainly because I haven't heard about route exclusive classes being cause for banning.

The general rule seems to be as long as you can obtain the class one way or another, regardless of routes and supports in the current playthrough, you shouldn't have any issues. Gender, however, might be iffy. I've seen multiple Witch!Forrest's, but I'm not sure if something like Priestess!Azama would pass. Usually character exclusives classes, like Songstress for Azura and Villager and the Fluffy Tail classes on most 1st gens, and enemy/plot induced classes, like Nohrian King and Feral Dragon, result in instant shadowbans and even then I've seen a few slip past the checker.

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