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walmart job vs mcdonalds job


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fucking turkey clubs

I agree they're awful

Although idk if this changed or varies based on restaurants, but here steam and dressing are the same position \o/ Just that there are two "dressers" and one primarily sticks on frying and the other primarily dresses. Just we could totally switch positions if we wanted. Though I think we've managed to be fairly successful having somebody come help out with dressing, we just have to know how to work around each other

But uh honestly I find that even more than turkey clubs, salads and pasta meals threw my groove off even more and sometimes people really love ordering those and it really makes me fall behind on orders

Thankfully I'm a quick learner and I've been getting a good hang of things. But man sometimes people EAT TOO MUCH (and then sometimes complain about what is a direct result of them EATING TOO MUCH)

The Steak 'n Shakes I worked at had Dress, which dressed the sandwiches and put the orders together to hand out to the servers, and Steam, which made salads, the pasta meals, and the fries and such. During slow hours, the two positions were commonly put together, but during peak hours, they were always separate positions, not to say we couldn't help each other when needed.

well, yeah~ It's a better walmart but only in the grocery section ^o^

And yeah I never considered it a bad thing, it's just that the kind of positions I'd aim for are not quite as lofty and high-paying as say what Integrity's going to get paid soon and it's only going to get higher

No worries, when I was at Steak 'n Shake, I was sort of promoted by default, since I was there so long and was competent. I sometimes miss those days, since the job was less stressful for the most part.

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As someone who never worked at fast food, there's something I'm curious.

Are the kitchens as dirty and disgusting as people say?

You know, are all those rumors about McDonald's true?

I can't speak for everywhere, but my Steak 'n Shake wasn't. Half the line is in view of the customers, too, so you can see everything from the front door. I didn't hesitate to eat there everyday, and still do occasionally.

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mcdonalds, the people at walmart are all literally aliens to me the only sane people in walmart are found in the vegetable aisles imo

at least mcdonalds has the occasional normal people just there for the fries

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Neither appeal on any level tbh. I would go for management and I dunno that I would like dealing with either company's BS.

If I really had to choose... I guess Walmart for the employee discount like Elie said... but Walmart tends to treat it's employees like crap, whereas McDs is at least a starter job?

...I guess I would go Walmart and be naive enough to believe I could make things better for people.

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