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Do you have friends who play SSB seriously?


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Sadly, I do not. Back when I was in high school my friend and I would play all the time. Now I only know one other person who plays (Melee, not Brawl) and my Roy beats his Marth 9/10 times. :/

I used to before my senior rival left last year. He was the only one in the school system that I didn't have an above .500 record

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Which characters did you two main?

Now I can only practice against bots, and that's no fun at alllllllll.

Congrats on 4K, btw

In Melee he main Bowser and Shiek, while I mained Zelda and Marth

In Brawl he mained Luigi, while I still mained Marth and Zelda

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I would attempt to play Brawl against members here if my internet connection wasn't garbage.


i'd liek to play mor Brawl with yu guys, but i don't have Brawl right now. I'll ask Pops if he can buy it next weekend

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The only guy I know who's what you might call good at Melee lives in Toronto. He beats me handy. I don't know anybody else personally who gets really really into the games or plays amazing or anything.

Sadly, I do not. Back when I was in high school my friend and I would play all the time. Now I only know one other person who plays (Melee, not Brawl) and my Roy beats his Marth 9/10 times. :/

Haw, does your friend hate Brawl or something like that, or does he just not have it?

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Well, there's two guys in my school that I can think of that try to play hard core. Unfortunately, neither of them are too swell, although one is surprisingly good with heavyweight characters in Melee. The other is trying to master Mewtwo.

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Haw, does your friend hate Brawl or something like that, or does he just not have it?

We both like Melee better, and he doesn't even have a Wii because he's kind of poor.

The other is trying to master Mewtwo.

That's like training for the special olympics.

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I know two who were really into Melee. They're still pretty good in Brawl, except one of them is still too Melee oriented. The other one just ended up playing around until I started to get into the competitive scene, where it's about even between us, somewhat.. I still have a lot of techs to practice, so eh.

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We are all respected Florida pros, I'm considered the first or second Ike and my friends are the best Gannon and Link of Fl, the the Gannon player being best Gannon player on the east coast, so yea we do take it seriously and soon were talking a road trip to nationals WAHOO

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I'm a competitive smash player in the MD/VA area. I play with H2YL (Chu Dat, Azen, Chillindude, Travis) a lot and several others. M2K comes down here quite often.

I play melee and brawl competitively.

Here's a melee match of me

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