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Some Pairing Help?

Taguel Inigo

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For my upcoming Revelations run, I could use some advice. I mostly need pairing advice--as anyone can probably tell. If anyone could answer any of these questions, that'd be really helpful!

I really want to have a Maid!Midori! I was figuring on having her mother be either Felicia or Setsuna. If Setsuna is a better mother, than I can marry her to Dwyer and use a Partner Seal. I might need some help for a skillset, too. I had Kunaifaire, Live to Serve, and maybe Poison Strike in mind for her.

Next, I'm going to have my MU marry Shiro. I was thinking about having Shiro's mother be Camilla, and changing him to a Wyvern Lord. My MU's boon will be Str. Is changing him to Wyvern Lord a good idea?

If I have Camilla!Shiro be Kana's dad, is Nohr Noble a good choice for Kana's class?

Who's the best mother for Strategist!Dwyer?

And can I have some skills for Wolfssenger Shigure?

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For my upcoming Revelations run, I could use some advice. I mostly need pairing advice--as anyone can probably tell. If anyone could answer any of these questions, that'd be really helpful!

I really want to have a Maid!Midori! I was figuring on having her mother be either Felicia or Setsuna. If Setsuna is a better mother, than I can marry her to Dwyer and use a Partner Seal. I might need some help for a skillset, too. I had Kunaifaire, Live to Serve, and maybe Poison Strike in mind for her.

Next, I'm going to have my MU marry Shiro. I was thinking about having Shiro's mother be Camilla, and changing him to a Wyvern Lord. My MU's boon will be Str. Is changing him to Wyvern Lord a good idea?

If I have Camilla!Shiro be Kana's dad, is Nohr Noble a good choice for Kana's class?

Who's the best mother for Strategist!Dwyer?

And can I have some skills for Wolfssenger Shigure?

Magic Dwyer huh?

Jakob's mods lean more for a physical based one. But if you want magic...

The magic moms are Nyx, Elise, Sakura (more mixed I guess), Orochi, and Felicia. With those two opened and you debating about it, I guess Maid!Midori with Setsuna as a mom and Felicia!Dwyer.

I can't comment on Camilla!Shiro. I always go Elise!Shiro because muh otps.

I used Wolfssegner!Shigure before. I mostly had him have the same skills as his sister. I believe I gave him the healing skill (even whatever), Renewal, Grisly Wounds... and I think some other HP-eating skills. That didn't last long until I changed him back to a Falcon Knight. I guess you could do that?

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Jakob X Felicia isn't that good for Dwyer as Felicia has low growths mostly all around and generally hurts him more than helps. I'd recommend Nyx (For a Speedy L magic Nuke) or Orochi (More nuking capacity but a more balanced stat spread with low strength)

Camilla being the best overall mom means Shiro is pretty op and he'll pass down good growths to Kana. Nohr Noble being more mag focus is where things get slightly more complicated. Shiro has 12% base mag growth only due to Camila as he suffers from the stupid 0 mag growths of certain characters. A Kana fathered By Camila!Shiro will have around 40% mag growth in Nohr Noble which while average won't really what you want. He makes an excellent Hoshido Noble though

I will second Setsuna being Midoris mom because the speediest ninja's daughter has issues in speed due to being bulkier.

Edited by Raguna
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Swordfaire, Dragon Fang... and I usually give him Renewal for healing. You could do that or Lifetaker I guess. I think I put Hoshidan Unity on him too to help him proc Dragon Fang more consistently.

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I can get you some skills for Shigure. They aren't the best though. He is up in my castle right now if you want to get his skills.

Poison strike



Darting blow


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First off, this site is your very most BFF for all your planning needs; http://inheritance-planner.herokuapp.com

As for some additional ideas;

- Kana's personal skill revolves around keeping the Dragonstone equipped, meaning that if you plan on making use of it, you should make Kana a magical kid since Dragonstones work off your magic stat.

The problem with Shiro!Kana is that Shiro probably will never pass on any magical bonus... One the other hand, a father such as Nyx!Dwyer or Sakura!Forrest will pass on a metric gak tonne of magic! (and Dragonstones can cover the slight knock to Kana's defense)

With a +Str (and assuming -Luk) MU, a Sakura!Forrest will pass on +2 Str/+4 Mag/+2 Skl/1+ Spd/- 3 Luk/+4 Res to Kana. That's pretty damn sweet!

- For a magical Dwyer, Nyx is probably the best option. A Nyx!Dwyer who buddies Percy makes for a ridiculously effective Malig Knight, especially since he'll have innate access to Bowbreaker.

However, Nyx is also a popular choice for Hayato, as he really likes ending up as a Sorc or Dark Knight. (similar to Ricken from Awakening)

Still, Nyx!Dwyer is the 'better' option, since Hayato can 'make do' with Oni Chieftain for a magical/physical tanky hybrid, and Rhajat can naturally gain the Dark Mage class tree via buddying Ophelia. (give her a mother who can fix up her skill, and she makes for a pretty decent Dark Knight)

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