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Need some skills?


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Hello! I am Hithere. (yep) I am new to this forum and I wanted to help out the community. If you would like a certain skill(s) I can get try it for you. I'd be happy to help.

Rules if you want to help:

1. Have your castle address in your reply

2. State if your castle is of Hoshido,Nohr,or Valla.

3. Have your avatar and castle names

4. Please no DLC or hacked skills (ex: Aether, Beast shield, etc...) (aptitude is fine)

5. Make sure you tell us what units you do and don't have.

Address: 11271-01948-38629-59485


Avatar name: Kamui (Default avatar)

Castle name: Skill Rotation

Units I don't have:








Let's begin!

Edit: I am in the NA Region. Also if you are from the castle code thread, welcome.

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Castle Address: 10936-66325-21911-61634

Affiliation: Valla

Avatar: Iola

Castle Name: Rosewalt


  • Iola | Wyvern Lord | Axefaire, Dragon Fang, Bowbreaker, Savage Blow, Swordbreaker
  • Azura | Falcon Knight | Bowbreaker, Lancefaire, Voice of Peace, Foreign Princess, Camaraderie
  • Jakob | Great Knight | Lifetaker, Inspiration, Tomebreaker, Luna, Armored Blow
  • Mozu | Dread Fighter | Aptitude, Swordfaire, Lifetaker, Savage Blow, Death Blow
  • Sakura | Shrine Maiden | Inspiration, Amaterasu, Demoiselle, Live to Serve, Miracle

I'm looking for:

  • Hayato | Heartseeker, Malefic Aura
  • Takumi | Camaraderie
  • Rinkah | Seal Defense, Counter, Counterfaire
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Castle Code:



Chosen affinity: Revelations/Hoshido

Avatar Name: Prince

Gender: Female

Food Resource: Meat/Fish

Mineral Resource: Onyx/Coral

Mostly a skill castle. You can choose to fight, but units mainly there just for easy take and skills.

I've got:

Charlotte (lethality,lifetaker,astra,death blow,rend heaven)

Kana (lethality,astra,rend heaven)

Ophelia (pass,lifetaker,astra,rend heaven,death blow)

Kiragi (pass,lifetaker,lethality,astra,death blow)

Takumi (lifetaker,pass,rend heaven,death blow,certain blow)

Mitama (pass,lethality,rend heaven,renewal,sol)

Leo (pass,lifetaker,astra,rend heaven,counter)

Avatar/Prince (lethality,astra,lifetaker,death blow)

Im looking for Mitama skills (lifetaker, astra, death blow) Sakura skills (lethality, lifetaker, death blow, pass) Rhajat skills (Astra, pass, death blow, certain blow) Ophelia skills (lethality) and Nina skills (astra, death blow, lethality)

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