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Branch of Fate?


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So originally I had downloaded Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright Later I bought conquest and revelations, My friend said he'd give me his physical copy of Conquest (Yes, I know it's stupid now but I really want a physical copy.) I had paid the $40 for birthright digitally would I be able to download Birthright on the conquest copy still?

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I'm pretty sure you'd have to pay again if you wanted Birthright connected to Conquest. the first Birthright was a full game. the Birthright you want connected is a DLC, technically, and thus the contents are slightly different and/or it's stored in memory differently and/or physical wouldn't know to look for it. maaaaaybe the system's some cleverly enough that it would work but I highly doubt it could always ask to test it first

Edited by GoXDS
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Since you already have downloaded Birthright already you should be able to play it normally without paying anything extra with your new Conquest physical copy. Would be a different story I think if your Birthright copy was physical.

And holy sweet I just got Ninja'd

Edited by FoliFF
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