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Hello everyone! My name is MasashiH. I come from Argentina and decided to join Serenes Forest because of the (quite obvious) Fire Emblem community here.

My first Fire Emblem was Blazing Sword through an emulator, played Sacred Stones, Sword of Seals, Shadow Dragon and New Mystery of the Emblem.

I want to get the latest Fire Emblem titles, but money isn't allowing that (not being even able to afford a 3DS)

If I can tell you about it, I got an extremely ambitious dream on creating a remake of both Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals (through the parent-child system) as a two-in-one game from scratch (from art concept to game engine selection preferring 3D like Unity or UE4) but I still have a long way to go (probably shouldn't think about this so far, with studying engineering informatics as an excuse)

Thought the name of the remake as re: Fire Emblem

Since a game contest is coming up on the university I'm attending to I decided to go for a short, multiplayer version of Fire Emblem (I hope to do it perfectly on time)

Well, apart of games and such I enjoy anime and electro music, livetune (J-EDM) as a major example.

I'm not quite sure what to write, but I think this might be enough.

Thanks for your time and let's get along with each other :D

EDIT: Found out about the pinned post, so I'll just leave this with filled information:

Online name: MasashiH
Real name: -Private-
DoB: -No idea what this is-
Favourite FE Game: The Blazing Sword
Favourite Game (other than FE): Counter-Strike Global Offensive
Favourite FE Character: Felicia (Midoriko and Mamori if you can add more than one)
Least Favourite game: League of Legends (quite on tilt recently, and did not even play ranked yet)
Sports: - None as of right now -
Online friends: - None in this forum at least -
Favourite music: Electro music, J-EDM to be specific
Favourite artist/band: livetune
Favourite song: - Don't have one, especially if it's livetune -
Country: Argentina
MSN/Yahoo/AIM: - Don't have any of these, sorry -
Hobbies: Drawing, listening to music for imagination purposes, watching anime
Good Point: - Can't think of any, not because of pride -
Bad Point: -Disorganized and sometimes lazy AF

(When it comes to concept questions, if I can't provide actual evidence of me working on the project I cannot ask questions?)

Edited by MasashiH
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My good comrade, I welcome you to this lush Forest! I am known to most as Seth, and to some as Yed. Choose your preference, and choose it wisely.

I want to get the latest Fire Emblem titles, but money isn't allowing that (not being even able to afford a 3DS)

That's a shame. There's still hope though! It is possible to play many of the Japanese games through emulators. You could play those to quench your "Fire Emblem thirst" until you get a 3DS. Translations are somewhere on this site, they shouldn't be too hard to find.

If I can tell you about it, I got an extremely ambitious dream on creating a remake of both Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals (through the parent-child system) as a two-in-one game from scratch (from art concept to game engine selection preferring 3D like Unity or UE4) but I still have a long way to go (probably shouldn't think about this so far, with studying engineering informatics as an excuse)

This is a really good idea! If it were an actual game, it would be a great opportunity to introduce newer fans to the older Fire Emblem games! Do you know anything about coding and such? I'd support this being a fan-project. But it might be a better idea to stick with GBA graphics, for the time being. Oh, and if you like that concept, you should also try FE4 for the Super Famicom (as stated before, translations are somewhere on this site). It does something similar.

Well, apart of games and such I enjoy anime

Got a favorite?

DoB: -No idea what this is-

Date of Birth, as in your birthday.

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If I can tell you about it, I got an extremely ambitious dream on creating a remake of both Blazing Sword and Sword of Seals (through the parent-child system) as a two-in-one game from scratch (from art concept to game engine selection preferring 3D like Unity or UE4) but I still have a long way to go (probably shouldn't think about this so far, with studying engineering informatics as an excuse)

Whoa, way to tease me. That sounds awesome. I'd totally play that! Especially with all the cool looking fan games there are now a days. I just saw AM2R recently and it made me want to be a Metroid fan!

Since you said this, I am going to assume that you want to get into game design though. Have you done anything in particular yet

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Thanks for the replies! Since midterm exams are coming up next month, everything is getting busy on my side but I can still manage to login here for a while.

So to answer a few questions:

1. I might actually try the other Fire Emblem titles in my spare times.

2. My favourite anime is Cory in the House (kappa)

a. Seriously speaking, my favourite anime are Nodame Cantaible and Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. Plastic Memories is a runner-up as it made me shed a tear (LOL)

3. I'm studying Engineering Informatics as core knowledge in order to expand to other related regions. Game Design is actually one of my primary goals, with practicing Manga drawing and music as secondary objectives. If for any reason I cannot get into the game industry, I will still have basic skills for other types of jobs.

4. As of right now I am testing algorithms and interactions in Python so as to later transfer the code to a specified language (not copy pasting the code, but writing the equivalent of it, is it wrong to be told that Python is a pseudo-code language?)

Feel free to reply!

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